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New Opportunities: 2020's Top 5 Shifts for Videoconferencing Consumption

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Among its many impacts, the p和emic has disrupted communication for all of us. 补偿, 全球数百万人采用视频会议,以保持沟通渠道尽可能开放.

但是,我们现在所依赖的许多视频会议平台缺少一些重要的东西——可靠, 高质量的字幕. 字幕可以缓解会议参与者经常面临的多重挑战, 从为数百万完全被排除在讨论之外的聋人或听障人士提供平等的机会,到帮助减少变焦疲劳" where too many online meetings impact comprehension 和 retention.

鉴于视频会议软件下载量的惊人增长,其中包括超过3亿的下载量 报道 on the Zoom platform alone, 对字幕的需求显然超过了任何可以由人工字幕提供的解决方案. 这使得自动语音识别(ASR)技术成为唯一可行的解决方案,可以扩展到需要的范围. 适当采用专门的ASR将帮助精明的公司在2020年需求激增的新市场空间中获得优先权和优势.

Here are five hot opportunities:


远程vs. in-classroom debate raging, large-scale distance learning is a new reality. Barely into the fall semester, 允许学生返校的学院和大学(超过三分之一),000 nationwide) are facing major coronavirus outbreaks; many have already had to revert to online instruction. The other two thirds of schools are fully online already. The same challenge is faced in primary 和 secondary education, 学区和家长们都在努力寻找正确的方法让孩子们重新开始有效的学习.

Even before the p和emic, the size of the global elearning market was estimated at $165B, 和 expected to grow to over $240B by 2023. Elearning serves geographically dispersed communities, enables presentation from remote guest lecturers, 和 makes materials available for student review 24/7. Captions help with leaner engagement, comprehension 和 retention. They're invaluable for English as a Second Language (ESL) training, 和 for students who are learning in their non-native language. 他们还可以帮助学校遵守《百家乐软件app最新版下载》和《百家乐app下载》第504条, which require equal access for all students. 许多大学都在努力满足数字无障碍要求, some are now even being 起诉 残疾学生.


大流行将那些寻求精神指导和社区联系的人与有形的礼拜场所分开. While some facilities have reopened for limited attendance, many worshipers are staying away in an abundance of caution. Ministry has moved online in a big way, 采用主流视频会议平台的数字解决方案,以定制产品,如 布道.网祈祷.com. 再一次。, captioning will provide an experience that is inclusive for all participants, enable translation for non-native language speakers, 并允许记录(母语或非母语)用于以后的反思. 在路上, 如果会众搬离城镇或拒绝返回他们的礼拜场所, 数字平台还为宗教领袖提供了一种保持联系的方式,并使他们的机构在经济上可行.   

State 和 Local Governments

州级和市级政府有无数与选民沟通的需求, from city council 和 board of education meetings, 新闻发布会和公告向卫生和紧急服务部门提供选举信息——这是当前特别关键的问题. 疫情期间,全国各地政府都采用视频会议作为沟通渠道. With cash-strapped municipalities struggling to fulfill their mission, 而且由于技术允许他们接触到比以往更多的选民, 未来,视像会议将成为政府提供服务不可或缺的一部分.


当然, 自疫情爆发以来,远程工作的大规模转变也影响了全球的工人和企业. 四月底, 三家领先的视频会议平台提供商宣布用户参与度大幅增加:谷歌的Google Meet平台每天增加约300万用户, 和 突破1亿 daily participants; despite some well-publicized security challenges (since corrected), Zoom reached 3亿年 daily meeting participants; 和 Microsoft Teams grew to 7500万年 日常用户.

虽然企业现在依赖于使用这些和其他类似的服务来保持他们的员工和客户的参与, many platforms don't offer direct caption integration. Even with those that do, caption quality can be poor - lagging behind the speaker, not identifying a change of speaker, overlaying important visuals, or not segmenting captioned lines in a logical way. Some platforms only provide captions in a separate window or screen. Some don't offer them at all.


最后, in this time of significant disconnection, people are relying on technology for social contact. While platforms like Facebook 和 Instagram are mainstays, 相当多的人更多地通过流媒体视频来获得联系和参与. For instance, popular dating site match.Com最近推出了一种新的视频会议功能,当面对面的约会因健康问题而受到限制时,可以进行虚拟对话. Other emerging platforms like MeetMe.com Yubo 数字媒体是通过直播体验结交新朋友的渠道吗. 正如社交媒体所证明的那样,一旦某样东西流行起来,它就会一直存在. 从现在开始,视频会议将被整合到越来越广泛的社交平台中.

高质量的字幕对所有这些市场的用户体验至关重要.  With ASR offering the only solution that can scale to the need, 视频会议平台所有者和开发人员最好与能够根据独特领域需求定制准确语言模型的ASR提供商合作.  While COVID-19 changed life quickly 和 dramatically, 对于那些愿意把握当下脉搏、拥抱新的生存方式的人来说,颠覆带来了机会.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed byline from AppTek. 流媒体接受供应商署名,完全基于他们对我们读者的价值.]

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