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减轻 令人恼怒和不安的大多数人都经历过可预见的延迟 智能手机用户对心脏至关重要 CDN市场的未来. 上个假期, online auction and ecommerce giant eBay became a mobile commerce (m-commerce) giant when sales soared by 134% to well more than $100 million. eBay并不孤单. Most of the major retail players saw enormous percentage increases year over year in commercial transactions and purchases that originated from mobile devices. 如果早期的在线商务有什么指导意义的话, then the increase should actually accelerate further for the 2011 holiday season.

与此同时, Groupon, 最火的团购公司, is betting heavily on location-based deal offers to expand its reach, 与美国.S. mobile display advertising market likely to eclipse $600 million in 2011. PayPal现在支持个人对个人的移动支付, 这一市场, 仍然处于初级阶段, will likely take off in the same manner that it grew quickly as a person-to-person payments vehicle in the earlier days of the internet. All of these segments are extremely sensitive to latency and slow page loads.

如今,仅仅开发一款适合移动设备的应用是不够的. 而, as these businesses drive broader vertical trends toward monetization and maturation in m-commerce, 移动交易, 移动广告, 移动支付, 以及社交网络, acceleration of mobile content will be the fastest growing part of the CDN and content acceleration sector over the next few years. eBay may have started out with the belief that a nice app would be a sufficient mobile strategy, 但是越来越多的, companies that are serious about mobile monetization will begin to view their mobile application delivery networks and ecosystems in the same way that they view their online commerce strategies. They will begin to create mobile-specific businesses and monetization strategies that emanate from the user back down through the technology stack to ensure maximum engagement and a minimum 的活动中断的用户在手机上和 平板电脑. We are already seeing that with some of the early adopters, which I’ll discuss a bit later.

霜 & Sullivan is forecasting that by 2015, 移动广告 revenues in the U.S. 仅这一项就将从4.91亿美元增加到2亿美元.040亿年. That’s compared with total global 移动广告 revenues today of roughly $2 billion. By 2015, mobile commerce is expected to reach $119 billion in total transaction value, and half the world’s mobile subscribers could be making 移动支付. 根据一项调查1,800人,由广告和营销公司Leo Burnett提供, 50% of consumers use mobile devices as part of their shopping experiences, 无论是寻找交易, 定位产品信息, 或者进行即时的价格比较.

在美国.S. 使用位置服务(例如.g., foursquare, Gowalla, Loopt) on mobile devices will hit 50 million users in the U.S. 仅从1600万用户开始. Use of social networks over mobile devices is soaring, according to comScore. In 2010, 30% of smartphone users accessed social networks via mobile browsers, 从22个大幅增加.5% in 2009; Twitter and Facebook saw huge increases in mobile usage at 347% and 112% year-over-year growth, 分别. 那么这些num这对移动商务领域的公司来说意义重大? We’re now talking about a major monetization engine for many companies, something that really took hold for the first time in 2010 and will continue to demand more attention from companies with mobile monetization plays in the near future.

The reason for this is because the business and revenue impact of mobile latency is no longer a trivial thing that can be passed off as part of leading-edge technology adoption. 类似的, it’s no longer just the alpha adopters who will get angry at a brand that delivers a poor mobile experience. 现在是10 of millions of Americans and hundreds of millions of people worldwide with access to high- speed wireless data networks. Here are just a few of the ways that latency can crush revenues. In the m-commerce segment, 加载很慢 coupon offerings will convert users at much lower rates. This will become a more acute problem as coupon offerings go from national to regional and local targeting, 有些甚至要求当天购买.

在这种超本地化和即时交易的新现实中, the old ways of caching coupons in legacy CDNs for broad swatches of the country or very large regions no longer work well. 让这个想法更进一步, 加载很慢, location-based deals will make it harder for companies to execute on loyalty or proximity offerings targeted to specific users who may be regular customers. 对于Groupon这样的公司来说, which will rely on not only local deals but also time-sensitive local deals, the penalty for high latency is even higher because its deals go away quickly, 消除了获得更多收入的机会.

在移动广告中, 高延迟意味着更少的印象, 低点击率, 低盈利. Studies have shown that ads shown during searches on mobile devices have much higher conversion rates than ads served to a computer over a landline connection. That’s because 移动广告 is more per- sonal and more immediate. Someone looking for a restaurant in the Lower East Side of Manhattan is doing so because he or she wants to find a place to eat now or very soon. Someone searching through reviews for electronics on a handset is likely standing in a Best Buy considering a purchase. So the opportunity for ad monetization is greater, unless you can’t deliver the ads quickly. Mobile users will quickly move to another review site or search on Yelp instead of OpenTable if their pages are loading too slowly. 

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