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Why Niche Programmers Are First in 快

从快的早期开始, 敏捷性和战略创新是初创公司和小众内容公司的标志,是快世界成功的关键. 随着 Independent Streaming Alliance (ISA) emerges to heighten the advocacy of niche 快 providers, Evan Shapiro, 首席执行官, ESHAP, Cameron Saless, Chief Business Officer, 值得信赖的媒体品牌, 和 Chris Knight, President & 首席执行官, Gusto全球传媒,在这段视频中,我们讨论了快市场是如何开始的,以及如何围绕灵活的初创企业走向成熟的 流媒体连接2023.

Shapiro mentions that he recently discussed the formation of the ISA with Saless, “我认为在某种程度上,这是关于在独立和更利基的流媒体中创造集体力量,他说. “当我在研究这个组织的形成时,我发现有趣的是,你们都是第一批进入快平台的人. You were there early; you were helped to invent the platform for the most part.他在美国指出了这一点, 比如在欧洲, 更灵活、更创新的小公司有更多的杠杆来承担风险. 他请萨利斯进一步讨论ISA,以及为什么他认为小众玩家在流媒体生态系统中发挥了开创性的作用.

萨利斯提到,他和其他小组成员长期以来一直过着“平行生活”, 和 due to the nature of the media business, 创新是成功的关键. 他说他以前在 Jukin媒体. “In the early days, we started our business on social,他说. “We were acquiring 和 curating content on social media. 你能到达的范围 脸谱网YouTube 是难以置信的. You could build a br和 relatively quickly. The engagement was off the charts. 当然,与往常一样,随着平台的发展,也会遇到一些挑战. And so, over time, you start to look for new places. And part of our strategy was always to take our content, which could live in various places, 然后试着测试一下.”

Saless mentions the very early days of 快. “我想应该是2014年或2015年. 我们有这样的人 冥王星 然后Xumo来找我们说他们要推出类似的东西。. “To be honest, I was very skeptical, just because of the type of content we had. And launching these things is not easy.” He recounts how he was amazed by an early demo from Xumo. “They were going to launch 25 channels. 我们是25个人中的一个. I gave them some short-form content, 和 we blew the numbers,” he said. “I think we [came in] second out of 25 channels. So, for me, that was sort of a signal. And if you fast forward to today, we have a dedicated team of 50-60 people. 我们正在制作节目,特别是快频道的长篇节目. We have built out an entire team to sell 和 monetize that content. I think the whole point behind the ISA is that a lot of us, while we've been the beneficiaries of being early, 快速移动, 和 investing ahead of the curve, are all starting to see where some challenges are coming down the road. And we all believe deeply in this ecosystem. 我们看到了巨大的机遇, but we've started to highlight to others who maybe aren't seeing it, (说), ‘看, there are some problems out there, 和 we think this group can help at least start that conversation.’”

He further elaborates on the specifics of the ISA. “The ISA is a collection of, I think, 10 to 15 independent companies,他说. “我们将在这个列表中添加更多内容,但我们都在尝试解决不同的问题. And we're focused really on four areas. We're looking at distribution challenges around distribution. 现在有很多平台. Discovery is something we should probably talk about. 例如,我们关注的是需求以及媒体的销售、购买和分发方式. 我们关注的是度量,这对广告商、平台和程序员来说都是一个大问题. 我们关注多样性,因为我们代表了很多未被充分代表的观众. 现在还为时尚早. We're really bullish on the 快 space, 但我们意识到,要实现下一阶段的增长,我们必须解决其中一些问题,才能真正释放摆在我们面前的巨大机遇.”

夏皮罗告诉奈特, “我认为ISA想要做的部分是为较小的参与者创造一些杠杆. 但是通过生态系统推动创新是你们在这里试图创造的主动性的重要组成部分, 正确的?”

“没错,”奈特说. 不仅在我们的业务和媒体业务中,实际上在每个行业都是如此. Small companies are nimble, 和 small companies innovate. Large companies pay dividends. It's not in their DNA to go out on a limb. When we launched originally up here in Canada, we were a pay television channel on cable 和 satellite. 我不得不租用别人的主控制系统,因为对我来说,为一个国家的一个频道建立自己的控制系统太贵了. 我们现在在162个国家的40多个平台上拥有多个频道和多种语言. 如果你十年前告诉我,《百家乐软件》会在那么多国家上映, 我会说, “把你的饮料放下. 你已经受够了.’ It's been a crazy ride so far. 我记得我和冥王星的人聊过,当时他们在曼哈顿一家酒窖的共享办公空间里工作,当时他们还没有真正拥有一间办公室. 这是非常了不起的. 但正如卡梅伦(萨莱斯)所说, 现在是时候看看整个事情的发展方向,并采取一些最佳实践了.”

完整的会议 from 流媒体 Connect November 2023. We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 on May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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The Struggle for Br和 Identity Across Multiplatform Streaming Apps

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How 快 Strategy Is Changing as the Ecosystem Matures

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What Can Broadcasters Learn from Niche Streamers?

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Can Niche Channels Survive on Roku 和 fuboTV?

As streaming services proliferate 和 add 快 tiers, 利基频道如何在流媒体生态系统中生存,而不会被更突出的内容淹没,或者因缺乏足够的市场表现而被移除, especially on major media players such as Roku? fuboTV的Marisa Elizondo与Best Ever Channels的其他行业领军人物讨论了这个问题, 值得信赖的媒体品牌, 和Eyevinn Technology.

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