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蒂姆Siglin: Hi my name is 蒂姆Siglin. I'm a contributing editor for 流媒体 杂志 and zjkept.com. 我们现在是2016年流媒体西部展在亨廷顿海滩开幕的时候. 我请来了Ustream的奥尔登·费蒂格,Ustream现在是IBM视频云的一部分. 奥尔登,告诉我公司被收购后发生了什么.

奥尔登多数时候: 确定. It was announced at the beginning of this year. Ustream was acquired by IBM. We formed part of the IBM 云视频 unit. IBM云视频部门正在为优质内容分发提供体验,同时也为企业提供体验, 生活, and on-demand video.

蒂姆Siglin: Does that tie you in with, 说, IBM Global Services on the professional services side, 他们可以把你的专业知识带到哪里来帮助他们推出企业级产品? How does that work?

奥尔登多数时候: 是的,有许多互补的技术是IBM的一部分. Aspera is one of the very well-known ones. 他们是高速文件传输的领导者,当然,其中很多是视频. IBM cloud object storage is also here. Again, big data is oftentimes video. It's some of the biggest sources of data on the internet. So, we're collaborating with different parts of IBM.

The final one that everyone's most excited about is IBM Watson. 我们正在使用IBM沃森的认知洞察力来做一些事情,比如从视频中提取元数据. That might be speech-to-text to do automated captioning, 也可能是像图像识别这样的东西来做上下文广告.

蒂姆Siglin: Ustream本身主要专注于直播,而不是基于资产或点播. Ustream给整个视频云带来了什么IBM之前可能没有的东西?

奥尔登多数时候: 很好的问题. Ustream刚开始的时候,我们几乎完全专注于直播. Over the years we've expanded, though. 现在,我们有直播和完整的点播视频功能. 我们能够为IBM云视频整体生态系统做出的贡献是肯定的, that 生活 streaming expertise, 此外,我们还提供基于云的转码和多CDN服务. 所有这些都汇集在一起,所以我们可以用它来进行直播, but we're also able to use it for on-demand, 我们可以将它用于企业用例以及媒体娱乐用例.

蒂姆Siglin: 在现实中,你为生态系统带来了一个整体的方法,而不是仅仅生存?

奥尔登多数时候: 是的. One of the things a lot of times people are, "Oh, so it's going to be all enterprise 'cause it's IBM now." IBM plays in a lot of spaces. It's not just a company that sells enterprise solutions. 再一次,你看看,比如说,阿斯帕,所有主要的电影制片厂都在使用它. Those aren't your typical thought of enterprise, but IBM has quite a bit of footprint in media entertainment. 我们将继续在这方面进行开发,同时提供企业级视频解决方案.

蒂姆Siglin: What do you hope to learn at the show, 你认为你会在整个节目中看到哪些趋势呢?

奥尔登多数时候: I come here every year. 我喜欢了解编解码器和格式的最新趋势是什么? 每个人都在密切关注这一点,因为我们需要确保我们能够有效地将内容传递到每个屏幕上. It's always a changing landscape. It's one of the things I love about online video in general.

Another trend--maybe a few years ago, 视频很难从一个地方传到另一个地方. Now, everyone takes it for granted. There are lots of vendors here, there's lots of solutions. Now, it's about how can I really optimize the ROI on that video?

也许如果我在做一个订阅式视频点播模式,我该如何防止我的订阅者流失? 如果我做的是基于广告的模式,那就是如何最大化我的广告收入? If I'm doing enterprise video, 而是我如何确保我的员工真的在看这些视频,以及我如何从我的投资中获得最大的回报?

蒂姆Siglin: 很好. Again, this is Almost Live here at Streammedia.com. 我们非常感谢您抽出时间让我们了解Ustream正在做的事情, now that it's part of IBM Video Cloud.

奥尔登多数时候: Thanks for having me. I'm really glad to be part of the show.

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