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If you spend any time in the streaming video industry, you'll soon hear the word "delivery.事实上, 它经常被用来描述技术, 流程, 机制, and vendors that are involved in transmitting bits and bytes of data in response to users' requests for video segments.

But the word "delivery" for video wasn't always so hyperfocused. 在电视空间里, 例如, delivery means a host of things: getting the signal from the camera to the editing truck, 将编辑过的提要发送到下行链路设施, getting the content from the rights­holder to the production facility (these "digital dailies" used to be 交付 by hand as 录像)等. 在流媒体视频之外,交付涉及到 整个 system of providing viewers with an experience they can watch. 

流媒体视频行业, 虽然, has stripped a lot of that away and reduced delivery to just a technology process. When people within the streaming industry talk about delivery, they are really just concerned with protocols and network transit. And al虽然 those are important parts of providing a great streaming experience, they are only just one aspect of delivering such a service. 

以用户体验为例. 在最近的 芝加哥论坛报 article, the writer asked people how they felt about streaming apps. In general, the consensus was, "Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.他们崩溃了. 溪流突然终止. 质量是偶然的. 文章的要点是 论坛报's story is that there are a lot of devices on which people watch streaming content, 然而,, 观看体验, 存在的体验 交付 由流操作符,是难以置信的不一致. And that doesn't happen with broadcast television anymore.

Of course, one could argue that streaming is way more complicated than traditional TV. 有广播电视, there are only a few components in play to get the content from the broadcaster or multiple systems operator (MSO) to the end user. There aren't miniature set-top boxes that users need for watching content on their phone or tablet. 只有一个机顶盒, and everything that's needed to decrypt and display content is built in. 

流媒体, 虽然, is a federation of technologies: codecs for encoding and decoding, 转换器已经, 数字水印技术, DRM技术, ad-insertion技术, 适用于不同操作系统和设备的应用程序, webpages for browser viewing (which must support multiple browsers), 等. Imagine if each room in your house were different and the traditional broadcaster had to tailor the delivery. 那将是一场噩梦. 

But that's precisely why we need to expand the definition of "delivery" in streaming video to accompany everything that's involved in providing users with a viewing experience. It's the webpage or app through which they are streaming. 这是比特的传递. It's security (if a user has licensed something and he or she can't watch it, 那是一次糟糕的经历). 这是广告的传递. 流媒体 video delivery isn't just about bits and bytes or protocols or CDNs. 它是包罗万象, which equates to an overall experience with the video that the viewer wants to watch. 

这可能看起来像是我在吹毛求疵,但言语很重要. The lexicon of an industry helps everyone speak the same language so that when we talk about the issues that need to be addressed, 毫无疑问. But a lexicon can also be inclusionary or exclusionary. Right now, the use of the word "delivery" in the streaming video industry is exclusionary. And if we are going to take the next step toward streaming replacing traditional broadcast, then we need to start including more of the holistic experience in how we talk about delivery. Because if we continue this reductionist approach that "delivery" is just about protocols and bytes, we will forever keep streaming as second fiddle to traditional TV.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


The popularity and growth of FAST show us that viewing behavior, 尽管流媒体正在兴起, 并没有太大的变化. People want choice, but they want it in a way that meets their needs. FAST doesn't scrap the broadcast experience with which so many are familiar; it is evolving it in a way that broadcast could never do to improve upon the viewer experience.


你可能会觉得我疯了, as the executive director of the world's largest streaming technical association, 问这个专栏标题中的问题. But I think it's actually important that we do a gut check every once in a while.


一个blockchain-based, ledger-and-wallet approach promises a digital rights management that's just as effective as anything we have now, 这样做的好处是对消费者更友好.

Multi-CDN is Firmly Established; Edge Compute Has Yet to Take Hold

The findings of the Content Delivery and Edge Compute Trends survey, 与StackPath合作, 揭示一个正在转型的行业.

Disney's Best Practices for CDN Load Balancing and QoS

Disney CDN Performance Architect Robert Colantuoni discusses how Disney approaches load balancing among CDNs for best QoS and QoE in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.


Velocix' Jim Brickmeier discusses virtual CDN options and advantages for live event streamers who have their own networks and for those who don't in this clip from Content Delivery Summit.


Verizon's Thomas Box and Akamai's Will Law discuss key and emerging areas of focus for CDNs, 包括安全, 边缘增长, 延迟, 更多内容请听内容交付峰会的剪辑.