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Talking the Future of FAST at NAB 2023


关于 FAST业务:盈利、市场饱和和用户粘性方面的挑战 in the Streaming Summit at NAB 2023 brought together panelists from Brightcove, 爱好电视, , 三星电视Plus, SlingTV,Vevo 讨论 涌动FAST段 随着越来越多的观众收看,新频道越来越多地充斥市场,流媒体市场以及实现收入最大化、提高可发现性和个性化的战略方法.

Addressing the problem of saturation of content as channels proliferate, 克里斯·奈特, President 和 CEO of linear food channel 爱好电视, 预测, “在接下来的两年里, 我们将看到一场屠杀.他说,生存的关键将是“改善运营商和供应商之间的合作”.” The question now, 他说, is “Where is it working well?”


Another challenge the FAST market faces on a global level, according to the panel’s moderator, Brightcove Chief 策略 和 Corporate Development Officer David Beck, is the relative maturity of FAST in different countries 和 regions; some simply haven’t moved as fast as others in adopting free ad-supported TV. 

According to Samsung TV Head of Marketing Aileen del Cid, 三星电视目前在全球24个国家提供FAST频道, 在北美有业务, 拉丁美洲, 欧洲, 和亚太地区. “There’s so much dem和 in Brazil 和 Mexico,她说。, “but the market is not as mature as in North America or 欧洲.” Those markets, she explains, are much “farther along.”

“Vevo在11个国家上线,Vevo高级总监说, Distribution Partner Management Bethany Atchison. “我们在YouTube上的节目和我们在FAST频道上的节目不一样, 但我们使用YouTube的数据来确定我们在每个市场使用的内容.”

“你必须将内容映射到受众,将受众映射到设备”,在全球每个地区, according to 丛 co-founder 和 CPO Scott Olechowski. FAST的主要好处之一, 即使是在新兴市场, 他说, is that “the quality 和 technology are improving, 而且进入成本更低.”

全球其他地区的FAST市场增长放缓并不是因为缺乏内容, Sling TV副总裁说, 策略, 业务发展 & 国际利兹·里默斯玛. “We’ve seen a huge uptick in FAST content from other countries,她说。. “Sling will have 200 channels from outside the US whose model is FAST. 他们可能没有能力在美国建造潜艇,但我们为他们服务是有意义的.”

From the content provider’s perspective, 骑士补充道, 爱好电视 is operating in 160 countries 和 “We’re killing it in Italy. We don’t care where you are,” he quipped. “我们只是想让你看.”

As for the impediments to distributing FAST content internationally, 骑士补充道, “本地化成本仍然很高. 我们将整个产品目录本地化. We do well in English in some other markets, but we want to localize.” AI will be key for language localization–和 even hyper-localization, with regional dialects 和 so forth–他说, but the stars haven’t fully aligned for implementation yet. “It’s getting there, but it’s expensive.”


One of the critical elements of succeeding with FAST, as with any type of streaming genre or monetization initiative, 就是收集观众数据, 特别是提供有针对性的广告,以弥补与传统线性电视相比覆盖面的不足, 和 also personalizing the content that’s foregrounded for individual users. 但在许多情况下,可用的指标并不是FAST世界当前状态下应该有的. 

奈特说:“在过去,我们都订阅了同样蹩脚的数据服务. We all took what little we had 和 we lied about it.”

“我们希望确保每个平台上的每个渠道都能获得成功,三星电视的Del Cid说. “We want to target users with the right content at the right time. 我们能够对我们拥有的数据和我们从渠道合作伙伴那里获得的数据进行相当复杂的处理.”

标准化也是关键. Vevo的Achison表示:“我们这边需要做很多工作来找出标准指标. “这是一个全行业的问题. I think we’ve made a lot of progress,她继续说道。, “but expectations are too high for every ad buy satisfying every KPI. The targeting is there, but we need to level-set.”


在FAST世界中,将线性电视和流媒体融合在一起的一个难题是,如何将FAST更传统的线性电视范式融入流媒体和OTT的互动潜力, lean-forward experiences where viewers may desire it, or where it might enhance the experience or its monetization potential. “我们如何让传统的斜靠式体验更具互动性?Brightcove的贝克问道. “这发生在哪里?”

At 爱好电视, Knight says, “We have QR codes in every space. 我们会实时发送菜谱给你, 然后请你把照片发回来, 和 we plan to start ecommerce later this year. We see spikes when our shows are on,他补充道, 我们拥有的最一致的指标之一便是美国游戏的下载量.S. 州. 但除此之外,我们没有太多.”

里默斯玛说,Sling TV的策略是“投资于更多有回报的行为”. How do we extend viewing sessions to go beyond the living room?她说,Sling正在尝试不同类型的音频和短格式内容,“引导人们做出他们感兴趣的行为,并为此给予奖励。.”

At 丛, Olechowski says, “We’re experimenting with interactive ads.他说丛为索尼的一部电影做了一个广告,观众可以点击并将该电影添加到他们的播放列表中,“点击率令人难以置信”. 人们在看电视时手里拿着第二屏设备是很正常的, 他说, so “we’re investing more in extending through mobile devices.”

Vevo is also doing interactive ads, 据阿奇逊说, as well as trivia 和 “making of” content, 但她说,他们也在小心地平衡增加的参与度和“不会分散注意力的事情”.”


与大多数流媒体货币化一样,快速货币化的关键是个性化, playing to streaming technology’s strengths. But often it’s easier said than done. “How do we get the specific content to the right person at the right time?三星的Del Cid问道. “How do we personalize every aspect of the CTV experience, 和 get the right content to the user faster? 你从一个用户那里获得的粘性对整个平台来说都是有益的.”

爱好电视的奈特说:“20年来,问题一直是我们如何让人们回来。. “Our competitors are multibillion-dollar companies,他补充道. So it’s all about visibility 和 discoverability.

里默玛说,对斯林来说,关键的挑战是“能够在进入的过程中识别客户.” 和 when it comes to upselling users, “we want to make sure people are ready to pay, 和 make it easier for them to do so.”

最终, 当然, it’s advertisers who will keep FAST flourishing, even as personalizing the user experience facilitates sales growth. Beck补充道:“广告商的反馈循环是这个生态系统如何发展的关键.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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