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流媒体西部 Preview: Cloud Graphics Are the Future!


If you’ve spent decades innovating in media, you’ve seen the ebb and flow of crazy waves. Some turn into tsunamis, others peter out. Some do both, but for different use cases. 个性化, 转播画面, 闲谈,聊天, device-shifting, 交互性, digital goods—and who can forget second-screen? The fact is another wave is gathering momentum. 会坚持下去吗?? Who knows, but here’s my bull case for this unusual slice of under-covered streaming tech.

博客First, my wife hates the ticker when we watch baseball. Me? 我很喜欢. Personalized graphics over live streams 是不需要动脑筋的吗. Clippers Courtvision has shown the way.

Second, what about virtual channels? 带上你的视频点播, 回放, 还有附加内容, 把它们串在一起, and freshen it up with live data and social feeds. 瞧! 模拟生活,或Simulive. Easy, low-cost 24x7 channels for everyone.

第三,电子竞技多? The exploding video game and Twitch-style 影响经济—what with its live 闲谈,聊天s and virtual goods—has high heat. Obvi.

第四, hold yourself together on this: Second-screen gamification, 观众参与, and 交互性 is back with a vengeance! 体育博彩 and predict-the-play type fantasy is now officially in landgrab mode. (Check your local app store.内容为王? 不. 数据才是王道. 称之为AR.

Fifth, cloud, free, and open source. is open, mature, widely implemented software with a powerful yet deceptively simple proposition. And there are other ways to do this, 太! Cloud graphics tech feels under-appreciated to me relative to its obvious value in the future of streaming TV.

最后, a counter-argument: While cloud graphics aren’t “high-end” production values per se, the history of digital proves a thriving high-end does not preclude a thriving low-end/长尾. The value of the democratized, aggregated 长尾 能让高端相形见绌. 此外, given the pace of innovation driven by advanced clouds and hyperscalers, we may see progress ahead that solves for this challenge, 太.

就是这样. Six rock solid reasons why you need to know 一切 about cloud graphics and digital/interactive overlays.

哦,好消息! I’m giving a special talk at 流媒体西部 11月19日. It’s called, Everything you Need to Know 关于 Cloud Graphics and Digital Overlays.

It’ll feature content from a diverse range of innovators including Bee-On from Never.No, Crowdpurr, Promethean, Stream Elements, Maestro, Singular.Live, Flowics, Sparx (formerly iPowow,) Unpause, Skreens, and SuperFly.tv as well as pioneers formerly at Vidpresso (acquired by Facebook in 2018.)

Are you a cloud graphics pioneer? 联系我吧 LinkedIn or 推特 and I’ll add you to the list.

对其他人来说? 那里见!

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