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Haivision Demonstrates Makito X Family and HEVC Savings at NAB


[Note: This sponsored interview was recorded at NAB 2014.]

Some companies come to NAB with nothing much new to show, and some come with enough announcements for two or three conferences. Haivision 有很多话要说吗. Tops on its list is that the Makito X encoder has grown into a whole line of products.

"Many people know us as a solutions company, but NAB is a tech show, right?海视的首席营销官彼得·马格(Peter Maag)问道. “所以我们要放下手套, 就像他们在曲棍球里说的那样, 在科技上使出浑身解数, and that’s what we’ve done here…The Makito X has blossomed into a whole family of products, 利用伟大的架构 我们的团队带到了市场上."

HEVC是2014年NAB大会的一大话题, but most companies tied it to 4K solutions that were a year or two in the future. Haivision, 另一方面, showed how it's using HEVC today to deliver streaming gains on fixed-bandwidth connections.

“Haivision的客户, 我们的机构客户, are interested in getting the best picture quality across their fixed pipes,马格说。. “我们在美联储有很多业务,对吧? -- military -- so they’ve got these fixed pipes and they need to increase the quality over fixed bandwidth. We’ve actually launched and delivered HEVC to those guys so that they get a 50 percent quality improvement over their current pipes."

For more of Haivision's many NAB announcements, watch the full video below.


埃里克: Hi. I’m Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, here, at NAB 2014 with Peter Maag, who’s the CMO of Haivision. 你好吗,彼得?

彼得: 嘿,谢谢你,埃里克. 我很好. 非常感谢.

埃里克: 优秀的. 优秀的. 我们的大多数读者都知道, Haivision has long been at the forefront of encoding video processing. 你在NAB有很多事要做. 给我们讲讲吧.

彼得: 是的, 好吧, Haivision, many people know us as a solutions company. 但NAB是一个科技展会. 正确的? So we’re going to drop the gloves, 就像他们在曲棍球里说的那样, 在科技上使出浑身解数. 这就是我们在这里所做的. 我们正在关注的一些热点问题. The Makito-X has blossomed into a whole family of products, 利用伟大的架构, 你知道, 我们的团队带到了市场上. You know, as we -- we brought out, last year, twice the encoding, twice the quality. 但是我们拿出了匹配的解码器, 这很酷, 这就是大家期待已久的, 这些高质量的管子. And one of the cool things that we’ve done with these is we’ve applied a new technology to them called SRT.

埃里克: 好吧,跟我们说说. SRT的构建背后是什么? 你为什么要这么做?

彼得: 哦,这是一段艰难的旅程. It was about a year and a half ago at IBC where I was just overwhelmed with the requirement to pump more video across low-cost networks. 所以我们让我们的团队参与其中. 正确的? Our team in Hamburg, great engine builders for Haivision. 他们聚集在一起, 他们打包在一起, a lot of things that we had already worked on a little bit, 这是, 你知道, 气包恢复纠错. 所以SRT是安全可靠的传输方式. 正确的? 这是我们的营销术语. 但是它封装了错误恢复, 安全, as 好吧 as -- because Haivision is in control of the encoder and decoder -- apply SRT at the end of that pipe and we can detect the network characteristics and dynamically adjust the encoders and decoders to deliver the best video stream.

埃里克: 好吧,你用带SRT的Makito-X瞄准的是谁?

彼得: 这是个好问题. 当然,我们的主要客户喜欢SRT. So our first deployment was actually into a CoolSign system. 丹麦的日德兰银行. They have about 600 branches, CoolSign players everywhere. 他们真的很喜欢他们的媒体. 正确的? 他们想让媒体活起来. 所以他们用SRT做了Makito-X, 让它在纳斯达克下跌, 拿到了交易大厅的实时监控, pumped it over the public internet into the production headquarters and distributed throughout their signage deployment. So that’s like a really enterprise application but also the quality of the X, 成本点, price points of the X encoder and decoder are making an amazing tool for broadcast contribution, 新闻. 大家都知道Makito. Its sweet spot is, like, 你知道, that one to four megabit per second. 它真的很有质量. 所以它真的很开放. It’s, 你知道, reinforcing our markets and opening up new markets for Haivision.

埃里克: 正确的. 说到新市场, 新技术, once again this year there’s a lot of buzz at NAB about HEVC. 海视用HEVC做什么? 这对你和你的客户意味着什么?

彼得: 是的. 关于HEVC,你遇到的第一个问题是什么? 很抱歉改变了面试.

埃里克: No, the number one question we get is, is anybody using it?

彼得: 有人在用吗?? 什么时候会被采纳? 完全. 现在, HEVC, 你知道, 带来质量, 人们都在问, “什么时候能买到?“嗯, Haivision的客户, 我们的机构客户, are interested in getting the best picture quality across their fixed pipes. 所以,你知道,我们在美联储有很多业务,对吧. 军事, so they’ve got these fixed pipes and they need to increase the quality over fixed bandwidth. 所以我们实际上已经发布了, 你知道, delivered HEVC to those guys so that they get a 50 percent quality improvement over their current pipes. 所以我们将HEVC封装在我们的Kraken技术中. So the way the workflow goes is you have baseband or an H.264云. 你把它抓进海怪. It transcodes it or encodes it to HEVC, transports it across the pipe with or without SRT. 正确的? And then at the other end of the pipe, we have a Kraken transcoder which blossoms that back into a H.264年工作流程.

埃里克: 哦,真的?

彼得: 所以实际上, 你知道, 为数不多的公司之一, 如果不是唯一的公司, 在今天的实际应用中提供HEVC.

埃里克: 好吧, 好吧, 关于HEVC的最后一个问题是, 除了这些应用之外, what are the barriers to HEVC adoption and what is Haivision doing to try to overcome them?

彼得: Like everybody asks, “When’s the Makito going to get HEVC?“嗯, 我认为, 你知道, 当然, there’s a lot of barriers in distribution and downstream workflows to HEVC. We’re actually showing some advance technology, some really cool stuff. 你知道,同时H.264和HEVC而不是DASH之类的. 只要端点准备好了, 只要市场准备好了, 海视在那里提供最新的技术. And what’s really cool is we get to bake it in some very rigorous applications before the masses need it. 就像H一样.264 we’re really leading the market in development for this technology.

埃里克: 非常酷的东西. And we’ve written often about Haivision on StreamingMedia.当然,你可以在WWW上了解更多.haivision.com. 非常感谢,彼得.

彼得: 埃里克,很高兴见到你. 非常感谢.

埃里克: 杰出的谢谢.

彼得: 看到你.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Organizations looking for solutions beyond Windows Media Server and Silverlight have a new option with the Haivision Enterprise Video Platform.

Haivision Launches the Calypso Enterprise Video Platform

This enterprise-ready video hub includes simulated multicast delivery and strong multi-location support. 原生应用将在6周后发布.
