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Scale Up to the Future of 在线直播 at 流媒体东部2022


"What does it mean to deliver reliable live streams at scale?” asked Hulu VP of Software Development Nick Brookins at a recent 流媒体 event. “‘Delivery’ immediately makes you think of the CDN, 但你真的必须从头到脚去考虑所有让它起作用的因素. You 需要 to measure availability 和 reliability. You 需要 to monitor average bit rate, 因为如果你交付的流的质量或功能低于用户期望的水平, they're still not going to be happy. 所有这些都需要结合在一起, 和 scale is the really tricky part, 因为为一个用户或一百个用户做事情总是比为数十万或数百万用户做事情容易得多. 期望总是在上升, 所以缓冲或可靠性的水平在五年前可能是可以接受的,现在是不可接受的.”

And when it comes to streaming at scale, failure is not an option.

大流行时代已经过去两年了, when streaming has often been the only game in town, 和 when on-site events have returned 在很多情况下 as hybrid offerings that 必须流式传输, the streaming-at-scale genie is out of the bottle 和 it’s not going back in. 那么内容提供者是如何, 事件生产者, 流媒体专业人士应对不断升级的需求和对大规模流媒体日益增长的期望, 并适应随着需求增加而出现的现场生产和交付技术的变化和进步?

To help you manage the current 和 emerging challenges of live streaming at scale, 流媒体东部2022–making its long-awaited return May 24-25, live 和 in-person, at 波士顿威斯汀科普利广场–features a jam-packed 在线直播 at Scale track. 这七个会议和小组提供了如何做和最佳实践,以确保您的现场活动顺利进行, 你的船员是否在现场, 远程, or hybrid; your workflows are on-prem, 在云端, or both; 和 whether your audience is in the thous和s or the millions.

第一天:超越DIY, 为不断增长的用户进行扩展, 交付大规模流, 以及转向混合工作流

当我们的技术和业务需求发生变化时,许多中小型网络广播公司发现自己处于拐点 流媒体 特约编辑 罗伯特•莱因哈特 of videoRx with a how-to session titled “LSS101. 超越DIY直播.“随着新的和不断改进的廉价视频平台即服务(VPaaS)产品不断涌现, 什么时候应该考虑将流媒体服务器基础设施卸载到这些易于使用的服务器上, 负担得起的服务? 

Reinhardt will introduce you to what’s out there, give you a practical cost-benefit analysis of maintaining your own streaming backbone vs. 走VPaaS路线.


It would be great if we could ramp up just one thing at a time–say, scaling reliably for a larger audience or 确保我们可以保证在一系列设备上的高质量播放——当然,当涉及到对大规模流的需求不断增长时,这些要求是齐头并进的. 

在我们的“LSS102”. Scaling for the Dem和s of a Growing Live Audience” panel, Synamedia’s Gwendal西蒙 其他人将帮助您确定您需要的工具,以确保为您的直播观众提供高质量的观看体验, 特别关注掌握大型赛事和体育流的需求和满足期望.

毫无疑问, 今天的流媒体直播观众喜欢被一流的视频质量所吸引,喜欢被创新的交互性所吸引——但是他们 需要 is to see a stream that works, without rebuffering delays or downtime. Without a solid, reliable backbone, your stream isn’t going to dazzle anybody. That’s where a robust CDN–or even better, 一种多cdn方法, 并帮助你达到我们都努力追求的难以捉摸的5 - 9可靠性标准. 

我们周二下午关于“大规模传输直播流”的小组讨论,来自Rethink Technology 研究 汤米·弗拉纳根, Stackpath 休伊内森, 和 back-by-popular-dem和 流媒体 mainstays 科里本克先生 Live X和 约翰·帕特塞利 牛头犬DM将探索流媒体基础设施的现状,并提供来之不易的经验教训,告诉你在99 1/2无法做到的情况下,你需要知道什么才能保持5 / 9的流媒体可靠性.

