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How do you drive online and OTT video content consumers "down the monetization funnel" that will make your content profitable? Sinclair Broadcast Group's Ben Miller takes viewers step by step through that process, including how to leverage "casual viewer" channels like YouTube and Facebook to convert casual, occasional consumers of your content to dedicated subscribers that will make your brand successful. 

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本·米勒: What's interesting about being in the broadcast space and being in digital is really the “broad” part. 我们吸引了广泛的观众. 为了吸引更多的观众, 你需要提供广泛的产品, 你需要出现在观众所在的任何地方, 所以当我们看OTT时, 第一步,你必须有一个听众. 第二步是,你必须拥有忠实的用户, 然后第三步是, 你靠这些观众赚钱. 在我们经营的业务中,我们看到了这些问题的各个方面. 这实际上是关于广告收入的层次, 这就是我们所说的“回填广告”.“我们可以根据它对表.

On the video side, it's actually pretty good and growing, particularly with programmatic. 然后, 直接销售给大客户, particularly at the local level where the advertising money is very, 很好,因为我们又触及了小众受众. I think that in the middle are these distributing deals where we push our content out, 中间有一个中间人, we're getting advertising money but it's getting carved into and that is exactly the funnel that you've talked about. I think what's really interesting in a multichannel video distribution world, 我们看待它的方式是,它真的是一条高速公路. 这是三叶草,对吧? 这就是人们所处的无限循环.

他们已经开始了. 你没必要逼他们去. Facebook pushed them there, YouTube pushed them there, that's how they work now. 它们从一种媒介移动到另一种媒介. 他们是被不同的事物所激励着去使用这种媒介. 他们去那里寻找不同的东西, they're willing to pay or deal with certain interruptions in the experience differently. They're willing to consume content at longer lengths or shorter lengths, they have a different expectation of the format and the form of the content, 所以对我们来说, 我们需要理解这一点. 订阅模式是一个非常有趣的目标.

这是一种灵丹妙药,也是一种已经被证实的模式. 这在50年代的杂志上得到了证实. 他们证明了自己可以打造利基内容受众, 让他们为订阅付费, 让他们在很大程度上驱动内容, 交互, 给编辑写信, and then they can sell massive amounts of advertising--and by the way, 现在还有杂志在做这个. 世界性的 is a great example of a magazine that's still killing it in this space. 我们所知道的模型是有效的. When you moved that model to the cable side, you lost some of the niche. 你失去了一些小众市场给你的小众选择, 数码技术的好处是你可以重新捕捉到它, but you have to build a product that recognizes along the infinity loop there's an opportunity to address the audience differently.

You have to get them the right product with the right content. 在某种程度上,是销售商品的成本, you need to seamlessly build that into your production process so that you are on the way through doing your production, creating all those assets in those different ways that talk to one another, 交叉宣传, play into the ways that people are motivated and triggered to be motivated to come back to your other properties.

行业数据显示,人们消费的内容更多,而不是更少. 几乎是两倍, 所以如果你利用这一点, 你不仅不会蚕食你的听众, 你不仅不会赔钱, not only do you reduce your total cost of goods sold because you're getting more content to more people, but you have a potential to almost double the actual ROI on your content production. 但这不是魔法. 你必须非常小心.

You have to have a plan to drive people down the monetization funnel, 你必须使用你可以使用的所有不同的渠道. 在YouTube上,它是一个偶然的访问者. 在Facebook上,这是一个偶然的访问者. How do you convert that casual visitor to a more interested visitor? How do you get them to pay a little more, spend a little more time, come to a first party property? 你如何让他们订阅以摆脱广告? 当你这样做的时候, 如果你注意听的话, 然后你如何让你的创意制作人员参与进来, 不管内容是什么, 利用这一点, 看看分析, 了解他们的受众是谁?

是女生之间的吗? 是人们做运动吗? 是高中足球运动员吗? Who are these audiences that you need to reach that you can reach? 它们有多大?, and how do you make it all part of the seamless production flow so that you can take advantage of every possible monetization strategy you can along that path?

好的一面是, 我们现在有多年的数据可以参考, 我们有一些更大的, 更成功的品牌, 他们为我们指明了方向. 我们要做的就是看, 看看数据,沿着路径走, 然后我们可以创新,成为创新的内容生产者, 创新产品开发人员, 这个领域的每个人都有巨大的机会.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

视频:订阅vs. 避免OTT货币化

Crunchyroll/Ellation媒体执行副总裁 & Entertainment Michael Dale discusses how to convert Ad-Supported OTT viewers to subscribers in this clip from OTT Leadership Summit at 流媒体 West 2018.


Lightcast's Andreas Kisslinger offers essential strategie for OTT app building, ranging from navigation tips to insight on how to choose a third-party app builder to the relative merits of customizable templates vs. 从头开始.


Machinima's Jarred Reeves discusses how to meet the challenges content providers face in accruing and using targeted analytics to monetize their OTT initiatives.


NetInsight's Per Lindgren discusses the latency and synchronization challenges content providers face when trying to deliver a successful live OTT viewer experience.


这是推动OTT增长的最热门因素, according to Amazon's Richard Au and Dailymotion's Anthony Layser, 是定制的, 特定于用户的发现算法, which they explain how to leverage in this clip from 流媒体 West 2016.

Video: How to Reach an Audience in a Blended Content Delivery Ecosystem

Ben Miller of Sinclair Broadcast Group discusses the challenges content companies face in reaching their intended audience in a blended ecosystem where viewers consume content on their own terms.

Video: Does Today's Online Video and OTT Landscape Favor Content Creators?

With the broad array of channels and networks available to producers to deliver their content today, 我们是否生活在内容创作者的黄金时代?


comScore's Caroline Horner discusses the latest comprehensive methods for recording and assessing ad performance metrics while contending with the ever-expanding matrix of OTT platforms and services.


Google's Serge Kassardjian and Recurly's Dan Burkhart discuss strategies for leveraging targeted viewer data to get better engagement with OTT services.