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Sisvel International宣布扩大其成员 视频编码授权平台, which offers licensing programs for intellectual property related to the OTT video formats VP9 and AV1.

该平台于一年前推出,无视法律 开放媒体联盟, 包括谷歌在内的顶级科技领袖联盟, 微软, 和Netflix, 哪家公司承诺提供免版税的编解码器.

与JVC Kenwood建立了原始池, 日本电报电话公司, 橙色, 飞利浦, 和东芝, 所有这些都是为AVC的MPEG-LA授权专利, 破折号, 或者HEVC专利池, Sisvel was approached by other companies and set about investigating their related IP claims.

结果是九个新成员的加入:杜比, 爱立信, GE, SK电讯, 韩国政府资助的研究机构ETRI, InterDigital(从Technicolor收购了传统专利), IP Bridge (Japanese patent administrator which claims to be the largest licensor to the MPEG-LA AVC/H.264专利池), 日本电报电话公司 Docomo(日本电信日本电报电话公司的移动部门), 和二甲苯(以前由三菱电机持有的专利的持有者).

总部位于卢森堡的Sisvel表示, 另有数百项专利正在评估中. 该集团预计将提供约1个许可证的总投资组合,VP9获得了近2000项专利,AV1为000. Details of some of these are now published on Sisvel's, website with more updated regularly.

"The AOMedia has been pursuing something that is quite honestly difficult to achieve," Sisvel CEO Mattia Fogliacco 与amedia的免版税目标有关. "Every 视频编码 technology of note in the last 30 years has been the result of collaboration between companies and investment by those companies.

“很难相信一个群体, 甚至是amedia的规模, 能开发视频编解码器所需的所有技术吗."

AOMedia is supported by companies either controlling huge ecosystems or developing chips that are used by hundreds of millions of customers worldwide. 包括亚马逊, 思科, 英特尔, Mozilla, 三星, 苹果, 脸谱网, IBM, 手臂, 英伟达, 腾讯, Bitmovin, ATEME, 博通公司, 阿里巴巴, Vimeo, Adobe, CableLabs, 和Hulu.

"AOMedia member companies have a good reason to offer their technology in AV1 for free,Fogliacco说. "They sell chips, video cards, or devices so they make money to finance their R&D技术在其他方面. 

"The people we represent don't have that outlet for their contribution to 视频编码 technology and are seeking to obtain [recompense] in the form of a licence and royalty.

"It boils down to the fact that many patent holders for VP9 and AV1 are not members of AOMedia and so did not make any pledge to make this technology royalty free."

He believes the Alliance's members will no longer dismiss Sisvel's claims out of hand.

“当AOMedia看到我们所代表的成员名单时, they will realise that the reality is quite a bit different compared to what they imagine it to be. They will realize that the pricing is fair and that we did a thorough job of internal screening with accredited third parties and by our own technical domain experts in establishing a technical foothold for the patents."

去年制定的版税费率至今没有改变. 他们要求实施者支付0欧元.32用于消费显示设备(包括智能手机), 电视, 虚拟现实设备, 摄像机, 还有电脑)和0欧元.11用于非显示设备(包括机顶盒), 游戏机, 流媒体播放器和显卡)使用AV1. 

对于完全遵守其义务的持牌人, 0欧元的低利率是有激励的.24欧元和0欧元.08用于显示和非显示AV1设备. "The pool is the least expensive and most efficient option to clear" the licensing option, Sisvel州.

Companies already implementing the VP9 technology have been informed of the technology's cost, Sisvel说, 而那些考虑采用AV1的人会知道要支付版税. 

Fogliacco explains that Sisvel has deliberately taken the year since announcing the founding of the patent pool to investigate other patent claims for AV1 and VP9.

“我们没有立即启动任何许可活动. 我们知道创建一个一站式的审核和验证服务是至关重要的, 或解散, 所有联系我们的公司的专利. We are now able to ensure that the patent pool is as inclusive as possible for licensable IP."

Sisvel will not seek royalties for encoded content and currently only hardware implementations are being licenced - but this could change.

福格里亚科表示:“我们将敞开大门,看看市场如何发展。.  "It could be that devices are sold with AV1 decoding capability which only have that capability because of firmware downloads or software updates down the line so we're keeping our options open."

在amedia计划下, patent-holding companies that implement AV1 rescind their right to licensable (fee-charging) IP. Sony, maker of smartphones running Android 10, is cited by Sisvel as an example. 

不包括这些公司, Sisvel说 it has aggregated the vast majority of other companies with licensable AV1 and VP9 IP.

"We believe pools create efficiency by enabling potential implementors to sign one agreement licensing multiple patent portfolios in one transaction at a reasonable and transparent cost,他说.

AOMedia criticised the launch of the AV1 patent pool as contrary to its objectives. 没有明确命名Sisvel, it said the announcement last March "endorses an environment of high patent royalty requirements and licensing uncertainty" which like the MPEG LA-administered MPEG-2 and H.“264池”将限制免费和开放的在线视频技术的潜力."

By contrast AOMedia intends to settle patent licensing terms with the royalty-free AOMedia Patent License 1.0.

AOMedia must own the IP rights for all foundational techniques in AV1/VP9 "to avoid infringing upon third-party IP,Sisvel说。.

AV1与H共享相同的混合编解码器架构.264和HEVC. 这些构建模块包括转换/缩放/量化, 内部和内部预测, 循环过滤, 环内解码器(含逆量化和变换), 熵编码. 

In 2018, Netflix and 英特尔 set out to develop a production-grade AV1 encoder that offers performance and scalability.

Netflix认为SVT-AV1可以作为R的平台&未来AV2编解码器的D. Sisvel declined to comment whether members of its patent pool would claim IP on this development.

Sisvel将自己的角色描述为“市场交易促进者” 纳入 1982 as a joint venture among the principal Italian manufacturers of television sets. Sisvel was the administrator of Digital Terrestrial TV (DVB-T) and its evolutions (DVB-T2 and DVB-S2X). It currently operates patent pools and joint licensing programs in the fields of mobile communication, 无线局域网802.11, 视频编码, 数字视频和显示技术, 推荐引擎和宽带数据网络接入.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

AV1 Has Arrived: Comparing Codecs from AOMedia, Visionular, and 英特尔/Netflix

24个月内, 硬件支持出现, 编码变得负担得起, AV1成为了HEVC更现实的竞争对手. 以下是目前可用的AV1编解码器的标准.

IBC '19: 脸谱网, Netflix, Google Talk AV1, HEVC和支持

The world's biggest video streamers have been slow to adopt next-generation codecs like AV1. 在IBC的一个小组会议上,他们解释了为什么HEVC仍然得到最广泛的支持.


Bitmovin Codec Engineer Christian Feldman unravels the relevant licensing issues surrounding the emerging codecs AV1 and VVC in this clip from his Video Engineering Summit presentation at 流媒体 East 2019.


Bitmovin Codec Engineer Christian Feldman provides a snapshot of the current state of the AV1 and VVC codecs in this clip from his Video Engineering Summit presentation at 流媒体 East 2019.
