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Netflix is trialling a scheduled programming feature targeting older audiences in a move likely to be replicated in North America. The move is also seen as a response to advertising video on demand (AVOD) services.

主播试播了测试频道, 直接命名, in France last week and will make it more broadly available in the country in a month.

Direct将Netflix的内容打包成实时的, linear channel accessible to French subscribers via the service's web browser.

"It is effectively zero cost for Netflix to stream programming in a linear fashion,盖伊·比森说, 执行董事, 电流分析. “同时, 它会逐渐为你带来更多的观众, 增加粘性,减少流失. 没有负面影响."

审判, 该服务正在测试的众多服务之一, can potentially increase viewing time and engagement and turn the operation of the service into a lean-back activity, allowing for consumers not to have to think about what they want to view, 据特里斯坦·维尔说, 分析师, 传媒及娱乐, 英国未来咨讯发布.

"Consumer research consistently shows that one of the key advantages of linear TV is that it's entertainment without having to mentally engage and choose what to watch,他说.

意料之中的是, 这对老一辈人尤其有吸引力, 事实证明,这一群体对Netflix的增长至关重要.

"Netflix's demographic base is changing so while it does still skew young the fastest growing segment are in the +45 age group,比森说。. "That demographic is slightly keener on linear tv than younger demographics so it potentially satisfies some demand and interest there and gives a new way of engaging a new audience."

正如安培指出的那样, 2020年是独特的一年, and demand for entertainment content during lockdown has temporarily accelerated some of the underlying sectoral and behavioural changes. 尽管如此, the speed of the viewing shifts which have occurred during the last 12 months indicates that under the right conditions and with the right incentives, 视频消费行为确实可以迅速改变. 

Given the extensive period of time over which online video products have been available in each market, one might conclude that older consumers will remain loyal broadcast viewers (and subscription online video products will stay a minority contributor to their viewing patterns) for some time. However, Ampere reports the pace of change of viewing behaviours has been rapid over the last year. 英国和美国的平均年龄为60岁.S. 55- to 64-year-old's subscription OTT viewing increased by over 50% between Q3 2019 and Q3 2020.

也许最重要的是, Ampere data indicates that each age group now lags the next by just one year. The average 55- to 64-year-old's daily SVOD viewing now matches that of the average 45- to 54-year-old's viewing in the prior year—roughly 20 minutes in the UK and 40 minutes in the USA. 类似的, the average 45- to 54-year-old is currently watching the same volume of SVOD as their 35- to 44-year-old counterparts watched on a typical day in Q3 2019.

“我不明白Netflix为什么不在美国推出这项服务.S since the upward trend of older demographics is pretty global,比森说。. "It also potentially opens up opportunities in the longer term for a hybrid AVOD/SVOD model."

AVOD services and FAST (free ad-supported TV) services that have a mixture of on demand and linear channels "are a phenomenon gaining traction fastest in the U.S. currently and beginning international expansion," reports Veale. 奈飞的这一举动可能是对此的回应."

That said, Ampere adheres to its belief that Netflix won't carry ads. "I think it has carved out a position as a premium brand in the space, 而广告可能会削弱这一点,Bisson说.

Another upside to linear viewing which Netflix can hope to tap is widening discovery of its content. "Linear TV encourages the TV to be on in the background [as opposed to destination viewing of non-demand] and leads to happenstance discovery,Bisson补充道.

France is the testing ground because of the market's affinity for linear TV, 哪个国家比其他西欧国家更明显.

"France was the only country in the Western European top five where live TV was the most frequently viewed platform for over half of respondents,维尔说。. “然而, Netflix在法国拥有强大的用户基础, 使其成为推出线性服务的理想测试平台."

According to 英国未来咨讯发布's consumer research program, 数字化生活, 55% of a nationally representative sample of French respondents say that live TV, 无论是免费的还是付费的, 他们最常观看的视频分发方式是什么. This significantly exceeded the proportion who said that an SVOD service, 比如Netflix, 是他们的首选服务(只有16%)吗?.

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