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香料公司.'s Jose Castillo Talks 纳斯卡, TikTok, 抽搐, the Evolving 流媒体 Story

何塞·卡斯蒂略主席: 口味,公司.,以及Tim Siglin,创始执行董事, 帮助我流研究基金会, 特约编辑,流媒体, 他们都是流媒体行业的资深人士,也曾共同参加过诸如 流媒体西部流媒体东部. At this year’s 流媒体西部 conference at the 亨廷顿海滩度假酒店 在亨廷顿海滩, 加州, 何塞和蒂姆坐下来回忆了他们过去的经历,并谈论了当今流媒体行业的现状.

Siglin notes that he 和 Castillo live close to one another, but they only get to see each other at industry events. “这是因为我们都很忙,”卡斯蒂略说. “We're traveling all over the world, when we're home, we want to be home.”

“没错,”西格林说. “自2006年我们在纽约举办流媒体展以来,你当然会来参加这些活动……那么你对流媒体最有趣的记忆是什么呢??”

“I think it all comes back to the people,卡斯蒂略说. “我一生中遇到的一些最有趣的人都是流媒体节目的一部分. And what I love about it is it's a global community…these people come from all over the world, 谈论他们令人惊叹的产品, 服务, 咨询,所有这些不同的部分都是为了帮助人们通过在线视频讲述故事. And for me, it was always not only getting to meet these people but hearing their own stories. 我们有一些最酷的人,他们有惊人的想法和新产品,有超级棒的创业公司,有很多财富100强公司,他们都聚集在一起分享故事.”

“有趣的是,西格林说, “Some of those supermassive Fortune 100 companies started as super small startups at these shows. You 和 I can both remember little companies that have now become really big.” He asks about Castillo’s current “indie/streaming” project. “你用 纳斯卡 被称为 铁路边的生活他说。. “现在有多少是流媒体组件,又有多少只是在当地赛马场播放?”

"最近的纳斯卡赛道现场直播, 这是, how do you take a live show that's four fans at a racetrack?卡斯蒂略说. “You know, we'll have 5,000名粉丝 in front of the stage. 你如何把一场有亲密感的赛马场表演和世界其他地方分享? So the show that we do now is live-streamed primarily through 纳斯卡.com…but the conversations are starting about how do you take it back to broadcast? Well, we have two broadcast partners with 纳斯卡…we have 狐狸美国全国广播公司它们各占半个季节的时间. So even in the world where we now have all these options, 当你有转播权的时候,这仍然很难……有一个以纳斯卡为中心的节目, 它会到 孔雀? Where does it l和, how do you put that together where you can have a show for all 36 races?”

“还有,如果一部分比赛是在一个广播合作伙伴身上进行的,粉丝们如何有机会持续参与所有比赛, 一部分是在另一家广播公司播出的?西格林问道. “你是否发现有人会像你一样亲自站在铁路边的生活表演现场,而且他们以前在流媒体上看过其中一些表演?, 所以他们知道怎么做?”

“是的,当然,”卡斯蒂略说. “And we're basing this model off of a very old concept, which was the 纳斯卡 Speed Stage back when we had the Speed Channel. Fans would set up a week ahead of time to be able to get to be a part of this show 和 make signs. And it's very much like the Game Day show for 纳斯卡. 回到过去, 在纳斯卡和速度频道的鼎盛时期, 会有, 你知道, 10,000, 20,000名粉丝, 举着牌子……”

“Almost like they were at a music concert,西格林说.

“完全! And so we've had that model…fans have been introduced to that. So when Speed Channel went away 和 there were these changes, we never really had that 铁路边的生活 stage come back. 在过去的几年里,马库斯·史密斯 高速公路赛车, 你知道, 纳斯卡, the company itself, Steve Phelps, have said, ‘we want this back for the fans.’ So how do we take this old model, make it new again? Retain some of the elements that the fans love 和 remember. 但也要让它对更多的数字观众来说是新的?”

“在流媒体行业呆了16年,在技术方面有什么让你感到惊讶的吗, 慢或快?西格林问道.

“The amazing thing to me is that what's old is new again,卡斯蒂略说. “And it's funny because 16 years ago we were talking about formats, we’ve got to all agree on this single format 和 we're still having that same argument. A lot of it was 'how do we share video to lots of different devices?' A lot of those conversations are the exact same things that we're talking about now. [Where] I feel where we've made a big jump is in the mobile space. 因为我为《百家乐app下载》写的第一篇文章是关于如何在iPod上播放视频的! 想想看,现在我们有了计算能力,不仅可以观看,还可以在世界上任何地方制作直播内容,并通过移动设备在世界上任何地方分享. So I think the technology has changed radically on the product side, 在终端用户方面, 以及创作工具和硬件. 但我仍然觉得,在软件和我们如何交付方面,这是同样的狂野西部.’”

