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是什么让流具有互动性? What are the elements of interactive streams that audiences respond to most, 创造最吸引人的前倾体验? Nadine Krefetz,顾问, 现实的软件, 特约编辑,流媒体在讨论开始时,他问运营主管亚历克斯·林赛, 090年媒体,因为他对互动流媒体的分析.

Lindsay says that broadly, interactive streaming comprises of audience engagement. 他说道:“他们玩的游戏可能是内容的一部分. “可能是他们在问问题, 对问题进行投票, 和它一起聊天, and incorporating those things…where they're even moving or activating things inside of our set during the event. 所以有很多不同的方法, but it's really how do we tie that viewing audience viscerally into the event that’s occurring.”

Krefetz问首席执行官Oliver Lietz, nanocosmos, “你有一种特定的传递机制, 那么,如何为客户定义交互呢?”

Lietz agrees with Lindsay that audience engagement is the core of interactive streaming, 他还概述了两个主要用例. “一个更像是企业办公空间, 你有一些调性的会议来吸引观众, 问问题, 给予任何形式的反馈,比如投票, 轮询, 等. 另一个更像是一个货币化的收入渠道, 这是基于博彩拍卖之类的东西吗, 游戏元素, 哪些直接需要流出延迟来跟上实时空间. 这是特定的垂直业务, 与OTT应用程序没有太大联系, but have specific business requirements and which is not only focused on the video itself, but the complete use case and the complete workflow of a business application.”

克雷费兹说,创新发展部主任布莱恩·米勒, LG电子(LG Electronics)“你有一个不同的环境. 你对互动的定义是什么?”

“所以很明显,我生活在电视世界里,对吧?米勒说。. “所以我所做的一切都是玻璃制造业务. 所以对我来说, I do need to work within the confines of presentation interactivity on the television itself. 我认识在座的一些人, 他们可能会使用不同的媒介, 但对我来说,一切都和电视有关. 所以当我个人想到互动性, I think about what are we doing to enhance that viewing experience for folks. And it doesn't necessarily have to be limited to the types of use cases for interactivity, but certainly what we don't want to do is cannibalize the core viewing experience that we all know and love – we want to add to it.”

Krefetz说:“所以我们有三种不同的互动性.致研究部副总裁詹妮弗·肯特 Parks Associates, she says, “You've done a bunch of different research in terms of that field. 那么消费者是怎么看的呢? 他们认为什么是互动性?”

Kent highlights that Parks Associates views interactivity as less of a “lean back” experience to one that is more “lean in.” This may comprise of elements such as first screen in-stream interactivity or second screen interactivity. “有各种不同的用例,”她说. “It might be an 信息 experience where you're getting new live stats within a sports stream for your favorite players or your favorite team. 它可能与商业有关. When we think about shoppable ads and being able to interact with advertising for the first time, 或者游戏体验, 哪里有游戏元素, 无论我们谈论的是赌博游戏还是娱乐游戏. 导航在某些方面甚至可以是交互式的. 从我们的角度来看, 我们考虑消费者如何使用视频和通信, 尤其是在流媒体中与他人交流, whether they be strangers or your family members or friends who aren't with you.”

克雷费兹问肯特, “I think you've mentioned earlier that younger people have a different method of either viewing or interactivity. 那里发生了什么?”

Kent emphasizes that younger users are more mobile-first in their viewing habits than older users, 同时更注重简短的内容. “Parks Associates是一家市场研究公司,”她说. 我们调查了10个,每季度有1000名消费者, 询问他们使用媒体的不同用例, 他们用的是什么技术, 他们对使用什么感兴趣? 当然,我们可以看看那里的人口统计.”

Kent提到了Parks Associates最近进行的一项调查, which found that fewer than half of 18 to 24-year-old viewers had watched video on a TV screen. “What that just tells us is that there are natively interactive video viewers because much of the video they're viewing already has comment capabilities, 像能力, (和)互动广告,她说。. 正因为如此, Kent notes that interactivity will inevitably advance on bigger screens because today’s younger viewers will expect that same level of interactivity to continue on the OTT level as they age.

了解更多关于交互式流媒体的信息 流媒体东部2023

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


An inevitable question for any streaming strategy or workflow is "Will it scale?“当涉及到整合交互性时, 促进它, and delivering interactive experiences that are satisfying both for large-scale streaming audiences and the brands behind them, 这个问题比以往任何时候都更加关键. 在流媒体连接2023最近的一个小组中, B我是杰伊·科佩尔曼, 斗牛犬DM的John Petrocelli, and LiveX's Corey Behnke break down the problem and the challenges facing streamers and brands when it comes to making streaming interactivity is popular and profitable for all its stakeholders.


交互性对企业流有多重要, 怎样才能保持吸引力并加以改进呢? EZDRM's Olga Kornienko and independent digital communications consultant Simon Ball provide their take in this clip from their panel at 流媒体东部2023.


什么样的互动流媒体功能能引起现场观众的共鸣? 090年媒体的Alex Lindsay报道, 纳米宇宙的奥利弗·利茨, and Brian Miller of LG discuss with 流媒体's Nadine Krefetz in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


是什么推动了流媒体用户粘性, and where is interactivity for sports fans watching live streams and using streaming apps? And what are the current challenges to delivering interactive sports streaming experiences? Parks Associates' Jennifer Kent and ViewLift's Rick Allen discuss these topics in a panel at 流媒体 West 2022.


What are some of the biggest issues encountered when handling interactive streaming at scale? 高交互性流媒体(如拍卖)的广泛增加, 体育博彩, and gaming has put pressure on networks while increasing the need to integrate interactivity into more traditional methods of OTT content delivery.


企业流如何有效地利用交互性? Erdal Kilinc discusses the ways his company Deal Room Events has discovered that interactivity has benefited its clients in dynamic and unexpected forms that incorporate marketing, 媒体, 以及客户参与.


What are the newest engagement and interactive opportunities for both live in-person and virtual event audiences? Finding ways to bridge the gap between in-person and virtual audiences and create experiences that cater to their specific needs is now essential, 主流媒体的贝丝·诺伯说, as audiences have grown more sophisticated and expect high-quality interactive presentations.


Interactive streaming is the future for high-quality ultra-low latency applications that will unlock unique and unprecedented experiences for users
