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在1975年乡村音乐奖颁奖典礼上的一个经典时刻, 在它的微妙和低调, 超过了最近的任何一个颁奖典礼, 查理·里奇撕开了年度艺人奖的信封, 看到了约翰·丹佛的名字, 漫不经心地从口袋里掏出一个打火机, 然后把纸条点着. 幸运的是, 45年后, 通过不可或缺的YouTube档案赞助, 里奇对评奖委员会评选结果的简洁指责,就像下面这篇文章一样容易理解, 说, 的 《百家乐app下载》/《月光男孩 Best Picture debacle of 的 2017 Oscars or any charged political statement delivered from an entertainment industry-sanctioned soapbox.

银狐无话可说, 凋零式的打击至今仍有冲击力, not because his statement was all that righteous or because 的 offense of giving a country music award to a middle-of-的-road pop-folkie like Denver was all that serious. 里奇即兴表演的力量都体现在他的演讲中. As a veteran live performer— unlike 的 big-screen stars whose awkward on-stage gestures won’t age as well—Rich understood that not only is timing everything, 但你只有一次机会做对.

现场活动制作、流媒体或点播也是如此. 作为在线直播的制作人, 我们有一套技能,磨练了现场制作和流媒体交付, 我们需要一个配套的工具. 当然, 有各种各样的视频设备可用, 很多当之无愧的关注都放在了电影准备设备上, from cinema cameras to color-grading and finishing systems that do undeniably dazzling things. 但在流媒体和百家乐软件app最新版下载, 我们更感兴趣的是解决方案, 增强, and streamline 的 workflows of live video producers—particularly those who need 的 mobility, 敏捷性, 而且多才多艺,可以在路上表演并提供出色的作品, 无论场地或生产条件如何.

百家乐软件app最新版下载, 现在已经是第二年了, recognizes innovative companies that operate most effectively—although not necessarily exclusively—in 的 live producer’s wheelhouse, enabling us to get our jobs done with maximum impact and minimum fuss in our exacting, 一个世界. It also offers glimpses of what 的se companies have done for us lately: recent accomplishments that excite our admiration anew. 所有打火机和火柴都没收了——请把信封给我.


特色产品:Adobe Premiere Rush和自动重帧

不可否认, 奥多比系统—which is largely associated with postproduction—seems like a strange company to kick off a list of live production award winners. (如果我们不按字母顺序排列,我们可能不会从Adobe开始.) But 的 maker of 的 ubiquitous NLE Premiere Pro earns its spot in this list because of recent innovations so sharply reflective of how today’s online video producers work. 首先是Adobe Premiere Rush, a great boon to mobile producers who need to make quick-turn edits away from 的 editing cave because it provides a robust feature set to editors who need to get 的 job done on a smartphone (iPhone or Android) or tablet. 当谈到这个在流动生产者的生活中必不可少的任务时, Jan Ozer在最近的一篇评论中写道, “Rush无人能敌.” Ano的r relatively new Adobe offering that threads a needle for online video producers is Premiere Pro’s Auto Reframe capability, which provides automated options to tailor your video for social media outlets—like Instagram—that buck 的 traditional video world’s 16:9 hegemony. For all of you reconstructed widescreen-or-busters out 的re, Adobe welcomes you to 的 2020s.


特色产品:HELO, Ki Pro GO

很难想象如果没有AJA这样的公司,我们会做出这样的榜单, 哪一个提供了专业现场制作的基本组成部分, ranging from 的 compact streaming/recorder all-star HELO to 的 latest addition to 的 company’s popular multichannel recording line, 的 Ki Pro GO—的 first external recorder that can record 4 HD signals simultaneously in 的 H.264 codec, designed to meet 的 needs of live producers from sports to corporate to worship. 很高兴知道他们有掩护.



年前, 当时Atomos推出了紧凑型汽车, on-camera SDI/HDMI monitors that boasted live recording to high-quality codecs like Apple ProRes, 它同时创造了一个利基市场,并满足了不可否认的需求. 即使其他人在这个市场上分一杯羹, Atomos继续创新,支持4K, HDR, 还有12位记录. 但Atomos的最新突破是外形上与众不同的Sumo19, 2017年发布的一款19英寸生产监视器, 2019年底免费固件升级, 不仅接受并记录四个输入, 但它们之间的切换以及记录切换饲料到第五输出. 据报道,, Atomos将在产品线的其他产品中添加切换功能, 比如广受欢迎的《将军7》.



撰写本文时, 的 first thing visitors to BirdDog’s website see is a picture of its brand-new NDI Wallplate, which seems a fitting analogy for this company’s mission: to build IP video into live production so seamlessly and routinely that it all but disappears into 的 woodwork. 当然, 并不是每个国家都准备好了ndi, 但BirdDog, 4K系列编码器/解码器, 平移倾斜变焦(PTZ)系统, 和其他人, 是否在为一系列现场生产商开创NDI时代方面做出了更多贡献.


主打产品:ATEM星座8K, ATEM迷你

Blackmagic设计's imprint is all over 的 landscape of professional live production, 包括摄影棚和电影摄影机, 流式传输和编码盒, 转换设备, 多视图显示器. 这是许多现场制作人的核心装备, 当然, 是视频切换器/混音器吗, 而黑魔法公司在这个市场上也处于领先地位. 这是《百家乐软件》标志性的多功能性的另一个例子, two of its most compelling recent offerings in 的 switcher/mixer arena are 的 impossibly low-priced ($295) but surprisingly capable entry-level four-input ATEM Mini and 的 top-of-的-line 40-input ATEM Constellation 8K Ultra HD live production switcher. 考虑到8K视频进入流媒体主流的现实时间表, 这可能是你需要的最后一个开关.



Cloud video storage and delivery have been mainstays of 的 streaming world for quite some time, 同时多镜头云制作, 相比之下, 只是断断续续的成长. But 的 goal of bringing 的 full capabilities of live-switched production to remote producers is a significant one for content creators around 的 world. One of 的 more versatile and scalable solutions for live multicam video production and streaming in 的 cloud comes from France-based Dazzl, which aims to serve 的 remote production needs of event producers as well as broadcasters with a low cost of entry, including no required hardware investment besides whatever smartphones or cameras are used in 的 production. 正如安东尼·布罗卡斯在NAB 2019报道的那样, “You can have multiple cities or multiple countries involved in a production around 的 world, and have it all come in and be able to produce that in a way that really isn’t possible with hardware-based



像Azden, 骑, 美国舒尔, 森海塞尔, 以及其他更知名的专业现场音频制作公司, 神麦克风提供了一系列必不可少的音频采集设备, 从超级心脏型霰弹枪麦克风到lav,再到专业吊杆麦克风. But 的 new solution that pricked up our ears at NAB last year is 的 dual-channel Deity Connect 2.4GHz无线系统, with an innovative physical design and daring positioning outside 的 crowded UHF spectrum.


特色产品:Pearl-2, LiveScrypt

Epiphan视频 has made itself a key player in 的 live production and streaming space with a number of well-designed and well-positioned products, such as 的 full-featured switching/streaming/recording appliance Pearl-2—and its junior partner 的 Pearl Mini—and 的 compact, 专用的社交媒体流解决方案Webcaster X2, which successfully shepherded our 流媒体 East interviews to Facebook Live in 2018 and 2019. Epiphan还有一个有趣的新产品, LiveScrypt, which delivers live transcription of conference presentations in ano的r compact little box. This suggests that Epiphan has once again cleverly recognized and targeted a viable niche in 的 live production scene.

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