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在线直播 Carbon Cuts Are Working, But There's 更多的 to Be Done: Blackbird Report


Last year the carbon output of TV production dropped by more than half, 根据英国电影和电视艺术学院可持续发展项目的估计, 艾伯特. Even though much of this reduction resulted from productions that were forced to shut down, there are signs that the industry's drive to engineer CO2 emissions out of the production chain are working.

显然,需要做的还有很多 黑鸟公司的新论文 将信息发送回家, along with promoting browser-based video production tools like its own as the greener alternative for media companies that want to go the extra mile.

The paper doesn't present any fresh research but does pull together a number of data points that paint a compelling argument for change.

Blackbird is mainly focussed on near-生活 content creation 和 de生活ry 和 acknowledges that much has been done in the industry to shift to carbon leaner remote production models.

It insists however that cloud native rather than cloud-based technologies 和 workflows will de生活r substantially greater sustainability gains.

报告解释道, "Cloud native solutions require less b和width so they can run off any web browser, 和 consume much less power because they don't need the same cloud infrastructure or storage as cloud based solutions – resulting in dramatically more sustainable workflows. 因为它们被设计成从源头上去除碳, 它们减少了对碳补偿和碳信用额的需求."

Blackbird 和 its co-sponsors (partners 和 customers) of this report EVS, LiveU, 阿拉伯天空新闻, 和欧洲歌唱大赛都有数据支持它的说法:

  • That Blackbird's own solution reduces carbon emissions by up to 91% compared to cloud based 和 on-prem editing workflows, 根据黑鸟的说法 2021年3月调查 绿元素编译.
  • That despite 90% of editors using cloud production 和 remote editing within their workflows today, 65% still move original high-res media files around the internet "which is costly 和 both time 和 carbon inefficient." This from Blackbird research earlier this year compiled by Caretta 研究.
  • And that cloud workflows of a 生活 event require 70% less technical infrastructure 和 70% reduction in power required for galleries than conventional methods (with knock-on savings in CO2e emissions). This from a project organised by the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC) along with vendors like AWS, 紫溪 , 什么啊.

正确地, Blackbird is highlighting the need—和 the practicality—of doing more to reduce carbon out of the production process at the source. What it means by that is putting the onus on media companies to consider the impact of all components in their supply chain, categorized by the global greenhouse gas protocol as Scope 3 emissions.

Where Scope 1 emissions are from in-house operations; Scope 2 are from the energy 和 utilities that are bought in; 和 Scope 3 refers to the carbon that suppliers 和 partners emit while working on your behalf.

“如果我们不能减少消费, 脱碳的唯一途径是从源头上消除排放, by reducing the energy used in streaming 和 in TV 和 video production,黑鸟首席执行官伊恩·麦克多诺说.

Setting sustainability targets is becoming a badge of reputational honor, with br和s like 微软, 谷歌, 的发现,网飞公司 承诺在一定时间内实现净零排放.

像黑鸟这样的技术供应商, ATEME单数.生活 (which are name-checked in this report) have every right to use their green credentials as a marketing weapon.

热心的, Adobe, 和 other non-cloud native edit solutions (not named by Blackbird but clear comparisons) also have the right to counter Blackbird's claims or come up with their own research stating why their approach is also helping reduce streaming video emissions.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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