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Low-Latency Sports Streaming at Scale

Learn more about low-latency streaming at Streaming Media's next event.

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Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Steve Heffernan: 在今天的大多数情况下,我们可以实现低延迟,即使在大型体育赛事中也是如此. The problem is, it's very expensive. So like we look at a game like HQ Trivia, right. When they were first spinning up, getting popular, 他们仍然在流式传输RTMP给该应用程序的每个浏览者. 我们对此进行了计算,假设他们使用的是Flash媒体服务器Wowza. 他们花了2万美元去编码一款15分钟的游戏. 总而言之,15分钟的游戏片段需要5- 10万美元.

所以,回到赌博,我们说赌博没有很多利润. 这么短的一段视频,很多利润都流失了,对吧? 这就是使用基于http的技术而不是RTMP或WebRTC的原因, two protocols that are very expensive to scale up. HTTP是cdn已经优化了20年的协议, is using commodity hardware on the edge, 在其他协议上进行流传输比扩展HTTP要贵10倍.

我相信你们熟悉HLS和DASH以及那些你们用来做这个自适应流的选项. Well those two platforms, I guess you might say, 两者都在探索如何将其机制降低到更低的延迟. 在过去一年多的时间里,DASH一直在向HLS领域渗透.

然后, as Brian mentioned, a couple of months ago, Apple came out with their own version, 这实际上与社区所做的完全不同. So maybe quickly to speak to those options, 第一个, DASH选项基本上使用了一种技术,允许玩家在视频创建之前请求视频的下一部分. So you're saying, "Give me the next segment of video," and it's kind of like hanging, and then like as the video's coming in, the bytes are coming in, 玩家可以在字节流的时候把它塞进播放器.

苹果的方法是使用一种更新的HTTP技术——HTTP/2,其中包含一种名为Push的技术, and this is mainly used for... 所以,考虑一个HTML页面,这个HTML页面有CSS文件和Jobster文件附加到它. What this mechanism does is, it allows the server to say, "Oh, you're requesting this HTML page, I'm also gonna give you these other things as well."

所以, what we're using this in video, what Apple is proposing to use in video, 就是说, “好吧, well you're asking for this manifest, 但我也会给你们下一段视频.“所以这有点像做同样事情的不同方法, 就像把文件从服务器发送到客户端,而不需要更多的通信和中间的停顿.

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