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这段话摘自直播峰会的一个小组, Ooyala's Paula Minardi and Level 3's Jon Alexander discuss ongoing issues with 延迟 times and buffering and what viewers of live and VOD are inclined to tolerate as acceptable parts of the online video viewing experience.



乔恩·亚历山大: We definitely see 延迟 as one of those kind of emotional subjects, 人们总是希望降低延迟. 为什么你要注册更高的延迟?

在广播方面, 这是一个有趣的轶事, 如果你谈论NFL, 视频的传播, 通过我们的网络进行广播, 大约10毫秒. If we do an encode on that, it adds about 100 milliseconds of 延迟. We've been seeing an increased number of broadcasters coming to us now asking for uncompressed feeds. 他们不希望我们做任何形式的压缩, 甚至是非常轻量级的无损压缩, 因为它增加了延迟. That is an additional 100 milliseconds of delay on the broadcast side that is something that they are trying to eliminate.

At the same time, they have to have a three-second delay imposed to avoid a Janet Jackson-type event. They are trying to trim off 100 milliseconds on one end, when they are imposing a three-second delay at another end. If you're doing satellite, your roundtrip time up and down is roughly a two-second delay. End-to-end delay, even in television best case, you're looking at 5-6 seconds. A lot less than the 30-40 seconds we typically see with HLS, but still non-zero.

对我来说, I think the biggest challenge with internet is it is non-deterministic and synchronization between devices isn't there. You could be watching on your phone, I could be watching on my phone and we're not synchronized. I think that's the experience which is more off-putting, rather than someone tweeting what's going to happen in five seconds time.

宝拉赛季: 我们和工作中的好人一起工作, 我们的一个合作伙伴, to look at buffering times and how that sort of impacts live and VOD content. 这很有趣. What we found is that the buffer ratio is that the buffer time over the session time. When we found that the buffer ratios were less than 0.2% that was kind of ideal for people to hang with the content. 如果你在视频点播流上看的话, 人们挂的时间大约是它的16倍, but they dropped off very quickly once that ratio started going up. On the live content, people hung on about 24 times as long.

What it sort of tells us is that maybe they are a little forgiving at this point around getting that experience, 因为他们重视这些内容. I think as time goes on they are going to be a little less forgiving, 尤其是年轻观众. 他们会开始提出要求.

乔恩·亚历山大:  We definitely see 延迟 as one of those kind of emotional subjects, 人们总是希望降低延迟. 为什么你要注册更高的延迟?


                在广播方面, 这是一个有趣的轶事, 如果你谈论NFL, 视频的传播, 通过我们的网络进行广播, 大约10毫秒. If we do an encode on that, it adds about 100 milliseconds of 延迟. We've been seeing an increased number of broadcasters coming to us now asking for uncompressed feeds. 他们不希望我们做任何形式的压缩, 甚至是非常轻量级的无损压缩, 因为它增加了延迟. That is an additional 100 milliseconds of delay on the broadcast side that is something that they are trying to eliminate.


                At the same time, they have to have a three-second delay imposed to avoid a Janet Jackson-type event. They are trying to trim off 100 milliseconds on one end, when they are imposing a three-second delay at another end. If you're doing satellite, your roundtrip time up and down is roughly a two-second delay. End-to-end delay, even in television best case, you're looking at 5-6 seconds. A lot less than the 30-40 seconds we typically see with HLS, but still non-zero.


                对我来说, I think the biggest challenge with internet is it is non-deterministic and synchronization between devices isn't there. You could be watching on your phone, I could be watching on my phone and we're not synchronized. I think that's the experience which is more off-putting, rather than someone tweeting what's going to happen in five seconds time.


宝拉赛季:我们与Nice People at Work合作, 我们的一个合作伙伴, to look at buffering times and how that sort of impacts live and VOD content. 这很有趣. What we found is that the buffer ratio is that the buffer time over the session time. When we found that the buffer ratios were less than 0.2% that was kind of ideal for people to hang with the content. 如果你在视频点播流上看的话, 人们挂的时间大约是它的16倍, but they dropped off very quickly once that ratio started going up. On the live content, people hung on about 24 times as long.


                What it sort of tells us is that maybe they are a little forgiving at this point around getting that experience, 因为他们重视这些内容. I think as time goes on they are going to be a little less forgiving, 尤其是年轻观众. 他们会开始提出要求.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


有时低延迟是至关重要的, but in other streaming applications it's not worth prioritizing, Wowza Senior Solutions Engineer Tim Dougherty argues in this clip from 流媒体 West 2018.


Wowza Media Systems Senior Solutions Engineer Tim Dougherty surveys the recent and current state of streaming 延迟 in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 West 2018.


RealEyes' David Hassoun discusses what low 延迟 is and what it isn't, and sets reasonable expectations for the current content delivery climate.


StackPath的Nathan Moore解释了这些协议, 延迟, and bandwidth challenges inherent to delivering video content to iOS devices and how content providers can stream to these devices more effectively.


Yahoo Director of Engineering Satender Saroha discusses 延迟 issues particular to VR streaming to mobile and technical measures to address them.

Video: Best Practices and Key Considerations for Reducing Latency

Wowza Senior Product Manager Jamie Sherry discusses key 延迟 considerations and ways to address them at every stage in the content creation and delivery workflow.

New Report from Wowza Evaluates 在线直播 Latency

这份报告, “创造用户想要的流媒体体验," focuses on time to first frame and end-to-end 延迟 in five markets: user-generated content, 网络游戏, 体育, 新闻, 和广播.


Wowza's Mike Talvensaari confronts the myth that low 延迟 for large-scale streaming is always worth the expense, and discusses various applications and use cases along a continuum of 延迟 requirements for effective delivery.


Reel Solver的Tim Siglin, 彩虹宽带公司的Russ Ham说, and Verizon's Daniel Sanders discuss how attacks on Net Neutrality will impact video delivery in general and 延迟 in particular.

延迟了! 那么哪些公司正在创造解决方案呢?

It's one of the biggest challenges facing live video streaming today, 它仍然顽固得令人沮丧. Explore the technical solutions that could finally bring 延迟 down to the 1-second mark.

Collaboration Is Critical to Reduce Latency in Online Video

Ensuring broadcast quality for viewers is about more than just reducing buffering. Publishers need to improve the efficiency of back-end operations, as well.

DASH Third Version to Reduce 在线直播 Latency: Video

The upcoming third edition of DASH will address several missing features, 康卡斯特的一位首席架构师说, 并将降低直播视频延迟.