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斗牛犬DM的John Petrocelli Talks Post-Pandemic Streaming at Scale

了解更多关于大规模直播的信息 流媒体西部2022.

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to 流媒体 East 2022, the three-year blip edition. 我和约翰·彼得罗切利在一起. 约翰,你还在牛头犬DM,对吧?

约翰·帕特塞利: 是的,没错.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧. 跟我们说说牛头犬吧.

约翰·帕特塞利: 斗牛犬糖尿病 today is the world's most experienced livestream studio. So we provide all the various turnkey services that a client--i.e., a brand or a content creator--would need to navigate the challenges of scale, big. Tentpole直播.

蒂姆Siglin: 过去三年对你有什么影响? I'm assuming it's physical studio as well as 雷米/remote.

约翰·帕特塞利: 这取决于客户在哪里. 所以我们去那里或者我们做虚拟的事情.

蒂姆Siglin: Did COVID impact the workflow models on that significantly?

约翰·帕特塞利: 它确实. 我们的一个大客户是AT&T, and we go around the country and do tentpole experiences like the Tribeca Film Festival. The NBA All-Star pregame event, even the Final Four, the football championship. 这就是业务, 就连美国大师赛也是如此, 真的消失了,很安静. 然后虚拟世界开始出现了. 这需要很多工作,很多漫长的日子. And I think it kind of transformed our business in some ways. 这个空间确实变热了. 很多新进入者. 噪音很大. Also some challenges some of these companies had with doing things at scale. And now I think we're seeing the output of that is this notion of hybrid. 表演在房间里进行. And one audience is in the room and the amplified audience is the streaming audience.

蒂姆Siglin: I think Ben Ratner said it best when he said his entire control room. 他之所以能做到这一点,是因为混合模型, because he had a phone booth at one of the corporate entities. 他就是在那里设局的. 他有几个监视器和切换器, but obviously he couldn't have fit three racks of equipment in there. 所以能够做一个混合模型. So, as you talked about that sort of turn in the industry, 你认为我们是否仍然处于混合电影占我们制作的一半的阶段? Or are we moving rapidly back toward in0person productions?

约翰·帕特塞利: 我花了很多时间在音乐生意上. 我在AEG和Live Nation的前同事——这是两家大型推广公司,他们已经有18个月无事可做了. 我认为这样做的好处也在于全国各地的独立场馆——因为它们处于休眠状态, 他们安装了更多的互联网基础设施, 还有摄像系统. 所以这样做的好处是现在有了一些基础设施以前没有很多这样的场所.

蒂姆Siglin: To be able to offer new experiences that maybe somebody couldn't have gotten even before.

约翰·帕特塞利: 正确的. 而且成本也更可控. So I think we're gonna see certainly a big, heavy continued push with hybrid. And I think the benefit there is the consumers around the world have this learned behavior. 现在他们知道怎么直播视频了. Whether you're a grandparent who's done a family Zoom call, 或者你是一个接受过远程教育的孩子, 或者你参加了一个虚拟会议, 甚至在Instagram上观看了Verzuz的战斗. The world, I think, now understands how to play live video. 然后是内容创造者. 大流行期间,他们在客厅里表演. So any issue they had with doing this previously is almost all gone. So it's created almost a perfect storm for these hybrid experiences to come to fruition. 在我的职业生涯中, 许多推广方一直不愿在网上播放任何他们认为会影响其门票销售的内容. 我想现在已经不可能了.

蒂姆Siglin: 这是真的. 因为没有门票销售,所以你至少可以在上面做点什么. 有趣的. Now, one thing that's happened in the enterprise space with, you mentioned trade shows. 我们去年做了一项调查,结果显示很多人参加的虚拟展会比他们实际参加的展会要多得多, 但至少有一半人是这么说的, 如果没有时间做Q & A in the live trade show event, I'm just gonna wait and watch it on-demand later. 我知道你关注的是现场直播. 你发现顾客说吗, “看, 我们会我们会收取一笔手续费, 但如果有人想按需消费, 我们也会允许他们在一定的数额内这样做."

约翰·帕特塞利: 这是个好问题. My personal belief is the idea of pre-recording and playing it out. 我想那个时代已经过去了. I think the audience wants collaborative participatory conversations.

蒂姆Siglin: I agree with pre-recording, but what if it's done live? Is it then archived out for people to watch on demand?

约翰·帕特塞利: 肯定. 是的. 这本身也是一门生意. And I think it's also the eCommerce live streaming world is exploding. 这是一项巨大的业务,聪明的营销人员在直播中以特定的价格点提供产品,你可以利用, 如果你投入更多, 你会实时收听, 问问题. If it's beauty or fashion, can you turn and show me that? 我能问你一个你能回答的问题吗? 我认为沃尔玛就是一个很好的例子. 他们把这些节目都存档了. You can go back, and you might not get the deal, but you've discovered the product. 所以这是一个令人兴奋的大流行的上升.

蒂姆Siglin: 最后一个问题,当你提到存档内容时, searchability of content as content has exploded as everybody did Zoom for trade shows, 教育, 等等, 能够返回并找到该内容的片段以从中学习,而不是必须手动浏览并剪切两分钟的片段并将其发布. Do we feel like searchability has improved along with the uptick in content production?

约翰·帕特塞利: I feel like it's getting there but you make a great point. There's so much content, there's so much to be searched. And you know, a lot of expertise has been disseminated in a lot of this content as well. 你怎样才能找到你想找的东西?

蒂姆Siglin: I think it goes to the beauty of live, which is the water-cooler moment. 每个人都围着它. And we won't talk about latency 'cause that's a whole other topic, but that water-cooler moment of everybody experiencing the same thing at the same time, 给那些无法体验的人, 然后能够达到那30秒, that really was what everybody loved becomes ultimately the goal for that archive content. Because the people probably aren't gonna want to sit through two hours worth of stuff, if there's 10 minutes or two minutes that's really valuable.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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