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三星,索尼,LG, TCL和松下:CES 2018电视总结


During the CES 2018 Press Day, the big TV manufacturers were all about making connections.


LG's press conference was strong on AI and robotics (which became a problem when cute little home helper CLOi decided not to answer questions from presenter David Vanderwaal, LG电子美国市场副总裁).

LG电子公开了“ThinQ AI”技术, which will create a network of home appliances that can talk to each other, 理解口头命令, 随着时间的推移,了解用户的偏好和行为. 谷歌助手是内置的, 引进谷歌服务, 比如天气, 地图, 翻译, 和照片, 到网络.

这是LG电子即将推出的AI OLED ThinQ电视的增强功能, which let owners do things like call up sports scores (they show up on the bottom of the screen and don't interrupt whatever's showing), 启动游戏机, 调出照片, and even get more 信息 about the current show or its cast—all by voice. LG与Trip Advisor有合作关系, 因此,业主可以通过电视选择目的地并计划度假.

This TV can control other appliances on the network, such as an LG air purifier, vacuum, or lights. OLED电视使用了新的阿尔法9智能处理器, LG电子美国公司产品营销负责人蒂姆·阿莱西解释说, 哪种颜色有明显的改善, 清晰, 和深度. It also brings improved noise reduction, smoother color gradients, and 731 percent more color points. 它已经准备好支持120fps的内容了. It's a 4K set with support for Dolby Vision and Technicolor Advanced HDR. LG将在2018年推出5条OLED生产线.

LG还展示了其超高清(Super UHD)系列即将进行的LCD改进, 哪些产品能在宽视角下提供强烈的彩色显示. The LCDs use the Alpha 7 processor and also support Dolby Vision and Technicolor HDR. LG电子计划在2018年推出3个LCD系列. 这条线还支持ThinQ语音控制.

Curiously, LG didn't mention the 65-inch roll-up OLED concept TV it showed the press two days ago. While undeniably impressive and futuristic, there's no indication it will go on sale this year.


松下 为飞行员宣布流媒体视频新闻. The 松下 Avionics Corporation is introducing the third generation of its satellite connectivity system, 哪家公司通过卫星调制解调器提供对飞机的在线访问. 汤姆·格布哈特, 松下的董事长兼首席执行官, said it delivers bandwidth 20 times greater that what's available now, 使Skype视频通话和视频流成为现实. Planes from United and Southwest will begin testing the system in Q1 2018. 他们会对访问收费多少还有待观察.

松下 introduced four OLED TVs which all support HDR10+, the open standard 由亚马逊和三星创建. 这显示了业界对HDR10+的重要支持, 因为到目前为止,三星是唯一一家使用它的电视制造商. 20th 世纪福克斯和华纳兄弟. 也宣布支持. 松下's FZ950 and FZ800 OLED TVs use the 松下 HCX video processor for color accuracy, and an Absolute Black Filter that absorbs ambient light and reduces screen reflections. FZ950的底座上有一个Technics扬声器. 松下还发布了两款蓝光播放器, UB420和UB820, 哪些提供超高清分辨率和HDR10+ HDR支持, 由HCX处理器驱动. 


上周,Roku宣布创建 Roku娱乐网络, a smart home platform that links connected audio products running the Roku OS. TCL是该项目的主要合作伙伴, and announced the first supported product at its CES press conference today.

TCL Roku智能条形音箱将于2018年第三季度首次亮相. Besides working as a standard soundbar, it will respond to spoken commands. The presentation hinted that speakers and headphones will later be part of the line, 但没有宣布任何其他支持的产品.

TCL推出了6系列和5系列两款新电视. 两条线路都将使用新的iPQ引擎, 更逼真的色彩, and HDR Pro Gamma for accurate brights and darks in any lighting conditions. 两个系列都支持杜比视界HDR和4K视频. The 6-Series offers a brushed metal exterior with a thin bezel for a more upscale appearance. All 6-Series models and some in the 5-Series will come with a voice remote that works with the Roku娱乐网络. 


三星 teased its micro LED TV called The Wall at a preview event yesterday, 但只在CES新闻发布会上在屏幕上展示了它. 号称是世界上第一台模块化电视, 这个146英寸的庞然大物的尺寸是可定制的, as owners can add or subtract panels as needed (there's no bezel around them). The screen is made with self-emitting micro LED technology, which needs no backlight or color filter. 三星表示,它避免了OLED电视的取舍. 它基于竞技场巨型屏幕上使用的技术. 三星 hasn't yet announced a price or sale date, but said it will be available this year.

三星 spent far more of its event talking up its SmartThings connected home platform, 哪个连接一个系统上所有兼容的设备. It will become available in the spring, and all 三星 devices will be compatible by 2020. 不仅仅是无线网络, SmartThings will understand which family member is talking to it and learn their preferences.

三星的电视正变得越来越智能和实用. 通用指南, 这是三星2018年联网电视的一部分, 会为家里的每个人推荐电影和电视节目吗. set将使用Bixby, 三星智能助手, to 理解口头命令 and control other devices on the network (such as dimming the lights before playing a movie). 三星 is also taking the pain out of setting up a new TV with one-click setup. 该系统使用NFC技术向三星手机学习, 输入Wi-Fi和Spotify密码, 例如. The setup also works with Facebook, Vimeo, and Hulu, with more services to come. Other helpful TV features include notifications when a selected program is about to start and compatibility with a 三星 video doorbell (see who rang right from the living room TV).


索尼 president and CEO Kazuo Hirai kept things brief in the day's final press event. 索尼 is offering a new line of OLED TVs this year, the 4K OLED Bravia A8F series. It uses an X1 Extreme image processor and the company's Acoustic Surface technology, 音频直接来自电视屏幕.

索尼's new LCD line, the X900F series, also supports 4K video and uses the X1 Extreme processor. It uses a new technology called X-Motion Clarity to reduce blur in scenes with fast action.

这些产品将在春季上市. 索尼 is also displaying two prototype TVs that use the X1 Ultimate processor, 将X1 Extreme的处理能力提高了一倍. 其中一台可以处理8K HDR视频, 并使用了一种特殊的背光技术,峰值亮度为10,000年尼特. It's a stunning display well worth a look by anyone visiting the convention center's Central Hall.


David Vanderwaal, vice president of marketing for LG Electronics USA

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


这家高端电视制造商将在2018年专注于生活方式功能, creating TVs that blend in with their surroundings so well they almost disappear.

亚马逊Prime Video和三星宣布首次使用HDR10+

Dolby Vision isn't the only HDR game in town, although consumers might wish it was. 免版税的HDR10+终于可以流媒体了.


While Apple hasn't updated its TV streaming device in two years, an update could be only weeks away. 4K最终会出现在苹果电视上吗?

2017年消费电子展:索尼发布3款Bravia OLED电视,无需扬声器

The screen is the speaker for the Bravia OLED A1E series where the image itself vibrates to produce the audio, 这要归功于更纤薄的设计.