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The Premium Environment Advantage in CTV Advertising

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互联电视(CTV)正在整个广告行业抢尽风头. In 2023, almost 75% of UK households and 90% of US households owned at least one CTV device, while over a billion CTV devices were estimated to be in use worldwide.

The growing popularity of this format has led to 65% 视频营销人员将CTV视为其媒体计划的重要组成部分,预计全球CTV广告支出将超过这一数字 42 billion dollars by 2028.

CTV广告形式为营销人员提供了独特的机会,例如获得增量, addressable audiences, 此外,还可以利用实时用户洞察、更长的广告观看时间和转化率,在移动中优化广告活动. In fact, data shows that 23% of CTV viewers make a purchase after seeing an ad — over three times 这是谷歌广告的典型转化率,而且观看CTV广告的消费者是最专注的 51% ——比看YouTube时高40%,比看有线电视时高17%.

As this promising format continues to garner rave reviews, 广告主如何在CTV环境下有效地优化他们的广告投放策略,以有效和准确地达到他们的受众, deliver superior customer experiences, and enhance campaign ROI?

Environment is half the show


A joint study by Vevo and Channel 4 found an almost 50% 消费者对优质电视内容的偏好显著上升——与值得信赖的品牌和高质量相关的内容, dedicated audiences — over non-premium alternatives, 这些内容通常由小品牌的不太受欢迎或小众内容组成.

Moreover, 利用CTV等优质环境的品牌被认为更值得信赖, credible, and valuable by consumers — doubling believability and trust metrics, tripling positive perception, and reducing negative associations by five times, as compared to ads in non-premium environments.

Consequently, 当使用CTV广告格式时,广告商更有可能产生更高的品牌知名度,改善用户体验和客户品牌关系, 充分利用其提供的可靠和高质量的环境.

Breaking through the CTV noise

而CTV为广告提供了优质的环境, there are several considerations that, when integrated within CTV marketing campaigns, 能否提高性能并产生卓越的品牌知名度.

A study by Nielsen has shown that almost half 广告活动的有效性取决于创意的运用. Those that leverage innovative, high-impact, 经过考验的广告创意可以在央视获得最多的关注, 确保他们在短时间内充分捕捉用户的兴趣.

广告呈现的环境或周边内容也很重要. Nearly two-thirds 大多数消费者更喜欢与他们正在消费的内容相关的广告. This is a key opportunity for marketers, 因为用户已经明确选择了他们在CTV平台上观看的内容, 因此,他们更有可能喜欢广告出现的环境. As a result, 通过相关广告接触消费者的广告商将在吸引已经感兴趣的观众方面占据上风.

对品牌来说,CTV难题的另一个关键部分是吸引合适的受众. 利用全面的第一方数据来了解客户兴趣的品牌, behaviors, 消费者的动机将是最成功的接触到特定的观众量身定制的产品, thereby maximizing engagement within their CTV campaigns. Additionally, 通过访问大量消费者数据和注意力测量解决方案,营销人员可以根据不断变化的环境和用户行为实时优化营销活动.

消费者习惯向高端环境(如CTV)的演变为广告商提供了一个尚未开发的机会领域. 那些策略性地利用优质的CTV环境,以高影响力的广告创意在合适的环境中精确地接触到接受性受众,可以产生显著的品牌知名度, increase conversions, 并通过这种有前途和流行的格式提供更难忘和令人满意的体验.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Azerion. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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