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What are some of the most effective strategies for launching 免费的 Ad-Supported Streaming (FAST) TV channels? Tim Siglin,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会,以及撰稿人编辑, 流媒体,与联合首席执行官乔纳森·巴巴托(Jonathon Barbato)就坐下来, 最好的频道 了解更多关于他的专业经验和他现在的公司.


“我是最好的频道的联合ceo. 我们推出了FAST频道. 我们还有几个SVOD和AVOD频道,”巴巴托说. “我当时是公司的营销主管 Starz 媒体渠道. 我是 米高梅 电视-我回到广播电缆和现在的FAST方面.”

“Obviously FAST channels are becoming a thing 所有 of a sudden for everybody,西格林说. “你有什么秘诀可以帮助人们在网上找到有史以来最好的频道??”

“嗯,我不认为这是一件事. 我认为这是可以预见的,”巴巴托说. “我这么说只是因为我关注了电视史. 我拥有一家名为Ripe Digital的公司. 我们在2000年代中期推出了点播网络. FAST就像按需发展一样. So, 你知道, 第一个, none of the majors wanted to play because they were worried about cannibalizing their regular channel. 后来又来了一两个专业的学生, 然后大家都进来了, 门是开着的, 每个人都需要内容. 然后窗口就关上了. 这就是FAST正在发生的事情. 所以我认为观众会跟着技术走, and it's a matter of the platforms making the technology [and] keeping the technology interesting enough for the audience to maintain them.”

“So one of the criticisms in the industry is we're turning streaming into television,西格林说. “我们正在做的事情和20年前线性所做的完全一样. 我们只是在这个设备上做,而不是在电视上. 所以你提到了保持有趣. 你知道, 很明显,我们会围绕很多事情展开讨论, but how do we take FAST and make it better than TV so that people will then want to watch that, 分流到一边了?”

巴巴托回答说:“嗯,我认为这是一件棘手的事情. 2000年我在Starz做研究的时候, 和2001年, 对于时代华纳和康卡斯特来说——点播是如何运作的? There were video stores on every corner, and nobody believed that on-demand would ever work. 好吧,你瞧,十年后,没有人能相信这是另一种方式. 我认为,流媒体也会出现同样的情况. 我认为答案是, 我们不要忘记基础技术, 但我们也要记住,现在有了新技术. 我是一名营销人员, and what I'm into is how can I do a live chat with some of my talent during the actual broadcast. 现在我必须使用配套设备. 但我想很快我们就会证明这是可行的. 所以我认为电视的互动性会更强. 我认为观众想要参与——不是 所有 的时间. Sometimes they want to sit back, but even when they're sitting back, sometimes they want the stats. 所以他们想知道她还演过什么电影?所以,我认为这正在发生. 我认为它只是发生得慢了很多……”

“这就是可搜索性和互动性, 现在, 其中一部分需要较低的延迟,西格林说. “And what we've seen are companies chase what I think are ridiculously low latencies on one level, 因为他们盯上了体育博彩和拍卖之类的东西. 但是从FAST的角度来看, I would think it's as much about synchronization as it is about latency because if you're trying to have a conversation with somebody back channel as part of the FAST environment, 你不一定要在500毫秒. You could be a second and a half or two seconds and do some sort of synchronization to make sure everybody's on the same frame, 可以这么说.”

“是的,我认为你做到了,”巴巴托说. “我认为这取决于游戏类型和内容. 我们有一个音乐频道,我们要做一些现场音乐活动. 我们要举办一个颁奖典礼. In that case, you want to be perfect…there's a lot of movement…a lot of latency just wouldn't work. But we also have other channels where it's not such a big deal or where even being live doesn't re所有y matter that much.”


索尔回复, “I want…a frame around them that 所有ows me as a viewer to interact with both what I'm watching as well as what I want to watch, 而且不只是针对某个特定的频道, 还有平台本身. I mean, how many times have you sat at home and you're like, ‘Where can I find this movie?你找啊找啊, 你最终会找到的, 但是你在路上迷路了,半个小时过去了, 你甚至都没花时间看电影. So I think there's a lot of opportunity for technology to sort of answer some of those [issues]."

西格林指出,这些问题是反复出现的. “There were a number of companies back in the late nineties in streaming [that] sort of fell off after the 第一个 bust and then came back around the 2006 timeframe that had functions where they could search across multiple on-demand systems,他说. “What you're suggesting is…that's not a separate thing…to find stuff that's actu所有y integrated into the FAST solution.”

“我认为这是正确的做法,巴巴托说, 但他强调,这种变化不会立即发生,也不会无缝衔接. 他表示:“一些行业问题阻碍了我们以一种真正出色的方式做到这一点。. “但我认为这个行业可以调整. 有些人已经在尝试了. 有解决办法吗. Ultimately, if people find out about that and it works, I think that the trend will go natur所有y.”

了解更多关于FAST和可发现性的信息 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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什么是FAST 2.0?

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