“讲故事方面呢?西格林想知道. “Do you think we've figured out how to use streaming to tell stories that are different, whether it's better or worse from the way that traditional broadcast television tells stories?”

“So I want you to go back into your vault 和 think about Vine,卡斯蒂略说. “所以,6秒钟的视频,对的? Vine was this little startup that wound up becoming a piece of 推特推特最终杀死了……

“And there was Periscope at that time as well,西格林说.

“What's funny is, these tools are now 10-plus years old, right?卡斯蒂略说. “可是现在我们谈论的是,嗯 TikTok 这是最新的东西吗. 就像,我们有过这样的经历.”

“在10年前的模式中,有趣的是,公司会对这样一个事实感到不安,即有人从拳击比赛中拍摄了一段10秒钟的视频,然后他们会说, 你没有这个节目的转播权,’”西格林说. “我们会去追你的. 如果TikTok在拳击比赛中没有完成, 这就像, well ‘we don't have enough people social media influencing…’”

“完全正确,”卡斯蒂略说. “我认为,从讲故事的角度来看,另一个重要的方面是,几年前,它是关于闪亮的新事物,以及我们如何使用它来做任何事情? Well, now you have the power of the rise of influencers. My friend Justin Danger Nunley has, I don't know, 6 million followers on TikTok? 他有自己的频道,自己的品牌. So much so now that these bigger br和s are reaching out to him.”

“旧的就是新的,新的就是旧的,”西格林说. “我们做的播客之一是加里·瓦伊纳查克, 在希尔顿酒店的一个房间里, to actually have those conversations about influencers almost 15 years ago…”

“是啊, so I think there's a lot of similarities to what's happened in the past to what's happening now,卡斯蒂略说. “但在讲故事方面, 我认为我们终于看到了一些传统渠道的突破, 传统广播模式, 等., are really being challenged by an individual with a phone 和 being able to compete with them.”

“是啊,说得对,”西格林说. “所以我认为,当有一个频道可以连续几个小时播放7秒钟的视频,基本上只是重新处理抖音或类似的东西时,我们就会知道这是成功的.”

“你现在去,你有一些最大的 抽搐 users – their VODs are getting more views than some broadcast channels,卡斯蒂略说. “所以我认为它已经存在了. It's just now, it's the ‘how do I find it 和 connect with it?’这完全是另一个问题了……”

Learn more about the state of the streaming industry at 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

deadmau5 Talks Audio vs. 视频质量直播

电子音乐偶像deadmau5在他的直播流中优先考虑音频而不是视频,这是理所当然的, 但事情没那么简单. A lot of it comes down to how his audience consumes music online, 设备使用的流行趋势, 和更多的, 正如他在2023年流媒体连接大会上对埃里克·舒马赫-拉斯穆森的坦率采访中所解释的那样.


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deadmau5 Talks 抽搐 和 the Richard Devine of Streaming


How to Create Superfans 和 Monetize Podcasts 和 OTT Content

Fourthwall's Will Baumann discusses strategies for building br和s, 后, 以及参与播客和OTT内容的规模和货币化,这是流媒体西部2022的片段.

TikTok, Fragmentation, the Future of the Music Industry

Sessions/Next Live联合创始人蒂姆·韦斯特格伦和流媒体公司的埃里克·舒马赫-拉斯穆森讨论了从大型活动到一代专注于TikTok的艺术家的转变, 搬到B和Camp, SoundCloud 和 other streaming social media-centric platforms, 以及该行业将如何改变以适应流媒体西部连接2021年的这段视频中的新模式.

How Lo-Fi Content Keeps Influencers 和 Audiences Connected

Mobeon首席执行官Mark Alamares讨论了他的公司如何与YouTube和TikTok网红合作,以产生源源不断的低调, 低保真内容,在疫情期间保持这些影响者与其受众之间的真实联系.

Has the Heyday of Specialty Streaming Content Arrived?

Gigcasters的Casey Charvet和Zixi的Eric Bolten讨论了可负担且强大的可用工具是如何演变的, 受众人口结构的变化, 不断发展的生产概念为曾经被称为“利基内容”的内容带来了新的可行性,这是他们在流媒体连接2021年的小组会议上的剪辑.


抽搐销售副总裁Katherine Bowe和Streamer Brooke“Dodger”Thorne讨论Streamer社区建设和互动,这段视频来自他们在电子竞技的炉边聊天 & 流媒体西部2019体育流媒体峰会.

