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同步和. Latency - Which Matters 更多的 in Enterprise and Sports Streaming?

在超低延迟和同步之间取得现实平衡的一些最有效的方法是什么? Tim Siglin, Founding Executive Director, Help Me Stream 研究 Foundation, Contributing Editor, 流媒体, discusses this topic with Chris Packard, Manager, Live Programming & 流, LinkedIn,以及首席执行官奥利弗·列茨 nanocosmos,从本次会议开始 流媒体 Connect 2024.

“How important is 同步hronization versus latency?西格林问道. 他告诉帕卡德, “我知道你提到了在全体会议上让观众中的某个人入职, I know that's sort of the holy grail of w在这里 you're going. 两者之间是否存在平衡?, 虽然, 我们说,只要我们有同步,我们不一定需要超低延迟? Or do we have to have as low latency as possible, everybody 同步hronized receiving the content at the same time?”

帕卡德说,LinkedIn在这些要求上处于一个不同寻常的位置,因为它可能是世界上唯一一家像LinkedIn这样规模的公司,每两周召开一次全体会议,因为它的首席执行官重视沟通. “So if somebody goes in the mic, 在奥马哈说, 内布拉斯加州或伦敦, he can just choose the feed coming right in.他说,LinkedIn在程序中使用超低延迟进行信号采集, but the end user experiences a latency of around 30 seconds, 但他想知道, “如果有这样一个世界,无论是在我们办公室还是在家里的电脑上,演讲者都可以随时举手,进入更多的虚拟舞台, maybe outside the production control room, 但是程序内馈送? 这才是真正令人兴奋的,因为它融合了我们的两个世界,而不仅仅是控制室环境的输出流. So I think that's w在这里 we're getting to. I think we've been 虽然t leaders in this space for some time."

Packard also mentions the potential of incorporating elements from Meta into their meetings, such as the photorealistic avatars that 脸谱网 正在开发. 他说:“脸谱网上超逼真的头像让我大吃一惊. “如果我们能有某种CEO的虚拟形象,可以访问,其他人也都有自己的虚拟形象, maybe that's w在这里 we're heading.“然而, 他说, 最重要的是,面对面互动的平等机会仍然至关重要. “I think that the in-person interactivity is still going to be paramount, 但我们也必须认识到人们在不同的地方,没有某种地域偏见,并确保每个人都有平等的地位来贡献和被倾听.”

Lietz differentiates between broadcast experiences, which require 同步hronization but not interactivity, interactive experiences, which require real-time engagement. “Coming back to the question about 同步hronization, 对于所有情况, 我们认为将每个人的延迟保持在相同的水平是非常重要的,他说. “That means if you have a low latency, like a sub-second stream for everybody, 你不需要太担心同步,因为每个人都在低延迟空间. 这更像是你需要尽可能降低质量,保持直播运行.” With more traditional live broadcast-type experiences, 比如体育直播, 他说, “Everybody wants to enjoy a game or something in an event, maybe in a lean-back experience sitting on a couch on a 4K monitor. And no matter if they are on a TV screen, 电脑屏幕, 或者在手机上, they want to have the same experience, but t在这里's no interaction.“然而, with more interactivity in live events, 他说, “When it comes to betting or interacting with the presenters, 比如买东西, 然后你需要来到实时空间,参与互动体验.”

See videos of the full program from 流媒体 Connect February 2024 在这里.

We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How Can Sports Streaming Surpass Broadcast and Cable?

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How Globo Handles Latency Costs for Live Sports Streaming at Scale

When it comes to implementing streaming tech for large-scale, 高赌注的体育直播, 通常,围绕管理延迟的决策不仅受到网络条件的影响,还受到成本的影响, 观众的期望, 诸如此类. Globo Digital Products, Platform & Adtech经理Jonas Ribeiro在流媒体连接2024上与Eyevinn Technology的Magnus Svensson讨论了Globo在典型体育流媒体上的延迟,以及影响这些数字的因素.

AWS, ViewLift & Altman Solon on the State of Sports Media 2024

Live sports is the last appointment viewing left in the media world, 但与此同时, 在授权和权利以及流媒体用户访问他们想要看到的游戏的能力方面,混乱占据了主导地位. AWS Head of Sports Julie Neenan Souza, ViewLift副总裁Chance 梅森, 和Altman Solon导演Matt DelPercio在这段来自流媒体连接2024的视频中讨论了体育媒体的现状.

How Premium Sports Streaming Licensing Will Shake Out in 2024 and Beyond

随着顶级体育流媒体版权的价格不断达到天文数字的水平, the potential disruption created by the blockbuster ESPN/Fox/Warner Bros. joint venture (popularly termed "Spulu") teased in February, 随着2024年的到来,体育授权会是什么样子,谁能负担得起,这是每个人的猜测. Will it play out differently in the U.S. 和欧洲? 随着成本转嫁给用户,体育迷们为什么不坚持使用有线电视呢? Find out what top analysts like ESHAP's Evan Shapiro, 我是保罗·埃里克森, Dataxis的Ophelie Boucaud说, 以及TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克, say in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2024.

How to Solve Interactive Streaming’s Latency Challenges

交付成功的大规模互动直播最大的挑战是什么, particularly achieving the requisite low latency, what technology solutions apply? Nanocosmos CEO Oliver Leitz, Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin, 和Motoworlds的Darcy Lorincz确定了现实世界的交互式流媒体问题,以及如何解决这些问题,并在这段来自流媒体连接2024的视频中提供从传统流媒体到虚拟世界的高质量用户体验.

How to Monitor Cloud-Based Low-Latency Streams at Scale

What is the essential monitoring checklist for maintaining efficiency, 弹性, 以及使用基于云的工作流的大规模低延迟流的性能? 杜比.io产品战略总监和2G数字后优化的Allan McLennan在这段来自流媒体连接的视频中讨论了有效的直播监控策略的关键组件和工具.

Beyond Latency: Key Streaming Challenges of Microbetting and iGaming

Microbetting and iGaming are among the fastest-growing apps for livestreaming, 对闪电般快速响应的交互性的需求使得超低延迟在这些场景中必不可少, with all its attendant challenges--especially in the arena w在这里 5G is a must. 但是,当涉及到电子游戏和小额赌博时,流媒体专业人士还需要考虑哪些问题? Barrett-Jackson Auction Company's Darcy Lorincz, videoRx的罗伯特·莱因哈特说, 和流媒体视频技术联盟的杰森·蒂博在流媒体连接2023的小组讨论中讨论了这一片段.

Vindral CEO Daniel Alinder Talks Latency, Sync, 8K, Vindral

Help Me Stream研究基金会的Tim Siglin与Vindral的Daniel Alinder坐下来讨论延迟问题, 同步, 8K, Vindral in this 流媒体 East 2023 interview.

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