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Brands Shouldn’t Sleep on 亚马逊 Prime’s Ad Push


在过去的一年左右, 围绕联网电视广告的讨论主要集中在许多巨头身上, 一次性无广告玩家 HBO, 网飞公司, 迪斯尼+ ——渐渐地(也许是不情愿地)打开了广告的大门,哪怕只是一条缝.

亚马逊 刚刚超越了这三家,并可能在一夜之间悄然成为最重要的电视广告销售商之一. 事实上,亚马逊可能会突然间彻底重塑电视广告. 亚马逊并没有在众多订阅产品中增加广告支持层.g.这一产品可能会吸引一小部分注重成本的消费者. 而, 这家购物巨头决定将广告支持的Prime作为其核心视频产品, 创造了一个我估计有1亿用户的广告机器. 这是因为Prime视频用户现在将自动默认进入一个新的广告层,除非他们选择额外支付2美元.99 monthly to maintain their ad-free experience. 我想大多数人不会. 因为那个开关, 亚马逊将以一种我认为许多业内人士尚未完全理解的方式来定义CTV广告.

For starters, let’s do some back-of-the-envelope math:

根据 Nielsen’s December 2023 Gauge report, 亚马逊 Prime accounts for 3.3% of the total TV and streaming viewing time, compared to 8.YouTube占5%,7%.7%是网飞公司, 2%是网飞公司.为6% Hulu. If we look at the sheer number of subscribers, YouTube has roughly 125 million CTV viewers (and a billion more outside of CTV), 网飞公司拥有2.4亿用户, Hulu有5000万用户.

We know that 亚马逊 has 200+ million Prime subscribers. 然而, 这些人中的许多人不是为了观看Prime视频,而是为了Prime电子商务的好处.g.,免运费). So, if you look at the typical relationship between subscribers and viewers, 我估计Prime大约有7500万到1亿活跃的流媒体观众, 默认情况下, will be watching ads unless they pay extra.

If you don’t want to take my word for it, Bank of America 预测 that about 30% of Prime subscribers will pay an additional $2.99 monthly to be without ads. That means that about 70% of those 75-100 million viewers will see ads, so 50-70 million viewers on the ad tier at a minimum.

根据 亚马逊内部数据在美国,广告支持的亚马逊Prime视频每月将达到约1.15亿观众.S. 独自一人. While that estimate appears rather optimistic (perhaps inflated), 不管怎样,切片, 亚马逊很快就会有相当数量的观众定期在Prime上观看广告, which should make marketers take notice.

Roaring Past the Competition

Let’s try to put this into some TV market context.


想想看. While 网飞公司 and others have stolen much of recent hype, Hulu has long been the gold standard in CTV 广告. 该服务由迪士尼持有多数股权,自2008年以来一直在市场上运营! 它将高质量的付费电视节目和电影与出色的用户体验相结合,使Hulu成为大多数电视广告商的首选.

For 亚马逊 Prime to top Hulu in one fell swoop would be no small feat. It would make the rest of the TV world sit up straight.

同时, 如果有一个CTV玩家似乎能够超越任何竞争对手的覆盖范围和库存, 这是YouTube. 而alphabet旗下的这家视频公司为了被视为与传统电视一样的“高端”电视,不得不打了很长时间的仗, 毫无疑问,YouTube制作广告的能力是无与伦比的, given that its audience and usage hours are counted 数以十亿计.


考虑到Insider Intelligence预测,到2024年,Prime将以3美元的广告支出在流媒体服务中排名第三.13 billion, behind Hulu and YouTube ($3.84美元和3美元.290亿美元). 


Rethinking What TV Advertising is All 关于

我们不要忘记, unlike those other top CTV services, 亚马逊 Prime already has a piece of the most valuable content in all of media, i.e., 国家橄榄球联盟, with its Thursday Night Football football package. +, as the company looks to rescue Bally Sports from bankruptcy potentially, Prime may have consistent viewership and ad avails coming from football, 美国职业棒球大联盟, NBA等等.

See why the TV industry should be leaning in here?

That’s before we get to 亚马逊’s incredible shopping potential. 我之前提到,Prime的举措可能会重塑电视广告的整体格局. 这听起来可能很夸张. 然而,, 想想亚马逊已经彻底改变了我们的购物方式,以及它拥有世界上最丰富的购物数据. 在电视上, 该公司已经在测试不同版本的视频广告,以促使人们采取行动, 比如扫描二维码, add items to their shopping cart using voice, 或者在观看国家橄榄球联盟比赛时通过手机查看当前项目. But it has a long way to go to make T-commerce a mainstream habit. If anyone can do so, I’d bet on 亚马逊.

彭博 报道称,亚马逊正在测试一种工具,该工具可以将“听不见的声音”从产品促销中传送到观众的智能手机上.” Expect lots more experimentation and innovation on this front. +, 正如彭博社指出的那样, 更多的电视商业广告可能会给Prime带来更多的中端广告和直接面向消费者的广告, which could further drive up revenue. While 亚马逊 can and should be a major player in the TV upfront market, it has smartly kept its pricing reasonable, hoping to create a broad market.

一些营销人员可能会抱怨,因为亚马逊要求Prime广告直接在亚马逊DSP中购买, but this is a smart move for the company. By forcing marketers to use the 亚马逊 ad stack, 它有可能将所有设备和格式的广告预算转移到亚马逊, 不仅仅是流媒体, due to the draw of omnichannel campaign execution.

In fact, to help hit the ground running, 亚马逊和IPG 已经签订了一份为期三年的协议,通过Prime为IPG客户投放广告. IPG manages over $47 billion in global media spend yearly. 像这样, 亚马逊应该不费什么力气就能填补突然涌入的广告时段,吸引那些新近获得广告支持的观众.


To be sure,re are some caveats to pay attention to.

亚马逊Prime视频并不是网飞公司、YouTube等许多观众每晚的默认选项 TikTok 已经成为. While it has some hit shows such as 男孩们它的阵容并不深. It needs more buzzy and frequent hits. 简单地说, 来产生我们期望的所有广告库存——亚马逊需要的不仅仅是用户登录Prime, 而是要多看. +, 亚马逊承诺,与传统电视和其他广告支持的流媒体服务目前迫使消费者观看的广告相比,广告“少得多”. Other streaming services show upwards of four minutes of ads per hour, so 网飞公司 should theoretically show somewhat less than that. So 亚马逊 needs a lot of view time to make up for its light ad load. 同时, it boasts of an enviable movie library of nearly 12,000 films compared to 网飞公司's 4,000, thanks to its MGM acquisition a few years ago. Prime should find ways to promote that depth prominently. That’s where the 国家橄榄球联盟, potentially more local sports, should help

整体, my belief is that by the end of 2024, 亚马逊 will generate more ad revenue than any other streaming service. Prime Video是市场营销人员的一块磁石,也是有60年历史的电视广告业务的一块磁石.


[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Lotame. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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