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Jan Ozer Talks "VVC: Ready for Action?" Workshop Coming Up at Streaming Media East 2023

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在即将到来的会议前的重要活动之一 Streaming Media East conference explores the readiness of the Versatile Video Codec (VVC) for deployment and implementation. 将于2023年5月17日(星期三)上午9点至下午12点举行 Boston's Westin Copley Place, the session includes multiple speakers, 其中许多来自已经推出vc相关产品或服务的公司. 

The session is entitled, VVC: Ready for Action? A Comprehensive Guide to Deployment & Implementation, and is sponsored by Access Advance. 它是All Access通行证的一部分,对于那些只是想参加会议的人来说,它需要花费95美元. 

Streaming Media’s Jan Ozer assembled the speakers and will also present. 我们最近在电话采访中找到了简,他讨论了会议的细节以及它为与会者提供了什么. Here’s the interview. 

Streaming Media: Why VVC, Jan? It seems a bit early for many publishers.  

Jan Ozer: For some publishers, you’re right. But these conferences serve product developers, service providers, 以及整个流媒体生态系统的参与者. 如果你属于上述任何一类,你现在就需要考虑VVC. 对于一些试图用8K和类似案例挑战极限的出版商来说, VVC is an option worth considering right now. 

Streaming Media: Makes sense. 本次会议与典型的流媒体会议有何不同? 

Ozer: 它主要由正在讨论的主题的实际实践者或参与者教授. The encoding picture is presented in part by Ateme, who are already shipping a VVC encoder; Dolby will talk about the HDR picture. 每位演讲者都是各自领域的专家, 这样他们就可以深入细致地展示他们的VVC技术, and answer the hard questions. 

Streaming Media: Sounds great, tell us about the speakers. 

Ozer: We start with Alan Stein, Vice President Of Technology at InterDigital, Inc.他是VVC标准技术的主要贡献者. He’ll discuss what VVC is, how it was formulated, how it's different from older codecs, and its key technology components, and contributors. 他将结束与AV1, HEVC和H简短的质量比较.264. 

Next up is Robert Moore, an attorney with Volpe Koenig, who will discuss the VVC royalty picture, including the two pools (from Access Advance and MPEG LA),版税定价结构,以及哪些需要支付版税,哪些不需要. 任何考虑实现VVC的人都需要知道这些细节, 罗伯特在编解码器相关的专利问题上是业界最好的. 

Next, I’ll discuss the VVC playback picture; where it plays today, 以及它何时会出现在智能手机等硬件客户端, tablets, smart TVs, dongles, and set-top boxes. 我还将讨论一些有趣的软件试验,它们表明在某些移动设备上用软件玩VVC可能比你想象的要早. 

Next up is encoding for VOD, which will be presented by Igor Oreper, chief architect at Bitmovin, a major cloud encoding vendor. 他将详细介绍可用的开源软件,并确定可用的商业编码器和云编码设施. Later in the session, Igor will also discuss the packaging options for VVC, 这显然是如何实际部署编解码器的关键因素. 

Live encoding will be covered by Jan Outters, Director of Technology & Standards, at Ateme, which has already produced several VVC publishing trials. 他将讨论实时编码的选项(起始和转码), show product demos, and discuss what's possible now and what's coming. 我很期待听到阿特梅参加的试验, and those planned for 2023 and beyond. 

如前所述,我们的最后一位演讲者来自杜比 Patrick Griffis他是技术、标准和工业副总裁. 他将详细介绍VVC如何处理HDR格式,如HDR10, HDR10+, HLG,当然还有杜比视界. 

Speakers will provide a broad overview of each topic, 不是推销他们的个人产品或服务. With three hours, 我们应该有足够的时间与观众互动和问答. 

Streaming Media: Nice; that’s a comprehensive look at the new codec. Who do you expect to attend? 

Ozer: The groups we spoke about at the top, 主要是基础设施和类似的供应商,他们希望在他们的产品或服务中支持VVC,现在就需要开始. 一些大型发行商对VVC何时能够成为主流发行商的可行方案感到好奇. 流媒体技术分析师只是想以一种便宜的方式快速了解VVC. 

Streaming Media: Sounds great, see you in Boston.

Ozer: Looking forward to it.


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