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Video: How Has Per-Title Encoding Evolved from 1.0 to 2.0?

Learn more about encoding optimization at Streaming Media's next event.

Watch the complete video of this panel, DT104A: Per-Title Optimization 2.0, in the Streaming Media Conference Video Portal.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Zhou Wang: 按标题编码与按标题编码的主要区别是什么.0 versus 2.0? 区别在于你是像艺术家还是科学家一样工作.

What do I mean by that? 如果你看看目前大多数人按标题组织内容的方式, 他们这样做是基于他们的直觉或启发式方法. 你可以对内容的复杂程度进行某种测量,然后用它来决定这个内容是比较难还是比较容易, and then after that you shoot in the dark. Basically, you try multiple bitrates. I have this content. 我不知道应该用什么比特率来编码这些内容. 我要做的是尝试几种不同的比特率,看看会发生什么.

Then after you try that, you verify the results. Either subjectively you can look at the video, if you like that or not, 或者你可以用一些客观的度量来测试. 但一切都发生在你已经对视频进行编码之后. Also, 如今编码中一个非常常见的问题是交叉分辨率和跨设备问题. 如果我有一个高分辨率的源视频作为输入, 我需要把它转码成多种分辨率和不同的比特率, 然后我把参考视频作为输入,高速视频作为输出.

You have to somehow solve this problem, so for example Netflix is going to say, "Okay, let me take the low-resolution video, I do some interpolation, make them the same size, so that that can compare with the reference video,“这些都是进行这种比较的特别方法.

The difficult thing is that, for the same video content, 如果你在大电视或小手机上播放的话, your experience is going to be different. I can work with this kind of thing is because, in the end, 我的编码视频的用户将在不同的设备上观看视频. How am I going to decide this? 基本上,你必须采取一些其他特别的方法来处理这些问题.

So, what do I mean by per-title optimization 2.0? 在这种情况下,我们真的想像科学家一样去做. For myself, I have been working as a professor, 我们必须教学生更科学地做事. How do you do these things more scientifically? Basically, whenever you talk about optimization, 首先要做的不是如何进行优化.

首先你得给我一个代价函数. If you cannot define what you mean by optimal, 如果你有一个定量的方法来说明一件事有多优, you don't even talk about optimization. 所以你需要做的第一件事就是有一个明确的,非常清晰的优化目标. What are you trying to optimize for?

The second thing is, once you have these things set up, you hope to hit the right target, just one time. 所有这些都依赖于一个综合的质量分辨率模型. You have to have a very clean, 很好的模型可以让你更科学地做事, 您还需要使用与跨分辨率分析和跨设备分析一致的感知质量度量.

最后,你能做的就是从1.0 to 2.0是你从一些交互式的东西开始或者手动地做一些交互式的东西或者你做一些事情, 或者是一些不准确且昂贵的东西因为你必须一次又一次地尝试, 希望你能击中目标,而不是你能自动完成任务, 你可以做一些非常准确和低成本的事情,因为你只需要尝试一次. That's the purpose of per-title optimization 2.0.

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