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Video: 镜像 Develops Cloud Application Logic, Adopts Dynamic Delivery Network Model

[本次赞助采访录制于2016年流媒体西部大会。. 了解更多关于镜像镜像.]

蒂姆Siglin: This is Almost Live 2016年流媒体西部 in Huntington Beach. 我是蒂姆·西格林, contributing editor for 流媒体 magazine and I'm here with Gustav Vik, 谁是首席执行官 镜像. Gustav, I remember doing a podcast years ago, probably 1998 with one of the people from your company. 你已经活了很久了. 你们最初是什么时候成立的?

古斯塔夫·维克: 我们成立于1997年,至今已有19年的历史.

蒂姆Siglin: Since you've been around for almost as long as streaming has been around, 你看到了哪些趋势?

古斯塔夫·维克: I think the change in terms of consumption with video has changed dramatically I think over the years.

蒂姆Siglin: Probably when you started in the early days, audio streaming was big. 音频流媒体现在仍然很流行吗?

古斯塔夫·维克: 是的,是这样. 作为我们业务的一部分,我们的业务一直在增长. 我们有垂直行业的客户, 就像广播, 就无线电而言, 宗教广播电台,如Air1或Clove电台. 更大的问题是,“未来的音频会是什么样子?"

蒂姆Siglin: 确定.

古斯塔夫·维克: There are people who think that audio will not continue to grow but rather decline and particularly with the advent of autonomous vehicles and the ability to consume more video in the future.

蒂姆Siglin: 你 do any Reg FD type of audio streaming or is it primarily VOD assets?

古斯塔夫·维克: 我们有现场直播和视频点播, 但更多的是, I'd call it consumption for entertainment purposes more than any other one.

蒂姆Siglin: 这么说,你一直都在这里. 你说音频正在增长. 你最近还做了些什么? 你要宣布什么??

古斯塔夫·维克: 嗯,第一件事 ... We don't think of ourselves as a CDN anymore, but as a dynamic delivery network.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧.

古斯塔夫·维克: The differentiation for that is that we have developed a cloud application logic to sit at the edge of our network that allows us to make real-time decisions at the edge using our worldwide synchronized distributive database. Companies like ad-serving networks or people who need highly scalable, real-time globally low-latency solutions can use our application to deploy their decision-making closer to the end user.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧, because you're putting it out closer to the edge, the latencies are significantly lower.

古斯塔夫·维克: So they can collect data on not only decision-making but also look at cookies, 决策制定, 显然典型的设备识别问题等等, 但所有这些都具有极低的延迟.

蒂姆Siglin: 这有产品或服务的名称吗?

古斯塔夫·维克: 它叫做ECF,它是我们的云应用逻辑.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,非常好. 你认为这个行业的其他趋势是什么?

古斯塔夫·维克: 更多的 and more bigger quality assets in terms of video and the event of the whole social networks including people like Snapchat today, 显然正在改变视频的消费方式.

蒂姆Siglin: 应用程序是一种视频点播模式. 他们就是这么做的. 你有Vine,当然Twitter已经放弃了它. Of course you've got Facebook Live where it's live and then it's turned into a VOD asset. 你 see the trend toward more live content or bigger libraries of VOD content?

古斯塔夫·维克: 生活就在那里, 但我认为问题是, who has a content that's valuable to stream to a large amount of people?

蒂姆Siglin: Obviously your edge-caching model benefits by larger VOD libraries so it means that regardless of the number of assets you can still maintain that low latency.

古斯塔夫·维克: If you think of, like in OTT where everybody can decide on when to start their viewing habits. 这不是一个只有10个人的广播节目,000到1或者别的什么数字, 现在你是1比1或2比1. 它创造了不同层次的复杂性.

蒂姆Siglin: 你, 从缓存的角度来看, feel like you'll be able to handle more long tail content there as well, so allowing a library to continue to grow as opposed to paring it back at the edge just to the most recent videos?

古斯塔夫·维克: 缓存模型建立在人的基础上, 提供人们真正感兴趣的内容, 所以这是一个消费决策. If people want to see the content, then the content will exist as far out on the edge as possible. 不感兴趣的内容,比如我的Facebook页面. 有多少人想看这个? 一切都是关于欲望的 ...

蒂姆Siglin: 内容的受欢迎程度和可取性. 好的,很好.

古斯塔夫·维克: 你可以有名人和他们的内容. There's a lot of people who want to see it, so its will be cached and ...

蒂姆Siglin: 总结一下, are there any other products that you all are launching that are of interest to 流媒体's listeners and viewers?

古斯塔夫·维克: 我们推出了一种新产品. 它被称为广告屏蔽覆盖. What we're trying to do is to recapture the lost revenues that publishers are losing by the pretty significant popularity of ad blockers. 我们试着监控——1, 我们遵守IAB关于如何处理广告拦截器的指导方针, but we're trying to help the publishers monetize their content by giving them different options in terms of which ads to override or what blocking to override, 要传达什么信息呢, “请将我们的网站列入白名单, 等."

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的,准确. 这将是服务器端覆盖或服务器端广告插入?

古斯塔夫·维克: Yes, but it will sit at the edge of the network using our application logic. 对于一些客户来说,这可能非常重要.

蒂姆Siglin: 好的,很好. Again, Gustav, thank you for being with us and this is Almost Live 2016年流媒体西部.


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