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Top Three Reasons Why Quality Monitoring is Critical for Cloud-Native OTT Streaming


The shift to the cloud represents a momentous leap for an industry previously teeming with skeptics. 根据2022年 德勤 报告, 由于技术的进步使得服务器和存储组件可以集成到商品设备中,云迁移已经达到了一个临界点, and user preference accelerated from the shift to dispersed workforce operations imposed by Covid-19. Fast-forward today, and viewers have far less tolerance for subpar quality, with 2022年Conviva的一项研究 超过75%的在线视频观众会在视频质量不佳的情况下在四分钟内停止观看, including 33% who would switch to another platform.

然而, 从本地基础设施到公共云的迁移给企业带来了一系列新的挑战. 这种转变增加了部署的复杂性,需要高技能的工程师提供必要的支持. 因此, 服务提供商的视频工程师或运营团队进一步考虑将实时工作流从线性流迁移到自适应比特率(ABR)流.  Content owners focus on expanding direct-to-consumer streaming capabilities, 托管服务提供商的主要目标是帮助客户向订户提供ABR内容. 本质上, 他们都在探索迁移云百家乐软件的广泛好处,同时努力解决团队内部相关的复杂性和技能差距.

满足客户不断增长的期望, Quality of Experience (QoE) becomes the key differentiator to building customer trust and retention. 因此, comprehensive video quality monitoring services are critical for processing, 播出, 或分布. As more content and video service providers look to stay competitive, 采用云有助于增强他们在互联网上传输广播级内容的能力,并提高他们在不牺牲QoE的情况下实现IP技术潜力的信心.

在本质上, 没有通过监控获得足够的可视性, 宝贵的工程时间和百家乐软件将被浪费在试图找出质量问题的根本原因上. 因此, 监控每个工作流程阶段是必要的,以确保最佳的视频和音频质量,并简化故障排除过程. Here are the top three reasons why quality monitoring is critical for cloud-native OTT streaming.

Quality Monitoring Always Starts with the Source Contribution Feeds

It is best practice to monitor compressed IP video and audio content before and after processing, 包括编码或转码阶段. This monitoring ensures that no impairments are introduced during these processing steps. 因此, 监控上游百家乐软件的质量变得至关重要,因为这个阶段的任何质量下降都会影响下游的一切.

举个例子, 考虑使用SRT(安全可靠传输)包装的贡献提要将内容从地面传输到云的用例. This content undergoes encoding and transcoding within a cloud-native Kubernetes service. 没有适当的可视性监控, 确定源内容在从地面到云的整个过程中是否具有良好的质量变得具有挑战性. 另外, monitoring is crucial to identify any potential impact on quality during the cloud processing phase. 此外, diagnosing quality issues within the Kubernetes service, 跨越不同的集群, 节点, 和地区, would be difficult without monitoring visibility.

Ensuring Quality of the Source Contribution Feeds Is Only ‘Half the Battle’

仅监控源和后处理内容不足以确保整个端到端视频工作流的质量. 一旦内容在上游被处理, it must traverse cloud-native IP networks in the form of SRT-wrapped unicast transport streams. 该发行版通过云原生Kubernetes服务进行编排,并最终推送到外部第三方内容交付网络(cdn)。.

全面监控, 它变得更容易确定云IP网络是否具有必要的鲁棒性来无缝传输内容而不丢失数据包. 另外, monitoring is crucial in verifying that once the content is pushed to third-party CDNs, it remains accessible and readily available for subscribers to watch, 没有缓冲问题.

再一次, 缺乏通过监控的可见性会导致浪费工程时间和百家乐软件来试图确定质量问题的根本原因. 因此, monitoring should encompass the entire end-to-end workflow, 包括云IP网络和外部cdn, 以确保订户的顺利, 高品质视频交付体验.

It’s Easier To Find and Fix Issues from A Single Integrated Dashboard

So far, we have discussed the significance of monitoring at the source and downstream. 然而, when there are numerous monitoring points throughout the entire chain, 另一个挑战出现了:组织如何识别Kubernetes环境中的实时质量问题, 包含多个集群和数据中心? 此外, how can these issues be swiftly diagnosed and remedied?

另外, it is crucial to determine the time frame of the problem. Is it a recent occurrence, or has it persisted for an extended period? 这方面非常重要. 访问多个单独的监测点或手动汇总数据是不切实际且耗时的. 而不是, 需要一种简化的方法来支持通过集成接口进行管理——一种既简单又用户友好的解决方案.

目标是建立一个集中而全面的监控系统,提供对Kubernetes环境中质量问题的实时洞察, 跨越各种集群和数据中心. This system should offer quick and accurate diagnostics to resolve any identified problems promptly. 此外, 它应该提供历史数据分析, enabling the determination of when issues originated and how long they have persisted.

By adopting an integrated interface that simplifies monitoring and data management, the complexity of tracking quality problems across multiple points in the chain can be mitigated. 这种方法消除了导航无数接口的需要,并在整个工作流程中促进了高效和有效的质量管理.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Telestream. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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