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New Approach to Data Clean Rooms to Fix CTV Measurement


We’ve hit a tipping point for convergent TV (CTV) advertising. Streaming has surpassed cable for the greatest share of viewers, 占38%,有线电视占31%. Industry predictions forecast CTV for the strongest growth of nearly any advertising channel this year, 有可能 预付款项的一半 会被指定为流媒体吗. 从现在开始,每个人 新的运输协议 宣布将增加流媒体收视率.

Advertisers see the opportunity to engage their audiences and are eager to invest. 唯一的问题是骨折了, discordant landscape makes it difficult to understand how those ad campaigns actually perform, 以及投资是否值得.

They also need to work with different data clean rooms. CTV publishers have rapidly adopted clean room technology so that brands can use the publisher's data to create targetable segments. 然而这是一件(非常)好的事情, 在构建这个的过程中, publishers have introduced yet another layer of fragmentation to the mix. Brands are now working with multiple publishers, multiple currencies, and multiple clean rooms. 一定有更好的办法. 

Paradoxically, the solution may come from the clean rooms themselves.  


One of the biggest challenges within the emerging CTV landscape (and related measurement) is fragmentation. Each platform dictates what it shares with advertisers, 品牌必须对这些不一致做出回应. 数据洁净室增加了另一层复杂性. While they add a layer of privacy security for buying and targeting, 它们抑制了品牌想要的测量方式.  

This is because clean room solutions are isolated and never speak to each other in a simple fashion. When a CTV publisher adopts a clean room for passing back their data, the advertiser and its measurement company must integrate with that clean room. 这与线性有很大的不同, 广告商在哪里购买广告时段, 广告播出, 报告是标准化的. 当然, 长期以来,线性是购买的唯一选择, 在尼尔森时代, 所有的数据都是可比较的.

The off-the-shelf siloed solutions don't work for complex TV measurement. Accurate TV measurement requires the flexibility to employ sophisticated computations as well as the ability to have all of the data in one place. The existing siloed solutions do not allow full flexibility to deploy machine learning models and advanced queries written in the advertiser’s desired language. 更重要的是, those solutions cannot support the quantity of collaborators required to gain an accurate measurement of a multi-publisher TV campaign (even if all of the publishers wanted to consolidate their competing data in one data clean room). 

每个洁净室解决方案都是隔离运行的, advertisers cannot make comparisons between different campaigns, and the related lack of de-duplication will lead to inaccurate performance measurement (e.g. 每次获取成本)指标. As a matter of fact, each siloed participant ends up taking 100% credit for conversion events.


封闭的生态系统是中国电视的结构性现实, where premium inventory is consolidated in the hands of powerful, 地产顾问出版商. 在没有a的情况下 单一货币, those publishers also have the power to dictate how brands measure performance within their environments. All of this makes cross-publisher measurement difficult. But the introduction of proprietary clean rooms threatens to make it so time and resource-intensive as to be nearly impossible. 

CTV has been on a meteoric rise, but its growth is far from guaranteed. 在这个(相对)早期阶段, the friction and fragmentation caused by implementing proprietary clean rooms could impact the channel and change its trajectory for the worse. 

That’s why the viability of clean rooms hinges on their ability to protect privacy while allowing measurement to happen outside of the clean room environment. 未来的洁净室必须允许 多种技术并行地协同工作, solving the fragmentation issue and giving CTV a fighting chance. There is an influx of digitally-native advertising companies that are turning away from social media and search to invest more heavily in TV, but they won’t continue that investment without accurate measurement and interoperability.

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