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在“翻转课堂”里," students view pre-recorded lectures before class so that classroom time can be dedicated to interactive learning. 进行的一项新调查 声波铸造数字教育中心 shows that adoption of this method is growing in higher education. At the same time 83% of faculty surveyed said they agree or strongly agree that their attitude towards teaching has changed positively after using a flipped classroom.

"The flipped classroom model is intended to increase educational quality and student retention,肖恩·布朗说。, 声波铸造高级副总裁. The company cites statistics showing that college enrollments are down 2.与去年相比,今年春天增长了3%, while the cost of higher education has nearly doubled since 2000.

Brown says the flipped classroom "is seen as a countermeasure to declining enrollment." Yet he observed that "there aren't a lot of large studies dedicated to measuring the efficacy or the attitudes about it. So we saw an opportunity to use our resources to catalyze a research project."

For this survey 309 senior level education officials—including full- and part-time faculty, adjuncts and instructional technologists—were polled on their use and opinion of the flipped classroom. 更多的 than half of respondents said they are using or plan to use this model. 57% of those currently employing it agreed that their efforts are "successful" or "extremely successful."

The ability to provide a better learning experience was the most cited reason to adopt the flipped classroom, with 84% saying it was a "significant" or "very significant" influence on the decision. The availability of the necessary technologies was important for 66% of respondents, while 61% said that positive results from initial trials of the model was a "significant" or "very significant" influence on adoption.

Survey respondents say the top advantages of the flipped classroom for faculty include allowing more classroom time for "activity/discussion/collaboration," the "ability to adjust instruction styles on a per-student basis,和“更好的学生表现/成绩。."

教授. Ralph Walsh has flipped his Introduction to Public Health Sciences class at Clemson University. Students viewing lectures ahead of time permits him to spend more time "making sense of the content" and responding to questions during class meetings.  Walsh uses analytics to see "if students are watching multiple times... I can see spikes (in a video) where some students are rewinding." He says it helps him identify concepts students may be struggling with that he can then address during class.

“一旦我准备好了内容, I can slowly bring in more education for them" in the classroom, 沃尔什解释说. "That may be practicing small group or critical thinking skills, 然后将它们与课程材料联系起来."  His course evaluations indicate that "the majority of students do like it, 和 overwhelming response is that I should keep (doing) them."

When she was a high school senior University of Cincinnati undergraduate Gretchen Kellerstrass had the opportunity to take a college-level engineering course using the flipped model. 凯勒斯特拉斯说,她在家看了大学的讲座, then attended a class section at her high school where they would discuss the video. Then "we would proceed with proceed with projects that would relate to it... 比如建造一座意大利面桥或者一个液压机器人."

While watching the course videos at home "was just a little bit of extra homework,她说:“这很好,因为你可以重放。, 而不是现场记笔记." Kellerstrass says she preferred spending class time working on projects and would like to take another flipped class.

“基于我们的研究和实际用例, the flipped classroom model is critical in shifting our educational approach from a passive one to an active one that better prepares college students for their careers ahead by engaging them in the material,乔·莫里斯说, Director of 研究 and Analysis at the 数字教育中心.

然而挑战依然存在. 79% of faculty say that preparing for a flipped class takes more time than a traditional class.  60% of respondents also say the availability of professional development to support flipping the classroom is a significant or very significant challenge.

更多信息可在声波铸造 网站.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Streamed lectures, it turns out, are a poor replacement for classroom learning. To help students absorb what they hear, add interactive activities to the curriculum.


Technical snafus can disrupt lectures and frustrate instructors. For strong results, colleges and universities need to think about training ahead of time.

The Problem With Flipped Classrooms: Teachers Shoot Lousy Video

Educators are recording video lectures for students to watch outside of class, 但它们通常质量很差. 以下是一些值得一看的讲座的简单修复方法.

Rochester Institute of Technology Embraces the Flipped Classroom

Online video lessons viewed at home let university professors get the most out of classroom time, 学生们收获了回报.