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Limelight Will Acquire Edgecast; New Company To Be Called Edgio


Limelight Networks公司., a leading provider of edge enabled web应用程序 和 content delivery 解决方案, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire 雅虎’s Edgecast, 公司., 领先的边缘安全提供商, 内容交付和视频服务, 在全股票交易中. The transaction values Edgecast at approximately $300 几百万, or about 1x 2021 revenue. edgcast是雅虎的一个业务部门, which is owned by funds managed by affiliates of Apollo 和 威瑞森 Communications. 雅虎将获得约72个席位.200万股Limelight公司普通股, 根据惯例收盘调整, 并将拥有大约31家公司.合并后公司9%的股份.

这一组合将创造一个全球规模的, edge enabled software 解决方案 provider 与 pro forma 2021 revenue of more than $500 几百万 across cloud security 和 web应用程序, 内容分发和边缘视频平台. 在交易的预期中, Limelight将更名为Edgio, 合并后的公司继续运营,Edgio紧随其后. 具有全球规模, a leading distributed edge platform 和 increased focus on security 和 connectivity, Edgio 将 a leading 解决方案 provider of choice for outcome-oriented businesses 和 clients looking to deliver a fast, 为最终用户提供安全无摩擦的数字体验. 


  • 扩大规模和 加强平台 更好的 交付 Blue-Chip Customer Performance, Productivity 和 Protection Through Edge Computing Solutions: 合并后的公司  a leading global, edge enabled 解决方案 provider 与 a global network capacity of 超过200人 真沸点  超过300个持久性污染物 再加上本地集成的云安全、边缘视频平台和 web应用程序 以满足下一代客户的需求. Limelight和edgcast目前的合并, 多元化的客户群包括财富100强客户, 以及一些世界领先的科技公司, 流媒体服务和访问量最大的网站, 包括亚马逊, 教练, 迪斯尼, 第一共和国银行, HBO马克斯, Hulu, 雅虎, 英国电信公司, 威瑞森, 微软, 孔雀, 索尼, 抖音和推特. 
  • Accelerates Penetration of High Growth $40 Billion Total Addressable Market (TAM): 这笔交易预计将 加速 Limelight服务于整个目标市场的能力 大约40美元 billion, through exp和ed capabilities, portfolio targets 和 new opportunities across OTT video, cloud security 和 enterprise secure access, in addition to existing content delivery 和 web应用程序 解决方案.
  • 使收入组合多样化并加强财务状况: On a combined basis, the two companies generated $502 几百万 in revenue in 2021. Edgecast在2021年创造了2.85亿美元的收入, of which approximately 97% was recurring revenue from a highly complementary customer base 与 little Limelight overlap 和 nearly half coming from high-growth, 高利润的产品. 合并后,Limelight的年收入有望增加一倍以上, 扩大毛利率, increase recurring revenue growth 和 further diversify revenue among key clients.
  • 创造稳健的1亿美元 Web应用程序 具有扩展安全功能的解决方案: Edgecast’s multi-layered cloud security platform will significantly enhance the scale of Limelight’s Web应用部门  预计 收入超过100美元 几百万. These 解决方案 will provide a holistic cloud platform for web apps 和 APIs that increase performance of digital assets, 加速应用程序的使用, 提供健壮的保护,提高开发人员的生产力和能力.
  • 大量和立即增加的成本协同机会: The transaction price of $300 几百万 implies an acquisition multiple of approximately 1x Edgecast’s 2021 revenue. 合并后的公司 expects annual run-rate cost synergies of $50 几百万 including approximately $30-35 几百万 from reduced colocation 和 internet peering expense, 节省大约1500万到2000万美元的运营费用. 基于预期的收入和费用协同效应, Limelight has established a long-term strategic target 与 revenue growth rate of 20-25%, 毛利率60%以上,调整后EBITDA利润率15-20%.
  • 增加从阿波罗到成长位置的支持在阿波罗基金的支持下, 与所有股东保持一致, the combined company 将 positioned to unlock significant growth opportunities in an attractive sector 和 capitalize on market trends. The all-stock nature of the deal represents a strong belief by Apollo in the combined company’s go-forward strategy 和 future as a global leader in edge enabled software 解决方案.

“通过联合Limelight和edgcast, 我们正在构建一个强大的应用程序, content 和 video edge enabled 解决方案 company that delivers improved customer performance, 产品购买者的生产力和安全性,鲍勃·莱昂斯说, Limelight的首席执行官. “我们共同拥有强大的价值主张,为快速增长的市场提供服务, yet fragmented edge 解决方案 market 和 our combined capabilities will 加速 our ability to capture more share of this high growth $40 billion total TAM. In six short months we have taken our TAM from $12 billion to $40 billion 和 与 the acquisition of Edgecast, we are further accelerating 和 solidifying our ability to be recognized as a leader in edge software 解决方案 for the outcome buyer.”

“在雅虎, 我们专注于为我们的业务和客户创造价值,吉姆·兰佐内说, 雅虎首席执行官. “通过剥离edgcast与Limelight合并, the new company will immediately become the leader in the massive 和 growing edge 解决方案 market. 我对合并后公司的价值和实力充满信心, 以及它将为雅虎带来的增长, 埃乔和阿波罗.” 

With a significant equity investment in the combined company from its existing ownership of 雅虎, the Apollo Funds are committed to supporting the growth strategy 和 innovative vision for the combined company. 除了, the all-stock nature of the proposed transaction reflects the Apollo Funds’ confidence in continued momentum in the edge enabled technology revolution 和 support of the vision for the combined company to become an edge computing leader 与 a scaled 解决方案 platform, 经验丰富的管理团队和承诺提供业绩, 为全球客户和最终用户提供连接性和安全性. 

“消费者对更快性能的需求不断增长, enhanced security 和 higher-quality digital content has fundamentally changed how 和 where companies deliver value online to end users,阿波罗合伙人里德·雷曼说, 谁将加入合并后公司的董事会. “随着市场的快速发展和扩大, the combination of Limelight 和 Edgecast will have greater strength 和 scale to capitalize on these trends 和 better serve its clients. We believe this is a transformative transaction 和 are thrilled to back this management team as shareholders 和 board members to support Edgio in its exciting next phase.”


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