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What Streaming Monetization Models Are Working Today?

From FAST to SVOD to hybrid and beyond, CTV, OTT, and streaming monetization models and strategies abound. What's working and what isn't in 2023? Jonathan Hurd, Partner, Altman Solon,与咨询服务执行主任萨布丽娜·阿里米讨论了这个话题, FreeWheel, James Lauzun, VP of Product, MagellanTV, and Christina Chung, VP Business Operations, Estrella Media, in this clip from their panel at Streaming Media Connect 2023.

Hurd begins by asking the group, “What are the different ways that you've seen monetization happening? 显然,有许多不同的盈利模式. What have you all seen out there? 提醒大家有多少种不同的内容盈利方式.”

Alimi agrees that there are numerous monetization models, 但她表示,成功的关键是了解客户的期望. 她说:“市场上出现了更多不同类型的分销模式. “你可以获得不同层次的付费订阅,可能没有广告,有全广告量,也有少量广告量. 我们看到我们的客户在摆弄它的样子……我们谈论的是轻广告负荷. What does that mean? What does the consumer think ‘light’ is? Because you might not be on the same page. Sometimes you hear no ads at all, but there's promos. Does a consumer think a promo is an ad? 当然也有一些公司在尝试不同的商业模式, 但要确保它符合消费者的实际期望.”

赫德问劳尊:“你既有付费用户,也有FAST,或者完全免费. What are you seeing there in terms of any lessons learned? 是否有不同的用户选择免费版本、广告支持版本或无广告版本?”

Lauzun说,麦哲伦的观众观看他们的平台的核心动机是相同的, as they all identify as lifelong learners. 归根结底,这是针对不同订阅层的不同价值主张. “我们认为FAST和SVOD的组合实际上是一个奇妙的协同组合,因为它使我们能够真正强调订阅服务的价值,因为FAST将无法控制,” he says. “You're just going to watch what it is. There's also no choice, 这本身就是一种好处,因为你完全消除了选择障碍,但当我们能够呈现相关标题时,就会让订阅的价值变得更有价值,因为你不是为了消除广告带来的痛苦而付费, you're paying to gain choice.”

Hurd says, “So it may not be different audiences, 因为你可以把它作为营销渠道的一部分,让人们迅速意识到这一点,然后让他们成为订阅用户?”

Lauzun的回答是肯定的,但他强调,仅仅建立一个FAST频道是不够的. For maximum effectiveness, 必须有深入的数据分析,才能真正使用FAST,以帮助开发适合您的受众的节目并创建订阅对话. “You just have to really get into those numbers,” he says. “Access to data is a huge concern for us. Samsung TV Plus 他们目前的合同结构,他们正在考虑做出的改变. [And] Roku has an entirely different data set. 这对我们来说是一个巨大的挑战……当我们有非常不同的数据源时,我们如何创建一个统一的分析视图?”

Chung says, “I totally wholeheartedly agree with you! There's a need to democratize data. If we don’t have sound access to data, we can't make sound decisions as to how to engage our audience better. 我们需要打开这些封闭的花园,并能够获得数据,以便我们能够为消费者提供最好的内容.”

阿里米提供了进一步的例子,说明为什么收集准确的数据变得如此复杂, considering the variety of sources. “All these other distributions have popped up, 从原始设备制造商推出流媒体服务到虚拟mvpd再到聚合器. And so now it's gotten so fragmented. 这就是我们几年前看到的,直接面向消费者的应用出现了. 每个人都想重新获得在某些领域有效的用户信息, but we're now seeing FAST become a thing and more streaming services. And so that data aggregation, even if you have access, 你如何确保你以同样的方式得到它,你可以把它们合并在一起,形成一个真实的故事? 看到不同的人试图解决这个问题是很有趣的.”

Learn more about a wide range of streaming industry topics at Streaming Media Connect 2023.

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