当世界其他地方进入不同程度的封锁时,流媒体世界发生了许多有趣和不那么有趣的事情, streaming became the only way to reach an audience, 和 远程 和 hybrid workflows became the only way to create streaming content. 奇怪的是, 由于需要,远程制作方法改变了我们长期以来对节目预算和制作人员的一些假设, 我们如何使用科技, 和 how many events we can run at once. 

现在大规模的, 从电子竞技和娱乐到贸易展览的现场活动基本上都在重新配置, 在很多情况下, 作为具有同等场外流媒体观众的混合赛事,我们还将继续开发和依赖混合方法, 有主控制, 技术方向, 图形, or other production elements managed off-site? Our panel of hybrid production innovators including 科里本克先生 Live X和 本•拉特纳 CNN+将讨论“适应和生存”的任务,这是最初向远程和混合工作流程转变的特征,已经变得越来越“采用和繁荣”.”

科里本克先生 on Remote/Hybrid Production Workflows

Day 2: Saying No to Unsustainable Discounting, 优先考虑低延迟, 以及大规模的体育流媒体

有时候,对于中小型流媒体公司来说,流媒体就像是一场逐底竞赛, 随着客户不断要求削减成本,以越来越少的钱提供同等的效果. 

Kicking off the second day of 在线直播 at Scale, 罗伯特•莱因哈特 will present a practical how-to session, "LSS201. Webcasters Unite: Avoding the Rush to the Bottom," for webcasters looking to refine their current business 和 production models, 和 reduce costs without sacrificing quality, 与客户讨论的重点是你的服务和专业知识,而不是越来越大的折扣.

“你能走多低??这绝对是一个错误的问题,但对于某些应用程序来说, it’s the one you 需要 to answer when it comes to streaming latency. Ultra-低延时 is the sine qua non of esports 和 online gaming, as well as things like auctions 和 in-arena betting. But how much you prioritize latency really depends on what kind of streaming you’re doing. In which large-scale streaming situations is latency particularly important, 和 what steps can you take to reduce it? 在“LSS202. 延迟 & 大规模的直播。” 1月时 leads an all-star panel discussing the most pressing issues facing streamers today, 你能降到或需要降到多低.


我们将在领先的西班牙语媒体和内容公司的联合演示中,以体坛的连续两拳来完成大规模直播节目 TelevisaUnivisionLTN全球. TelevisaUnivision, which targets a 600 million-strong global audience of Spanish speakers, has partnered with LTN to bring more than 4,000 live sports events (sometimes broadcasting as many as 20 simultaneously). 在“LSS203. Streaming Live Sports at Massive Scale,两家公司的代表将在现场讨论他们计划如何向美国各地的观众提供这些大型体育流媒体.S. 和墨西哥, with attention to effective decoration 和 versioning, as well as assessing the merits of a managed services approach.

现在注册 to secure your spot at the 在线直播 at Scale track 和 to take advantage of all the 项目的亮点 流媒体东部2022. (Which, if I neglected to mention it, is live 和 in-person, May 24-25 at 波士顿威斯汀科普利广场!)

我们的最新 流媒体调查 reveals that 72% of your industry peers are ready to return to trade shows 和 conference, 所以你会有很好的同伴! 如果你在4月22日前注册, 您将获得完整会议和全访问通行证的早鸟价格,包括流媒体东部和 流媒体 University Workshops.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

5 Great Reasons to Attend 流媒体 East

1月时将主持研讨会, 演讲, 和 panels covering advanced codecs, 用于远程制作的设备, WebRTC, 低延时, 和 reducing b和width 和 storage costs at 流媒体 East in Boston May 23-25.

The Future of OTT is Now at 流媒体东部2022


Webcasting, Videoconferencing, 和 FFmpeg in the Spotlight at 流媒体 East

罗伯特•莱因哈特的研讨会将涵盖使用FFmpeg和管理视频会议输入和输出的最新提示和技巧, 而演示和小组讨论将着眼于将您的网络广播和事件流媒体工作提升到一个新的水平.



NBCU to Talk Super Bowl, Disney Streaming to Talk Multi-CDN at Content Delivery Summit

与流媒体东部一起, the Content Delivery Summit is coming to Boston in May, with a program that is more video-centric than ever.
