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Zoom as a Pro Production Tool

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Corey Behnke: Zoom is an amazing production tool. Let's not split hairs. Let's call a spade a spade. 我们有一些客户想使用Google Meet, or they want to use Teams, or they want to use something else. But it's pretty much our preferred workflow for, "Hey, let's all get together and make a show together." Now, maybe we might put in some of the content.所以后端制作人可以为缩放播放. Also the guests, the rooms. 我们已经使用Zoom创建了大约八种不同的工作流程, sometimes as an input source into a switcher, sometimes as an out. I mean, it's crazy, right? As a production tool, 它使我们的行业能够以一种我们无法做到的方式进行创新. So we use SRT, 我们有一款叫做Live X Director的产品,它能让你在200-400毫秒之间切换,这样别人就可以远程切换摄像机了.


"Hey, I'm a director. I need to cut a show.“好吧,你需要这个超低延迟的产品。."

“嘿,我是一个幕后制作人,一到两秒钟对我来说没问题." "Okay, well, we're going to put you in a Zoom."

“嘿,我有20个消费者要来参加这个节目,他们都带着笔记本电脑摄像头." "Okay. Get our Rivet app or use Zoom."

So I think it's been kind of revolutionary. 我认为这是为这一刻而做的,我想对它嗤之以鼻. 三月份的时候,我想说,“你要用Zoom. You don't know what you're doing." And I was full of shit. It is a legit product for today's market.

Shawn Lam: I definitely could echo those sentiments, because early in March, 我的全部业务就是咨询我的现有客户——或者以前的客户, I should say, 因为他们不再做太多的业务——至于他们将如何转向,以及他们将使用什么平台. The obvious one seemed to be Zoom. 而是因为他们在早期经历了一些挑战, I was able to say, "Yes, you can use zoom, but here are some of the challenges, 这里有一些其他的平台,你可能会想看看,我可以推荐和培训你." So, as a consultant, 能够推荐一些不同于“消费者”或显而易见的选择的东西是件好事. 但现在很难不推荐Zoom,因为它很稳定. It does a really good job. Everyone has used it. 你需要有一个真正令人信服的理由不推荐它继续下去.

Jef Kethley: 我想Corey可能会同意我的观点:不使用Zoom的原因是,如果你有一个像Corey's Rivet这样的好产品,可以吸引很多你需要控制的人. That's where you use the other tools. 如果你只是需要一个简单的方法,让每个人都能进入, Zoom is still a go-to, without a doubt. Teams is right behind it for us, 特别是新的NDI输出为我们打开了一个全新的世界.

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