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The Resistance Is Streaming: How Online Video Will Save America


2016年美国大选后的周六.S. presiden­tial election, Kathryn 琼斯 attended a meeting in the Gowanus section of Brooklyn. 这将改变她的生活, 更重要的是, may help lead to a different outcome in the next presidential election.

的朋友 流媒体 可能已经知道琼斯了, a longtime online video trailblazer: This magazine profiled her 12­-night WiredArts电影节 2013年6 / 7月刊. 更多的 recently, she took part in a panel discussion on the 直播的未来 at the 2017 在线直播 Summit East in Manhattan.

那个十一月的星期六, 琼斯 and many other connected and socially conscious people in the New York area were invited to a meeting led by Beau Willimon. Going in, 琼斯 only knew Willimon was a politically active playwright. 她没有意识到是他创造了美国.S. 版本的 《百家乐app下载》 and was the showrunner of the first four seasons. Seeing many famous names among the 400 or so in the room, she realized this wasn’t the usual Brooklyn crowd.

Simply walking into the meeting and seeing the many motivated people was a balm for 琼斯. For the first time since the events of 外胎day evening, her despair and anger began to lift.

“The values and the behavior that [were] elected on November 8th is antithetical to not just my sense of being a New Yorker, 而是我作为一个美国人的感觉,琼斯说. “The fact that we have an administration that wants to devastate the EPA. The fact that we have an administration that is run by someone who has bragged about assaulting women. The fact that we have an administration that wants to control women’s bodies. The fact that we have an administration that doesn’t find all humans to be equal. The fact that we have an administration that is inherently racist, 还滔滔不绝地发表种族主义言论, 并且必须实施种族主义法律. 这仅仅是个开始.”

Willimon introduced himself and spoke of the importance of grass roots movements and the liberal party. Liberals needed to rise up at local levels, he said. 不同的声音加入进来, with attendees volunteering to run activist groups—one fighting for sensible gun legislation, 另一个是堕胎权, 另一个是保护移民.

琼斯 hadn’t come to that meeting to take a stand, but as she thought about her background in media she suddenly found herself volunteering to run the media group. 于是星期六成为了 抵抗媒体团体, and its goal is nothing less than changing the world.


The Collective’s stated mission is to amplify the voice of the resistance through media. 这包括录制和直播的在线视频, 还有动画, 平面设计, 品牌, 和更多的. 它是一个更大的组织的一部分,叫做 行动小组网络,由威利蒙发起.

琼斯 held the Collective’s first meeting the 外胎day after Thanksgiving, 从那以后,这个小组每周二都会开会. The first 15 or so attendees were all concerned creatives who had been at the Willimon meeting and were willing to put their skills to good use. 其中包括专业电影制作人, 纪录片导演, 摄影摄像, 生活带, 品牌专家, 社交媒体大师, and animators—a cornucopia of creativity with an emphasis on digital.

One of the first decisions 琼斯’s group—and the partner organizations it serves—had to make was who it wanted to reach and how it would try to reach them. Some felt the group needed to target conservative voters, to educate and persuade them. 琼斯, 然而, thinks a better use of their energy is reaching progressive­-minded voters who aren’t politically active. While the campaigns her group supports have different goals and different audiences, she feels it’s important to ignite a flame with people who have similar beliefs but may not have been excited enough by the previous election to go out and vote.

琼斯 admits she’s an unlikely leader for a group like this. 她从不积极参与政治. She has no experience working on political campaigns or supporting issues. But she’s been involved in digital media since its beginning, uploading videos to Yahoo in 2006. 她不仅在视频方面经验丰富, but she’s passionate about live streaming and the way it can build community. And she’s not alone in her passion or experience:

“This is the strongest team I’ve ever worked with on any job, 任何项目, 已付或未付,琼斯说. “My team is filled with brilliant 品牌 and marketing and graphics people. I do bring a ton to the table, but I don’t bring anything to the table without my team behind me.”


The Collective has created a strong and varied portfolio in its short time. Looking at its accomplishments shows the variety that political calls-­to-­action can take.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The WiredArts电影节: High Culture Meets Live Online Video

为期12夜的活动现场播放音乐, 跳舞, 向全球观众展示戏剧, proving that the arts have a place in online video.


From President Obama to the Tea Party to a "re-enactment" of the Proposition 8 trial, politicians and activists of all persuasions are turning to streaming video to make their point.
外胎.2月. 2、蒂姆·西格林著