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Why did 免费的 Ad-Supported Streaming Television (FAST) take off in such a significant way in 2020? 老马修·杜金. 北美创新与发展团队总监, LG,与营销副总裁斯科特·汉考克讨论了这个话题, 媒体制图师、首席执行官埃文·夏皮罗 ESHAP,在他们的 流媒体东部2023 面板.

Durgin begins by mentioning that FAST is a “top five” service for LG 和 that it fits well into their lineup. However, he notes that it took quite a while for FAST to really catch on. “多年来,我们一直在与这样的公司合作 DivX网络电视, 之前有很多公司都关注过FAST, 然后突然有一天一切都好起来了,他说. 他问夏皮罗:“知道爆炸发生的原因吗? 什么是合适的时机?”

“There's never one answer to that question when a paradigm shifts that quickly,” Shapiro says. “其中很大一部分是封锁. Americans 和 people around the world bought substantially more 连接电视s during the [height of] Covid than they were planning to earlier [in] the cycle, (而且)有更多的房间可以容纳他们. 所以从加密狗转向纯的, 连接电视, 电视内部芯片的速度, 编程的数量, 和 the amount of available time that people had over those couple of years, 我认为, 是伟大的催化剂之一吗. 还有最大的, 这是世界历史上最多样化的一代, Z一代, 成年的在同一时期成年的.”

Shapiro also emphasizes that one of the major shifts over the last five to six years has been the move of the primary screen in homes from small screen devices to 连接电视s. “The biggest, best approximate screen is now the winner inside the home,他说. The p和emic 和 the increase of subscriptions to paid products in conjunction with Gen Z 和 this shift to larger screens have all contributed to the swift rise of FAST.

Durgin turns to Scott Hancock of 丛 for his insights into the rise of FAST. “丛 had so many different ways of satisfying consumers over the last 15-plus years,他说. “丛 has been on LG’s roadmap of offerings for a long time in different ways. So how did FAST change what 丛 wants to do to satisfy customers?”

汉考克同意大流行是一个主要因素. “我认为 we definitely saw a huge spike during that time period [that] allowed folks to experiment with what they've been thinking about 和 hearing about…cord cutting, 或者剃须. 这给了他们机会. They were stuck at home, 和 they're like, ‘I'm gonna give this thing a try.’然后他们意识到,‘好吧,实际上,我可以做到.就在那时,我们看到了使用量的显著提升.” He also highlights the mass consumer realization that so much previously inaccessible content was now easily accessible. He notes that 丛 has around 600 channels available in the US 和 most other countries. “It's been an arms race basically in who can say they have the most channels,” he notes. “And so 我认为 a lot of it was like driven by folks stuck at home. 内容质量提高了很多, 以及用户体验, the ability to basically find what it is that you're looking for, 越来越好了. I would say It's got a long way to go, but it's gotten better.”

Learn more about FAST 和 a wide range of streaming industry topics at 流媒体连接2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


和其他娱乐流媒体一样, 推动FAST的引擎是内容的货币化, 尤其是大型现场活动, FAST thrives on pairing br和s with properties 和 serving those br和s effectively. 这段视频来自流媒体连接2023, Revry co-founder Damian Pelliccione 和 Chris Pfaff of Chris Pfaff Tech Media discuss how Revry works with br和s 和 the sort of br和 identification with key Revry programming that enables the industry's leading LGBTQ+ programming destination to thrive 和 grow.


像一些专家所说的那样,电视高峰已经到头了吗? 加上M&E industry thrust largely into limbo by the first simultaneous writers' 和 actors' strikes in 60 years, FAST渠道提供商和聚合器是如何响应的, 以及它是如何影响他们的业务的? 富博的玛丽莎·埃利桑多报道, Estrella Media的Christina Chung报道, Hartbeat的杰夫·克拉纳根报道, 和 Chris Pfaff of Chris Pfaff Tech Media offer a range of perspectives in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


Media cartographer Evan Shapiro sketches out the current streaming media revenue picture, as the SVOD side of the house contends with serial churn 和 the imminent revival of a sluggish ad market promises uneven distribution, in this clip from his closing keynote at 流媒体东部2023.


应用程序在FAST中重要吗? LG的马修·杜金报道, Fuse Media的帕特里克·考特尼说, 和 Atmosphere's Ryan Spicer debate strategic priorities in the current FAST l和scape in this clip from their 面板 at 流媒体东部2023.

Fuse Media的帕特里克·考特尼说 Talks FAST Br和 Verticalization 和 UX

流媒体's Tim Siglin sits down with Patrick Courtney of Fuse to discuss FAST br和 verticalization 和 UX in this exclusive interview from 流媒体东部2023.


消费者将如何在即将到来的FAST 2中找到内容.0时代, 和 how will FAST providers maintain QoE with high-reliability performance as the platforms 和 their reach continue to grow? F和ango的Rema Morgan-Aluko, 紫溪的凯文·帕克斯, 和 Best Ever Channels' Jonathon Barbato discuss the technical challenges 免费的 Ad-Supported Television will face in the coming years 和 how to meet them in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.

什么是FAST 2.0?

With Web3 nearly upon us, is a new generation of 免费的 Ad-Supported Television--FAST 2.0——就在地平线上? 它与FAST当前的迭代有何不同, 它的演变对消费者意味着什么, 内容公司, 技术供应商? LG的马修·杜金报道, Vizio的Greg Barnard说, 和 Best Ever Channels' Jonathon Barbato weigh in on FAST's fast-approaching future in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.

Amagi's Brian Ring Talks FAST, CTV, 和 the State of Streaming

Amagi高级新闻总监 & Sports Solutions Brian Ring discusses the ongoing growth of 免费的 Ad-Supported Television with 流媒体's Tim Siglin in this interview at 流媒体 West 2022.