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The State of Online 视频广告 2015


专注于在线视频的广告公司在2014年的表现相当不错. 不仅销售额上升,而且最受关注的广告视频都是从网上开始的. 与电视相比,这种媒体给了创意人员更大的自由,将他们的想法推向更远的地方. So what’s ahead for 2015? 更多的 of the same, we’re pleased to say. In the online video space, agencies need to produce work that people want to see, that they’ll watch over and over again, 和朋友分享. 这种高标准促使经纪公司创造出出色的作品,有时预算也像好莱坞那样高, sometimes on a shoestring.


2014年,似乎每一篇博客文章都是关于“程序化”广告的. 到今年年底, 一半的广告主仍然不知道“程序化”是什么意思,另一半的广告主一听到这个词就恶心死了. 美国在线现在拥有 AdapTV美国的宣传力度似乎最大,甚至在9月份举行了第二次“先锋会”(Programmatic Upfront). 程序化让买家以自动化的方式满足他们的演示目标需求, 但仍有人担心它不提供优质库存. The agencies pushing programmatic have a long way to go, 既要教育买家,又要让他们相信自己得到了高质量的入场券.

Advertisers couldn’t get enough of live events in 2014. From concerts to sports, live events were booming online, 广告商也想参与其中,以保证在热情的粉丝群面前投放广告,并确保他们的广告被观看. 现场音乐和体育赛事保证了大量的优质广告投放. The FIFA World Cup was an advertising bonanza, 无论是为捕捉游戏热情而制作的品牌视频,还是插入游戏直播流的广告.

The 2014 World Cup was an advertising bonanza, 无论是品牌视频还是插入游戏直播的传统广告. (Photo: AFP/Odd Andersen) 

对于许多, 在线视频广告的最后阶段正在接近与电视广告平起平坐, 这样广告买家就能把所有的屏幕都看成是一样的,并在网络和电视频道上平等地传播他们的广告. But online ads should cost more, 他们补充说, 因为它们提供了电视永远无法触及的人口目标. These idealists saw a little progress in 2014, 但在线视频广告在很大程度上仍然是电视的小弟弟. Before online gets the same kind of ad spending as TV, it will need to get the same kind of viewership.

在网络媒体看到与电视平起平坐之前,测量也需要进步. 2014年的大部分讨论都是关于如何衡量在线观众. 在线视频的支持者指出,在线提供了先进的人口统计数据,并想知道为什么有人会在其他地方做广告. But the realist sees that TV has unbeatable reach, 吸引电视收入的方法并不是用网络工具让电视广告商眼花缭乱, but to speak their language. If gross rating points (GRP) are what the TV buyers need to see, then online will learn to speak that language.

Mobile viewing is still a small share of total video viewing, 但到今年年底,平板电脑和智能手机的观看量占所有视频播放量的30%左右, and that raises eyebrows. Mobile is attractive to advertisers because, unlike with TV or even desktops, 几乎可以肯定的是,只有一个观众会在屏幕前,并且不会分心. That lets advertisers better target ads. 再过一年, mobile views will make up about half of all video starts, 然后移动可能成为在线视频广告的首选模式.

YouTube Brandcast 4月, YouTube introduced Google Preferred, 这个项目为广告商提供了YouTube上最优质的广告百家乐软件. 这个想法是,YouTube在多个垂直领域的前5%的节目中保留广告位, and advertisers can buy into this highly selective inventory. 当它被介绍出来时,引起了观众的一些笑声. 毕竟,考虑到YouTube的浏览量,即使是5%也是一个很大的数字. And why are some slots judged as more desirable? 尽管如此,YouTube还是在10月份宣布,Google Preferred插槽已经售罄.

一个热门话题是广告的可见性,尤其是在2014年底. The Media Rating Council (MRC), working with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), introduced the first viewability standards in June. 如果视频广告的50%像素连续2秒出现在屏幕上,那么视频广告就被认为是可见的. 标准似乎很低, but the MRC says it isn’t about making sure an ad was seen, but ensuring it has the potential to be seen. Look for 2015 to be a year of transition for viewabilty, when ad platforms gear up to track the new standard accurately.

4月, YouTube introduced Google Preferred, 怎样才能让广告商在多个垂直领域获得前5%的广告位. By October, all Google Preferred inventory had sold out. 

2014年最受欢迎的网络视频是长篇电视广告, many others were branded entertainment. 各大品牌都愿意在他们的广告点上提供最苗条的品牌, in return of the possibility of a viral hit. 今年观看次数最多的品牌视频由夏奇拉主演,并在世界杯期间发布. 这个视频是由Activia赞助的,但许多观众可能没有意识到这一点. Activia的品牌宣传很少,只在开头和结尾出现.

各大品牌都处于测试阶段,并愿意在2014年进行试验, but in 2015 they’ll likely want to see results. 下次夏奇拉为碧Activia摇的时候,她可能真的要拿着一个纸箱了. 类似的, the most talked about branded spot of the year was “First Kiss,这是一个甜蜜的黑白镜头,展示了20个陌生人成双成对,并被要求在镜头前接吻的场景. Viewers went nuts for the video, but how many noticed it was created by Wren, a women’s clothing brand from Los Angeles? We saw in 2014 that branded videos can be highly entertaining. In 2015, we’ll find out if they can actually sell products.

Online 视频广告 in 2015

How will the online video ad world change in 2015? We needed to call in an expert for the answer, and there’s only one person for the job: David Hallerman, principal analyst for eMarketer. 他咨询了专家,研究了数据,下面是他要说的. On the nearly ubiquitous topic of programmatic selling, Hallerman给困惑的人一些建议:只要记住“程序化”的另一个词是“自动”.“这是电脑自动广告购买:输入你的标准,然后自动获得你想要的广告位. It’s automatic, but only to a point.

for qualified subscribers
现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


What about the current mess of player types, 缺乏标准, 视频出版商和广告商认为持续的缓冲是好的?

The State of 视频广告 2014

Video advertising has been experiencing rapid growth. 现在, as it begins to mature even further, 我们开始看到更强大的视频广告工具和更有凝聚力的整体画面.

The State of Online 视频广告 2013

Online video advertising is taking in more money, but isn't growing as a percentage of total online advertising. What will it take for video ads to break out?

The State of Online 视频广告 2012

The online video advertising market has been slow to take off, 但随着平板电脑使用和社交媒体的增长——更不用说实时竞价和其他广告网络和形式的创新——它终于走向成熟.

The State of Online 视频广告 2011

As more ad networks appear on the scene, with better solutions that are easier to use, advertisers are opening their pocketbooks.