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Video has emerged as an essential component of every tech stack

This year video has become a component of every major business worldwide. 来自Zoom呼叫, 互动音乐会到视频练习, people everywhere have been engaging with video more deeply than ever before. At Mux, 我们把视频带到了教育的前沿, 娱乐, work, 娱乐和其他一切. 疫情迫使企业, 机构, governments and everyone in between to integrate video as a core part of their offering. This has prompted development teams (especially those without video expertise) to find easy, scalable and rapidly-deployable solutions to this suddenly fundamental component of their tech stack. 

In Europe, we've seen a 230% YoY increase in video spend and 150% growth in the Americas. 视频在欧洲各地播放 Mux 在过去的18个月里飙升了10倍,超过了2.其他地区增长5倍. Mux has powered a range of industries' forays into video, 包括橡树国家的在线教育平台, which went from concept to code in 6 days and has delivered over 100 million lessons to UK school children. Mux has also enabled innovations like UK-based CrowdComms' virtual and hybrid events platform, which has streamed over 1 million hours of virtual events since the company pivoted from in-person event management in March 2020. 当我们走出封锁时, we predict that these new applications of video will be sticky and lead to even more novel use cases by startups and enterprises across the world.





The 2022 流媒体 50: The 50 Tech Companies That Matter Most in Online Video

欢迎来到2022年流媒体50年, our annual list that foregrounds the industry's most innovative and influential technology suppliers, 服务提供商, 和平台, 正如我们的编辑团队所赞誉的那样. Some are large and established industry standard-bearers, while others are comparably small and relatively new arrivals that are just beginning to make a splash. All set themselves apart from the crowd with their innovative approach and their commitment to serve the customer and advance the industry. It's the fifth year we've capped the list at 50 companies.


Acquisition deepens Mux's commitment to simplifying the live stream creation process for developers from broadcast to playback

面向媒体的AWS & 娱乐:从2021年的顶部看

Five solution areas are key for media and 娱乐 companies: content production, 媒体供应链 & 档案,广播,D2C & 流媒体,数据科学和分析


Elevating the consumer experience to the highest-level possible requires deep insight into quality, metrics and issues; data that was previously beyond the reach of operators. Thanks to TAG's Realtime Media Platform, however, that data is now accessible.


Dacast is expanding its highly scalable infrastructure to provide multi-CDN delivery to help deliver high-quality content to viewers worldwide, 包括在中国.


内容才是王道, but user experience—from personalized streams to personalized advertising—is becoming nearly as important in attracting and retaining viewers

Qwilt: 2021年从山顶俯瞰

Qwilt正在快速扩张, well on the way to reaching 200Tbps global capacity with its Open Edge Cloud, 基于开放缓存的, 像英国电信这样的客户, Verizon, 蒂姆·巴西, and Telecom Argentina are embracing the new content delivery model


Viewers have shown that they have huge appetites for content diversity. Success in delivery in the direct-to-consumer environment means being able to consistently meet viewer experience targets so that viewers keep tuning in and your business runs profitably.


Software-defined and virtualized workflows provide a degree of responsiveness that is impossible to replicate in any other manner. 因为这个原因, we are seeing more and more large-scale media enterprises pivot towards increasingly end-to-end cloud-based workflows.


Free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) is the cure for subscription fatigue, 而Amagi正是医生所要求的


安全正变得多维. The gold standard of DRM is now frequently used in conjunction with watermarking, geo-fencing, etc. to offer a fuller envelope of glass-to-glass protection, a trend that likely will accelerate as integration standards become normalized and costs are driven down by robust, 基于云的服务选项.


The chatter around whether or not WebRTC can scale should now be less about "can" it scale, 而是“你的”公司能否扩大规模? 在凤凰城,答案是肯定的.


Live linear channels have grown in number, as has the video quality they are delivering. And advances in hardware and software have reduced the cost of launching channels significantly.


由于范围的扩大, 频率, 以及网络威胁的严重性, today's media and 娱乐 industry needs more security, not less. This can present a difficult choice for some companies—compromise your creative vision, 或者降低你的安全标准? We believe you don't need to sacrifice innovation for security—you can have both.

View from the Top 2021: Innovating to Make a Difference

当大流行关闭学校时, 医生的办公室, retail, 还有音乐会和体育场馆, 视频介入,继续教学, 病人护理, business, 还有娱乐活动. 这些解决方案提供商迎接了挑战, 以及今年的《百家乐软件》, 他们分享对未来的憧憬.

The 流媒体 50: The Most Important Companies in Online Video Tech

Our annual 流媒体 50 rounds up the most important, 最有趣的, and most innovative solutions providers in online video. You'll find names both familiar and unfamiliar here, as newer entrants join market veterans. 那么是谁上榜了呢? Read on ...