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Brands, Think FAST and Take Viewers Down the Rabbit Hole

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的方式 YouTube 十多年前,它在桌面和移动设备上以简短的内容吸引了用户,现在它正在卷土重来,但现在是在CTV设备上播放长篇视频. 免费的广告支持电视频道(FAST)为品牌提供了与观众真正互动的机会, 把他们带进更深的兔子洞,带他们踏上广告支持的流媒体之旅. 使用FAST通道, 广告商有必要以一种有效的、有针对性的方式接触到大规模的受众. 

事实上是这样的, 对于营销人员和其他内容所有者来说,捕捉和留住观众从未如此容易. 然而, 流媒体平台和广告代理商都必须探索更多的目标机会列表,以便真正在广告支持的流媒体中获得大奖.

的 History and Future of FAST

FAST服务为基于频道的线性内容提供实时流媒体选项,并带有广告荚,用于货币化. After initially gaining traction in 2020, driven by the confluence of cord-cutting and the pandemic, FAST channels have gone above and beyond expectations. With ad-supported means of consuming content becoming popular again, 目前,免费的SVOD(基于订阅的视频点播)在消费者中的主导地位开始减弱. 

也许最值得注意的是, 无广告视频游戏领域的顶级玩家(如Disney+和Netflix)现在正在提供价格更低的广告支持选项,以利用FAST带来的好处. FAST服务增长如此之快,现在已经超过了订阅模式,成为对消费者更有吸引力的选择, especially in an economy that calls for monetary consolidation in more areas than one. With global FAST revenue predicted to triple by 2027 (according to Omdia),而且AVOD的采用率增长速度快于SVOD(55%对28%) 数字内容),对于广告商来说,这是一个有利可图的时机,他们可以把FAST的机会放在议程的首位.

通过为观众提供低成本的替代方案,FAST正在继续证明自己是内容提供商的战略增长计划. In addition to being cost-effective for consumers, 为视频服务提供商和内容所有者创建的FAST平台风险低,资本效率高. 的 market of people who want more personalized, quality content is growing; but, the last thing they want to do is subscribe to another service. 

FAST Perk #1: Contextual Targeting

对于不熟悉的人, 上下文定位可以帮助广告商在不需要任何消费者个人标识符的情况下识别他们的广告所覆盖的人群. 通过删除消费者身份中不必要的方面,这些方面一直是持续隐私问题的来源, 广告商也可以通过在其他地方定位这些通用类别id(如“狗主人”或“运动服购物者”)来吸引更广泛的受众, 例如FAST通道. 在品牌方面, FAST channels allow for brands to choose where its ads run within the show, 基于它的格式.

当然, targeting audiences based on demographic is still an important, 一个有效的, 杠杆策略. While contextual targeting helps big brands extend campaign strategies, 基于演示的目标定位非常适合直接面向消费者的品牌,这些品牌想要补充他们的线性电视广告,以达到品牌推广的目的. 然而, as advertising through FAST evolves, 品牌应该真正开始探索将这两种策略结合起来的潜在优势. 

FAST Perk #2: Personalization Leads to Increased Audience Reach and Engagement

Audiences want the user journey to be as personalized and specific to them as possible, and delivering this experience is paramount. 因此, FAST平台现在有机会引入新的分层选项,为观众提供更精心策划的体验, who will then provide user data in return. 

On the content provider’s end, increased personalization provides the chance to maximize engagement, decrease viewer turnover, and monetize viewership. 围绕观众行为和偏好收集的数据可以逐渐产生更相关的内容. 更多的 engagement means higher viewer retention and more impactful advertising. Personalized digital channels provide a seamless navigation experience for the user, helping them avoid the dreaded “choice fatigue” and extending the shelf life of content. 

FAST Perk #3: Delivery to Key Demographics

FAST渠道不仅可以提高广告客户的接触范围,还可以提高用户的个性化, 但在Z世代和千禧一代的CTV用户中,广告支持的媒体消费替代品正在增加. 的 latest 上午咨询 survey 调查显示,千禧一代是快速频道的常客,每周会看几次. 根据 Statista, the number of monthly Gen Z CTV users in the U.S. is expected to grow from 50 million (2022) to 56 million in 2025. 此外, 上午咨询 and Variety Intelligence Platform 由于经济不确定和订阅疲劳等因素,Z世代和千禧一代消费者比老一辈消费者更有可能调整(或完全取消)他们的订阅服务清单.

千禧一代是最大的父母群体,他们也有相当大的消费能力,他们在FAST频道上的持续增长给了儿童品牌一个通过FAST网络接触目标受众的巨大机会. 类似的, 尽管FAST频道在这个特定的时刻拥有较少的Z世代观众, it’s expected that the creation of new and original content will attract these viewers, a refreshing change from streaming legacy sitcoms and other traditional television. 

通过FAST获得和保持眼球,广告商有机会获得更多的曝光量, 尤其是在关键受众群体有望继续巩固他们在广告支持的世界中的立足点的情况下. As history repeats itself, 观众正在积极退出无广告的流媒体,转而收看有广告支持的内容. In order to reap the benefits offered by FAST services, advertisers and content companies alike should prioritize innovation, fully exploring new and creative methods of engagement, and understand how to best strengthen relationships with viewers.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Aniview. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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