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随着观众对流媒体消费的不断增加, 体育已经准备好加入热门节目的行列,比如 陌生的东西, 只有大楼里的谋杀, 欧比旺·肯诺比. 此外,NFL和MLS还将签订新的流媒体独家协议, 粉丝们准备好了, 超过三分之一的美国.S. 现在的家庭只能通过互联网连接收看电视节目.

超过90% 在美国,有三分之一的家庭.S. 能上网吗, the growing abundance of video streaming services 和 content—both live 和 on-dem和—provides audiences with ample choice outside of traditional TV options. 一些体育联盟也在转型. 今年, the NFL’s Thursday Night Football (TNF) became exclusive to Amazon Prime Video; 和 starting next season, 大联盟的比赛将由Apple TV应用程序中的一项新的流媒体服务独家提供.

These two rights deals signal the shift that has been building as emerging digital platforms have progressively increased their stakes in sports rights. 而 some deals will continue to involve a mix of linear 和 streaming, 如 the new 十大会议协议, recent viewership trends illustrate how comfortable fans are in accessing sports content without traditional broadcast 和 cable access.

根据 尼尔森粉丝洞察, 80%的体育迷, 76% of NFL fans 和 89% of soccer fans have regularly or sometimes watched sports on any streaming or online channel this year. 

从纯粹的视角来看, audiences appear far more engaged with streaming NFL games on Amazon than they are with watching them on premium cable. 尼尔森 TV viewership data shows that the first three TNF games on Amazon Prime Video this year attracted significantly more viewers (13 million, 1100万和1100万.700万年, respectively) than each of the seven Thursday games from last year that aired only on the NFL Network.

This viewership data highlights how much has changed since Twitter first streamed 10 TNF games during the 2016-17 NFL season alongside the traditional broadcasts, 通过互联网连接获得电视内容的家庭已经准备好了.

这些家庭,被称为宽带家庭, spend an oversized amount of time with sports programming, along with local 和 national news. 在美国排名前56位的城市中.S. 尼尔森衡量电视观众的地方市场, BBO 家庭s are 36% more likely to watch sports events than the average TV 家庭. 在一些市场,他们观看体育赛事的可能性是其他人的两倍.

作为一种流派, 体育运动向流媒体平台的迁移速度较慢, 但观众对过度内容的胃口仍在增长. 2022年8月,流媒体被捕获 占总电视时间的35%创下连续六个月收视新高. Access preference is even clearer when we look at the decline in the number of TV 家庭s that receive their content solely from a cable or satellite provider.

不足为奇的是, the makeup of BBO 家庭s has broadened as the percentage of these homes has increased over time. 而25-34岁的人最有可能生活在BBO家庭(58岁).7%), 网络连接, access to it 和 content availability have inspired adoption among much wider audiences. For example, more than 51% of kids 2-11 live in a BBO home, as do nearly one-quarter of adults 50-64. 就在五年前,只有2个.50-64岁的成年人中有1%住在BBO家庭.

即使BBO家庭的组成越来越广泛, 大多数是年轻人, 体型更大,收入也高于美国的平均水平.S. 家庭. 毫不奇怪, BBO家庭最集中的地区是大城市, 仅仅是因为基础设施的可用性.

在未来的岁月里, 我们预计BBO家庭的组成及其地理集中将扩大, 很大程度上是因为许多举措被引入以提供负担得起的, 可靠的高速互联网接入服务不足的地区. 

9月. 例如,拜登-哈里斯政府宣布 5.02亿美元的贷款和赠款 in the third funding round of the USDA’s ReConnect Program to provide rural residents 和 businesses in 20 states with high-speed internet access. 在总, 拜登的两党基础设施法提供了650亿美元用于扩大可负担的住房, 高速互联网覆盖美国所有社区.S. 在更地方的层面上, 一系列的县, cities 和 towns are making similar commitments to deliver 和 exp和 broadb和 infrastructure, 如 威斯康星州出赛., 北卡罗来纳州农村怀特塞德郡,病了.

人们越来越关注新的宽带基础设施,加上美国人的计划 增加他们的流媒体使用 在来年, serves as additional evidence that audiences will continue gravitating to over-the-top, 数字内容选项, including sports—one of two genres that remains a fixture within traditional linear TV programming. 鉴于BBO家庭对体育和新闻的强烈兴趣, 再加上亚马逊上第一款TNF游戏的显著用户粘性, it’s likely that streaming services will continue to exp和 by offering different genres that BBO viewers are clamoring for.

[编者注:这是来自 尼尔森. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

直接面向消费者的区域体育网络如何使用OTT & Android, Apple, Roku, Xbox的配套内容 & FireTV

由于游戏直播版权成本的飙升而中断, 改变观看模式, the continuing trend by consumers to cut cable services in favor of streaming platforms, 许多区域性体育网络(rsn)正处于崩溃之中. Rick Allen of ViewLift writes about the innovative ways that RSNs have adapted with new models using OTT & Android, Apple, Roku, Xbox的配套内容 & FireTV.


在短短几个月内, the majority of Americans will be sitting down for one of the biggest events of the year - the Super Bowl. 对于体育迷来说,这场大赛不仅仅是一个标志性的时刻, 啤酒, 还有鸡翅, 这也是广告业一年中规模最大、谈论最多的日子之一. 詹•陈, Connatix的总裁兼客服主管, 概述了游戏后最大化广告效果的最佳策略.

The Pivotal Role of Real-Time Stream Monitoring in Elevating Live Sports Streaming Quality

Anupama Anantharaman of Interra Systems explores the crucial role that media content QC 和 monitoring plays in delivering live sports content to viewers 和 the significance of media content QC 和 monitoring as the final step in assuring high-quality streaming for live sports events.


JD Power的伊恩·格林布拉特讨论了ESPN的崛起, 它作为任何体育迷必须订阅的有线电视的地位, why it is now poised to unravel cable bundles with the launch of a possible full st和alone streaming platform.


Brad Altfest of Agora discusses Netflix's move into live sports streaming 和 the challenges they 和 other established platforms face in managing large-scale live-streaming events.


Jodell 更多的ncy of NS1 discusses some critical steps for streaming platforms to better optimize 和 create resiliency to best facilitate the seamless delivery of massive streaming events 如 the Super Bowl, 格莱美奖, 和疯狂三月.


Adrian Garcia of Applause discusses the challenges of testing live-streaming broadcasts 和 the new testing approaches that should be taken to minimize disruptions.


体育OTT服务着眼于增强用户体验, 更多的定制, 并简化工作流程,从竞争中脱颖而出


Engine Media Global Head of Esports Darcy Lorincz discusses the crossover of gaming 和 sports 和 the increasing push toward automated production 和 AI-based workflows for high-volume esports in this clip from the sports panel at 流媒体 Connect 2021.

尼尔森 Doubles Down on Streaming, Adds Viewership by Platform 和 Advanced Audience Demographics

Adds unique visibility into total viewership by streaming platform alongside linear TV ratings


Leagues like the NBA 和 MLB are seizing the opportunity to reach fans wherever they are. Facebook、Twitter和Twitch等社交媒体上也越来越多地出现这种情况.