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回到2020年,我写道我是 全押在NDI上 在一篇关于鸟狗的专题文章中, NewTek(现为Vizrt), vMix, 松下, 还有一些人提供摄像机, PTZ cams, encoders, decoders, wireless, 转换器, and coms all integrated with NDI for interoperability on a standard computer network. NDI has evolved over time with the promise that new standards would not render your equipment obsolete. 我自己很早就买入了NDI, 我有很多高清和4K NewTek Spark转换器, PTZ cams, 诸如此类.

多年来, NewTek/Vizrt继续改善NDI生态系统, 引入新的NDI|HX2和 NDI|HX3 standards for improved video delivery at low bitrates while continuing to offer Full NDI (also known as High Bitrate NDI). It was repeatedly iterated in a way that new software versions would be backward compatible, implying that early adopters would continue to be able to use their hardware that utilized the HX1 standard.

然而,随着标准的发展,某些设备可能会被抛在后面. 例如, an older TriCaster that was not upgraded with the Advanced Edition 3 software update (a $1,000 update for my TriCaster Mini) would not be able to see or utilize cameras or other hardware utilizing the newer NDI|HX2 standard. But that’s why there was an update—to make that compatibility available.

Interestingly, after some time, the AE3 update was removed from availability. If end users did not purchase and install the optional update when it was available, they are now left with hardware that simply can not be updated to include the HX2 codecs. And it's not a hardware issue—the hardware was, and is, capable. 只是AE3更新启用了HX2兼容性, 还有很多其他特点, 被拿走了.


Now, in early 2024, I see several new NDI products coming to market that start to dispense with HX1. This means these companies are choosing what parts of NDI they want to include in their hardware, 以及他们不想包含的兼容性. I reached out to NDI Support and was told, “support for HX1 specifically (或任何格式) 很大程度上取决于不同的供应商和制造商 choose 将NDI技术应用到产品中. Some do provide backwards compatibility with support for all flavors of HX while some only 限制的支持 到HX2和/或HX3.”

This has the potential to break the promise of the NDI badge on a product. It will no longer mean the interoperability and reliability it has meant for nearly a decade. 这个NDI工具能和那个工具一起工作吗? You may have no idea because the NDI licensing group is not enforcing the “standard.“他们说,他们允许被许可方挑选, “限制支持”到他们想要包含的部分.

NDI支持继续说, “check with the manufacturers of your current HX1 cameras to see if there might be firmware upgrades available to support HX2/HX3.”



TV manufacturers that have the HDMI logo on their TV do not get to pick and choose which video resolutions they support—say, 旧的720p标准的下降能力. An Ethernet switch does not get to drop support for older 10/100 standards. Wi-Fi接入点不会掉线2.4gHz 802.11b g或n因为它们更老更慢. 一个标准意味着所有的都包括在内. 向后兼容的.

This lack of enforcement of the standard could potentially mean that gear bought today may not work with other gear bought today, 还是明天, because a licensee may not include that segment of compatibility you need. Can you invest in a standard not knowing if your gear will be compatible tomorrow? 如果这成为常态,人们就会回避. This is what NDI risks by allowing licensees to “限制的支持” and choose what parts of the NDI standard they want to implement.


此外,NDI现在面临着竞争. While NDI has been the sole interoperable data interchange solution for networked video for many years, Dante and SMPTE are now coming after NDI with “video over IP” standards of their own. Dante AV has a huge established base of audio use as well as proven reliability and robustness. Dante AV delivers video-over-IP that integrates with any of the thousands of Dante audio products already on the market.

SMPTE ST 2110 is a much higher-bandwidth, but established standard for IP video interoperability. The advantage is it being a SMPTE standard that any user can engineer to. 比如SMPTE时间码,或者SMPTE颜色条.  SMPTE 2110 supports uncompressed video, providing superior video quality. SMPTE 2110分离视频, audio, 并将辅助数据转换成不同的流, which enables managing and routing different elements of your production independently.

Dante AV and SMPTE 2110 are much newer and far fewer video tools leverage these standards into their hardware, but video over IP is still at the inception edge of worldwide integration. The vast majority of video production still uses SDI, HDMI, and fiber point-to-point connections.

NDI runs the risk of fumbling the ball on the 20-yard line—squandering the nearly decade lead they have in IP video by not enforcing that licensees integrate all of the standard. I write this in the hope that they re-establish what the NDI standard means: that to license NDI, 并显示NDI徽章, 产品必须100%兼容.



Live-event video production during COVID has rapidly accelerated the use of NDI output from popular conferencing tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, particularly for one-to-many broadcasts in which remote contributors are the norm. This article will explain how to enable NDI in Zoom and Microsoft Teams for higher-quality input sources into your live-streaming workflow.

How to Simplify Complex Remote Productions With NDI, Microsoft Teams, and vMix

目前, Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business are the only two videoconferencing apps that support NDI. 我们已经围绕Teams构建了远程流媒体解决方案. 下面是它的工作原理.


许多人在NDI上投入了全部. But how they use it can be very different from how you might want to use it.
