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Pros and Cons of AI in Streaming

的增长和采用有哪些显著的优势和劣势 ChatGPT and other AI applications for streaming professionals, and how can they leverage its strengths effectively? Ben Ratner, Director of News Technology, Boston 25 News, discusses this topic with Corey Behnke, Producer & Co-Founder, LiveX, Jeremy Toeman, Founder, AugX Labs, Mark Alamares, CEO, Mobeon, and Steve Vonder Haar, Senior Analyst, Intelligent Video & Enterprise, IntelliVid Research in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2023.

“在你的工作方式和人工智能世界中,你看到的一个主要优点和一个主要缺点是什么?” Ratner says to the group. He asks Behnke to start off with his thoughts.

Behnke说,语言模型聊天人工智能帮助他以新的视角处理问题. “I go to ChatGPT to help me think about something differently. 很多时候,我陷入了自己的技术遗留方法中. 所以很多时候我会用它来给自己一个不同的观点. That's a big thing for me anyway.”

Toeman also extols the virtues of ChatGPT but notes its downsides. 他说:“我们是一家9人的初创公司,其中有4人年龄在25岁及以下。. “我可以让他们使用ChatGPT来制定自己的策略,并对自己的想法进行自我质疑. So if I'm asking someone to come up with a marketing strategy for X, Y, Z, 他们可以自己做更多的审查,这样他们第一次来找我, that caliber is much, much higher than it would've been.然而,他说,ChatGPT的这个优点也是它的主要缺点之一. “It's stifling a lot of independent creative thinking and learning. I still remember when I used to know phone numbers. And then, thanks to Google, we don't know facts. And now thanks to ChatGPT, we might not know anything. 这显然是过度愤世嫉俗,但其中也有一些担忧.”

Alamares认为,总的来说,人工智能在很大程度上是有益的,而且有更大的潜力. 他认为,主要的缺点是人们对人工智能被滥用的担忧被夸大了. “它使我们能够增强个人和团体的能力, and [it’s made] the production process [more efficient] overall,” he says. “But the downside I see, especially on a creative level, is that some of our colleagues are just saying, ‘Hey, you should stay away from AI and it's evil, etc., etc. 因此,在创意领域有很多犹豫,因为我们已经看到了使用, especially it being utilized in an unethical way. And I think once these things get sorted out, though, 一旦一切尘埃落定,它将成为我们未来的宝贵工具, and I think it will enhance whatever we're doing, both on a creative and technical level in a broad sense.”

Vonder Haar emphasizes that while AI is a game changer, especially for software developers, it remains only as good as the humans who develop it. “For decades, 软件开发人员一直受到他们所使用的设备的处理能力的限制,” he says. “Now, with AI, the software developers have a whole new realm to try to address, and that's a world with almost unlimited computing resources. So moving forward, it's a greenfield opportunity for software development, where innovators have room to roam.”

But he notes that AI is not some superhuman entity, at least not yet. “AI is not a magic wand,” he says. “We tend to talk about it in superhuman terms, 但这只是一个问题,人工智能只有在软件开发人员创建利用人工智能能力的程序时才能发挥作用. 因此,如果我们期待人工智能能够治愈癌症,因为我们看到了那份报告 60 Minutes, 这对整个计算机软件开发行业来说是一种极大的伤害,因为这需要有悟性, 聪明的软件开发人员能够理解个体组织所面临的问题, 然后了解如何利用数据和比以前更强大的数据处理能力来为这些特定的业务问题创建解决方案. So it all comes back to basic software development, just on a higher plane than we've ever done before.”

在下一篇文章中了解有关流媒体行业主题的更多信息 Streaming Media Connect in November 2023.

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