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Beat the Clock: Live Sports Streaming at Scale

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2023年,流媒体收视率超过了传统电视平台 U.S. audiences streaming 21 million years’ worth of video throughout the year – a 21% increase from 2022. 体育直播也遵循着类似的轨迹——事实上,今年的超级碗就是 有史以来流量最大的.

将体育直播从传统电视平台转移到流媒体对体育迷来说可能是一个巨大的胜利.  如果处理得当, 高效的流媒体极大地改善了观看体验,并引入了互动的粉丝体验, such as user-controlled immersive multi-angle cameras, real-time stat updates, 和更多的.

然而, to succeed in streaming 体育 at scale, 流媒体必须致力于提供最好的视频质量和可靠的先进体验, all while cracking down on piracy. In this game, there’s no winning without dedication.

But first, they need the content. 而 biggest streamers have the advantage of deep pockets, even they face significant challenges in streaming live 体育 at scale.

One of the first hurdles they must overcome is the sheer cost of it all. 亚马逊Prime的交易 美国国家橄榄球联盟周四晚的转播权花费了他们高达130亿美元 $67 million per game in rights fees 独自一人.

与 such eye-watering sums involved, there’s a lot at play.

The Viewing Experience

对于流媒体来说,当他们实现了观众正确需求的高质量体验时,他们就会获得巨大的胜利, including video quality and low latency.  

虽然体育流媒体具有比传统广播更具吸引力和互动性的潜力, it can only do so once it addresses image quality and latency. 事实上, 19%的消费者 who avoid live streaming, cite latency issues as the reason why. 在YouTubeTV以20亿美元的价格购买了NFL Sunday Ticket卫星包的版权之后 streaming platform was met with scrutiny and questions about its ability to stream with low latency.

幸运的是, YouTubeTV has proven its skeptics wrong in many areas, 考虑到大规模体育流媒体技术的不断发展,这一点令人印象深刻.

端到端的工作流,从捕捉到回放,每一步都是低延迟的,可以帮助流媒体证明延迟怀疑论者是错误的. Synamedia恰恰提供了这一点,并使内容提供商能够安全地分发内容, delivering best-in-class viewing experiences with premium picture quality and low latency.

Missing a shot is not an option, and low-latency is the winning play.


changing 体育 consumption patterns 随着流媒体的增长,视频服务提供商必须准备好大规模提供服务. Sports are popular and watched by many, 所以当大型体育赛事——比如世界杯或超级碗——举行时, 流媒体必须为大量涌入的观众做好准备,并做好规模化的准备.


对于那些想要将长尾内容货币化的体育内容所有者, or create a pop-up channel in seconds, 最新的 just-in-time processing technology turns the traditional approach on its head. Instead of provisioning infrastructure just in case viewers might tune in, 自助服务SaaS技术只有在需要时才会出现——节省能源和降低成本. 重要的是,它被证明可以支持2022年最受欢迎的世界杯比赛. We use the same concept in our everyday life: when we leave a room, we turn off the light, so we don’t waste those resources.

And speaking of resources - scalability in streaming is extremely costly. 使用 right compression technology enables streamers to deliver the same quality stream as its competitors, 以更低的比特率,这意味着他们可以提供相同的高清质量流,同时节省大约15-16%的CDN传输成本相比,它的竞争对手.


不幸的是, 我们不能在不解决安全问题的情况下谈论流媒体——尤其是体育流媒体. Live 体育 content is highly valuable, and has a dedicated fanbase, which makes it an attractive target for pirates.

这, coupled with the pressure on household budgets, 这意味着我们已经看到付费和免费盗版服务的消费在增加.  

The only way to tackle this issue is with anti-piracy security solutions that protect content. 否则,视频服务提供商就有可能因盗版而损失大量收入 最高9美元.每年80亿美元, according to a study across seven countries ——这将危及他们继续提供体育直播内容的能力,并有可能违反他们与版权所有者的合同义务.

But it’s not only up to streamers, 版权所有者还需要在执法部门的支持下,以行动情报为基础的技术对策,以发现和取缔非法流媒体.

Technology for the Win

Combining advanced streaming technologies powered by AI, cloud-based just-in-time technology, and a robust security layer, 体育流媒体已经覆盖了所有基础,可以成功地大规模直播体育赛事.

体育是令人兴奋的——不仅因为令人兴奋的比赛和比赛——还因为流媒体推动了技术的界限,打开了更多收入来源的大门. 更重要的是, consumers are craving it, so let’s give them what they want and knock it out of the park!

[Editor's note: 这 is a contributed article from Synamedia. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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