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Adobe to Launch Flash Access 2.0 Next Month; Irdeto Announces Hosted Flash Access Service

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Describing the journey as "a long road,Adobe的一位代表本月早些时候宣布,Adobe将“推出我们的下一代内容保护产品”, Adobe Flash Access 2.0, next month."

Adobe富媒体解决方案的首席产品经理Florian Pestoni在the Flash Media Blog, repeated a claim made in initial Flash Access 2.0 briefings back in September 2009, 注意到“对发布更新的Flash Access产品的兴趣很高." 

“我们看到很多合作伙伴和客户对Flash Access产品很感兴趣,他们希望Flash Access能够满足Flash Player中更强大的内容保护需求," said Pestoni. “我们从合作伙伴那里得到了很好的反馈,他们帮助我们改进了产品. 我们期待着在他们部署Flash Access时继续与他们合作, 无论是内部使用,还是作为增强内容分发和货币化服务的技术."

Pestoni says he will attend Streaming Media East in New York in early May, offering readers an opportunity to meet him, in case they missed him at last week's NAB show.

Irdeto's Hosted Service
希望围绕Flash Access 2增强内容分发生态系统的公司之一.0是爱迪德,一家在控制访问内容分发方面有着悠久历史的公司. 

"Irdeto's Adobe Flash Access 2.0 license service will be available as a hosted service," stated Jan Steenkamp, Irdeto's VP of the Americas, in a company press release. 该服务将利用爱迪德现有的国际数据中心和基础设施,并部署爱迪德的专利技术,以加速和扩大向大众市场受众交付许可证的规模."

In a follow-up interview, 当被问及新闻稿的标题“爱迪德将支持Flash Access 2”时., Steenkamp澄清了这一措辞,意思是Irdeto获得了提供Flash Access 2的许可.0 service, 同时也让我想起了爱迪德从事控制访问内容交付业务有多久了.

“爱迪德自2001年以来一直为优质在线内容运营‘媒体授权网络’(MAN)," says Steenkamp, 这又回到了高度以欧洲为中心的有线电视和卫星传输控制通道. "The central premise behind the MAN is that content owners, 分销商和零售商需要管理终端用户的“权利”或通过购买获得的媒体权利, membership or subscription."

The company currently services 125 media companies in the United States, Europe and Asia, who stream, 通过网络和消费者显示设备下载内容并从中获利. Last week, the company announced 它的Cloakware嵌入式安全被用作Netflix的内容保护套件的一部分,用于其即时流内容.

"Since Irdeto has many years of experience building, operating, and managing pay television systems for our customers around the world," says Steenkamp, “这种经验已经转化为宽带分销和多种类型的数字版权管理(DRM)系统的货币化. 内容必须根据权利和政策进行在线分发,这些权利和政策在购买时得到调解,并使用Flash Access 2等DRM来实现.0.

"With this service, 公司不仅将获得CDN可能提供的许可证服务能力,而且将获得一个非常全面的端到端付费电视系统," says Steenkamp.“当你用DRM保护一段内容时,它需要一个全面的服务来管理DRM和相关内容的整个生命周期,从而真正使客户能够从内容中获利, and that's our differentiator in this instance."

After Irdeto's announcement of Flash Access 2.0 integration, 紧跟着爱迪德的Netflix控制访问声明, 我询问了与DRM解决方案竞争与利用DRM解决方案之间的平衡.

"Adobe has developed Flash Access 2.零数字版权管理,以确保优质在线内容的安全交付。. "Irdeto, in turn, 开发了可扩展的DRM许可服务来验证消费者,并使内容所有者和分发者能够实现各种业务策略. 这两者相辅相成,产生投资回报."

Selected by DECE
In early January, Adobe announced that Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystem (DECE)选择即将推出的“Flash Access”作为支持DECE的设备中高级视频所需的首批批准的内容保护解决方案之一."

DECE是一个联盟,领导着向可以在各种消费电子设备上播放的内容收费, 就像微软的PlayReady在各种微软和第三方设备上运行一样. Irdeto says its solution is similar.

爱迪德的MAN是DECE的协调员和数字服务提供商角色的前身," said Steenkamp. "The launch of Irdeto's Flash Access 2.0许可服务有助于实现DECE的愿景,即使消费者能够在任何时间在任何设备上观看高价值的内容,同时在内容生态系统中实现投资回报.

“Irdeto熟悉内容管理和在线发行的各个方面," he continued, “我们已经投入了大量资金,在全球范围内运营可扩展的媒体授权中心. 我们与DECE的合作以及我们与Adobe的业务关系反映了我们的基本信念,即好的内容对消费者具有内在价值. 我们相信授权原创者和分销商的生态系统,为最终消费者提供极好的体验."

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