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In an era where miniaturization is the holy grail of consumer technology, one device is bucking the trend: your smartphone.

随着屏幕尺寸的增加,以及移动设备上消费的大量流媒体内容, 很明显,你的手机将在尺寸和地位上不断增长,以满足消费者(媒体)的整体满意度.

2015 was a transitional year for streaming media, and we’ve seen some key trends in mobile streaming delivery: video consumption demand, 智能手机大小, and operating system entrenchment.

Throughout 2015, smartphones swelled to even larger sizes across the board. 毫无疑问,用户消费了更多的视频,部分原因是屏幕尺寸的增大. Oh, and in case we forgot to mention it, 苹果和安卓的粉丝们都继续在他们选择的移动操作系统生态系统(或者监狱)中巩固自己的地位, for those who don’t jailbreak their phones). Through it all, mobile network operators have had to hurry to keep up with demand. We’ll talk first about how they’ve done that in 2015, 然后讨论上面提到的话题,然后再回来看看2016年从技术的角度来看会发生什么.

Demanding 更多的, and 更多的 Demanding

为了应对日益增长的视频需求,移动网络提供商正在增加容量. 其中一些是通过增强底层技术来实现的——想想大多数智能手机在长期演进(LTE)和更快的Wi-Fi规格方面所提供的更新, 比如802.11ac—and some of it is done by acquiring more spectrum.

在过去的两年里, both T-Mobile and Verizon have rolled out a 700Mhz spectrum, a relatively low frequency compared to other U.S.-based mobile network operators. 当涉及到手机信号塔和用户手机之间的距离时,较低的频率允许更大的容量和范围.

Even more than the spectrum play, 威瑞森同意结束多年锁定补贴智能手机的做法, 更先进的LTE版本的出现带来了从基站到移动设备的更大容量增益. 随着密集波分复用技术(DWDM)在从发射塔到移动视频网络网关的光纤回程上的不断发展, the use of LTE allows consumers to view content at very high data rates.

如此高的数据速率对于将1080p格式的内容传送到配备蜂窝设备的苹果ipad和安卓平板电脑是必要的, as well as a host of smartphones that now sport 1080p screens. With 720p streaming video clocking in around 2.5Mbps and 1080p at more than twice that data rate, there’s a need for speed to match the growing size of screens.

So just how big are these smartphone screens compared to a few years back? 相当大.


去年原始资料上一篇关于移动设备现状的文章讨论了“平板手机的崛起”,这是一种介于经典手机和小型平板电脑之间的过渡性设备. Today, the meaning of “phablet” is less clear than ever.

到2015年底,市面上几乎所有顶级智能手机都处于一度被视为“平板手机专用”的范围内. Both of Apple’s iPhone offerings (the 6S and 6S Plus) are larger than 5". Samsung almost singlehandedly created the concept of a phablet, and it has remained fairly steady with its Galaxy Note line, 选择包括一个5.7英寸屏幕.

Samsung’s Note is joined by both Motorola’s Moto X Pure (Style outside of the U.S.) and Google’s Nexus 6P (by way of Huawei) in having nearly 6" diagonal screens. 然而,最受好评的智能手机中没有屏幕小于5的.1" (the size of the Samsung Galaxy S6 and the S6 Edge). 您会注意到,本文中没有提及其他移动操作系统, 因为他们的持续衰退或停滞使他们在大多数考虑中不断无关紧要.

While Apple devices made up 49 percent of holiday 2015 activations, the iPhone 6 Plus rose 14 percent over last year. Even the late-to-the-game Apple lovers are getting on board with the oversized screens.

这些不断膨胀的屏幕尺寸不仅仅是因为房间里有最大的手机, especially when it comes to video consumption and creation. 这些屏幕具有极高的像素密度和分辨率. While the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge take the crown for highest density of 577ppi, both the Nexus 6P and the Note aren’t far behind. Plus, all share a whopping 2560x1440 resolution.

While the screens aren’t quite 4K resolutions, 像素密度和手臂长度或更短的观看距离的结合使用户体验具有可比性, 我们预计,随着2月份在巴塞罗那举行的世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress)贸易活动上宣布的消息,像素密度将进一步提高.


It’s not just the pixel density that’s growing; so is the trend toward shooting video in portrait or vertical mode, enough to make any cinema purist bluster about the end of the world as we know it.

When 16:9 HD television sets first made their debut, 许多早期的采用者拼命地用他们喜欢的电影的“宽屏”版本取代他们的视频库. 具有讽刺意味的是,这些电影纯粹主义者可能从未看到垂直视频趋势的到来.

With smartphones as the de facto video content creation device, the tendency to record in portrait orientation is tough for many to resist. 当你试图捕捉最新的猫咪视频或“我吃光了你所有的万圣节糖果”的恶作剧时,想要垂直握住这些超大玻璃块的诱惑是压倒性的.

There are several logical reasons for why this abhorrent trend continues.

第一个, 考虑一下这个统计数据:29%的用户每天都以纵向模式使用智能手机或平板电脑. 五年前, 这个数字只有5%,因为大多数内容——从网页到应用程序再到视频——都是以宽屏格式传送的.

换句话说, with so many tablet users orienting their devices vertically, 捕获或查看垂直记录内容的机会比不久之前要大得多. Add to this the fact that vertical is the standard for most smartphone usage, and the fact that screen sizes have continued to grow, 这意味着纵向模式的水平空间也随之增加,为键盘输入和类似的交互提供了更大的呼吸空间.

In short, there’s just less need to turn the device horizontally.

Snapchat的一项研究发现,在这款即时通讯应用中,垂直视频广告的完成率比横向视频广告高出9%. 这就把纵向和横向的精神分析降低到一个方便的问题. 用户在纵向模式下操作他们的设备,不想麻烦地转动设备,等待加速计改变方向,几秒钟后才反转这个过程. Whatever the reasons for it being “a thing,” or whatever misgivings one may have with it, 垂直视频是一个真正的趋势,在设计移动观看内容时必须考虑到这一点.

Ecosystems Aren’t Just Made for Mobile

根据 Ericsson’s November 2015 Mobility Report在美国,大约80%的Android和iOS用户仍然忠于他们选择的操作系统. While the fact shouldn’t surprise most, 这些数字很有启发性, 事实上,当涉及到内容创作和消费时,切换操作系统会产生不同.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


小屏幕越来越大,而消费者在移动设备上观看的视频比以往任何时候都多. 5G is clearly the next great leap, but when will it get here?

The State of 手机视频 2017

Device innovation slows down ("phablets" are plenty big already), while network improvements forge ahead (5G is on the horizon, 正确的? 但是,?).


Sharper screens, multicast, and phablets set the stage for the year ahead. As consumers watch more on mobile devices, how many subscriptions will they pay for?

The State of 手机视频 2014

From faster networks to wearable devices, everything is aligning to make mobile video grow faster than ever.


Tablets and phones now account for most video consumption, with implications for both carriers and advertisers.

The State of 手机视频 2012

2012年奥运会和美国奥运会.S. 总统选举将与先进的技术一起掀起移动视频消费的“完美风暴”