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“联网的客厅一片狼藉. 的re are six remotes beside the couch, 和 it requires at least two of them to make anything work. My 10-year-old sound system is connected to my 6-month-old HDTV, 和 everything has to run through that if we want to hear anything. 的 solution is to buy all new equipment with HDMI pass-through, 但我怀疑这不会很快发生. And I guarantee that most living rooms are a similar blend of archaic 和 modern technology," 何塞·卡斯蒂略写道December 2011/January 2012 issue of 流媒体.


Pay TV providers have been fighting the rise of cord-cutting 和 cord-shaving with TV-everywhere services that make premium content more accessible. 2011年4月, HBO 发布了 HBO GO iPad应用程序, which followed the HBO GO website introduced the previous year. "Each month our customers vote on our service with their pocketbook,埃里克·凯斯勒说, HBO的联席总裁, 在一个 流媒体东部基调. "HBO GO is portable, free, exclusive, 和 provides subscribers a tie-in to their pay TV subscription." 订阅rs welcomed the addition, downloading the app more than 1 million times in its first week. HBO提供 电影频道 subscribers the same experience with the Max GO app in August 2011.

PlayStation 3Xbox 360 game consoles proved to be essential tools in the connected living room, as they already had a strong footprint 和 were typically net-enabled. Both subscription services, such as Netflix 和 Hulu Plus, as well as pay TV
服务,例如 康卡斯特公司, made use of them to deliver anytime streaming content.

对于工作室来说, the connected world is a minefield where offering too much content in new areas could jeopardize lucrative existing relationships. 的y're aware that piracy will run rampant if they don't offer premium content at fair prices, 然而,他们
want to do so in a way that doesn't erode the current pay TV or DVD markets.

“内容所有者自己, they got to be very careful about jeopardizing the relationships there. If they put too much content [online] or give too much to Netflix, 网上有太多免费的东西, 康卡斯特公司, 而不是花2美元来播送喜剧中心, 说, “好吧, 竞争太激烈了. 我给你一美元,’”他说 保罗Wehrley公司总经理 遥控器他在2011年流媒体东部会议上说. 同样的道理 时代华纳 同样的道理 考克斯突然之间
喜剧中心/维亚康姆的美国的业务开始萎缩.他补充说,“我觉得电视无处不在。 ... it's a hedge against everyone just fleeing to Netflix."


One of the more interesting stories of 2011, one that will continue into 2012, is the fate of 谷歌电视. 不止是机顶盒, 谷歌电视 promised viewers a platform for combining 和 managing content from many sources. While the idea sounded exciting, the reception to the first 谷歌电视 device was lukewarm at best. 失败的产品成本 罗技 $100 million 和 led to an acrimonious fallout between the companies. "A full-scale launch with a beta product cost us dearly," said Guerrino De Luca, 罗技's CEO.

While many would have expected the platform itself to go the way of Google Buzz 和 Wave, others sensed that Google had the resources 和 tenacity to make a success of the platform. "I'm not a big fan of the 谷歌电视 platform," wrote Streaming
Media's executive vice president 和 columnist Dan Rayburn on his 视频博客业务 in January 2011, "as to date, it simply does not work the way it should. But Google is in this 为 long-term 和 谷歌电视 is not something Google needs to win at overnight."

他的话被证明是有先见之明的. 谷歌电视 was back 和 stronger than before at the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show, 公司在哪里炫耀 合作伙伴关系 LG、索尼、Vizio和三星. 的 new devices run off improved chipsets created by
Marvell和联发科. 索尼, which had stayed with 谷歌电视 even in the bad times, claimed that it was having great success with 谷歌电视-powered smart TVs. "的y're among the best-selling TVs we have," Brian Siegel, 索尼 TV vice president, told USA TODAY. "Media has done a real good job of beating [谷歌电视] up."

还有Netflix ...

One company eager to leave 2011 behind is Netflix. While the popular living room streamer could do no wrong at the start of the year, it made 一些灾难性的失误 在夏末. First it raised the price of its streaming service, causing
many subscribers to drop their DVD-by-mail subscriptions; then it announced that it was splitting off its DVD business as a new company to be called Qwikster. After howls of protest, Qwikster departed, yet the price hike stayed. “我搞砸了。. I owe everyone an explanation," wrote Netflix CEO Reed Hastings in a 博客.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Viewers opened their wallets to skinny bundles 和 SVOD services last year, 还有更多的原因.


Now that the skinny bundle is finally here, what's next? 寻找更多捆绑包, 更多小众OTT产品, 和 lots more VR in the year ahead (but—sadly—no a la carte plans).


At the 流媒体欧洲 opening day keynote, 三星提供了智能电视使用情况的确切数据, 以及为什么视频是杀手级应用.


Too many devices 和 problematic connectivity will continue to hold back connected TV from reaching its full potential—for now.

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