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视频在教学中的使用现在倾向于反映日常生活中的视频. 例外情况逐年减少, 视频几乎可以在任何地方访问——在家里, 在工作中, 忙碌中, 和, 当然, 在学校. 最重要的是,移动设备也让我们可以在所有这些地方制作视频,

随着视频几乎无处不在, the question is shifting from whether to use it to deeper questions: How 和 why? 在高等教育中, one particularly strong trend is how online learning 和 traditional on-the-ground instruction are not only using some of the same techniques, 实际上是分享内容. 在网络领域, 这包括传统的远程课程, 以及与大规模开放在线课程相关的内容, 网络公开课或.

Greater investment in educational video means that more questions are being asked about impact 和 return on investment. 总的来说,学习分析在各级教育中都越来越受欢迎, although we are still in the early stages of defining what to study 和 how to study it.

视频, “分析”通常意味着尽可能跟踪使用情况, 这至少可以确保内容被观看而不是被忽略. 在地平线上 are analyses of how video usage correlates with other aspects of student learning 和 performance. 然而,这一步可能会因学生隐私问题而变得复杂.

To get on-the-ground perspectives on these issues 和 the overall state of educational video, 我们与在各种环境下工作的学习专家进行了交谈.

马修·法伯 他在新泽西州丹维尔的谷景中学教历史.J., 和 is a doctoral c和idate in Educational Technology Leadership at Jersey City State University.

Al Weiss是该组织的创始董事 教育技术与课程创新中心 在俄勒冈州森林格罗夫的太平洋大学.

利亚姆·莫兰是教育百家乐软件系统专家 教与学创新中心 在伊利诺伊大学任教.

吉娜·安德森是这家学习服务公司的首席执行官 Mopi16, which designs online courseware for government, major universities, 和 enterprise companies.


The growing popularity of the flipped classroom continues to be a strong driver of video use across all levels of instruction.

Farber says his school district’s administration has embraced the flipped classroom because it allows “lower-order thinking tasks, 像演讲, 成为家庭作业. 更主动的学习可以在课堂上进行.”

正如他所描述的, “Students watch videos from home 和 then they participate in h和s-on learning in school.” Those without good internet access at home are able to access content in the school library.

Weiss says the biggest dem和 was for lecture capture when he first arrived at Pacific University 3 years ago. 现在,需求已经转向为翻转模式设计的视频. 他说:“教师们正在制作5-10分钟长的短视频。.

The growing popularity of the flipped classroom means that more 和更多的 faculty are creating short screencast-type videos for their students to watch, 艾尔·韦斯说, founding director of the 教育技术与课程创新中心 在俄勒冈州森林格罗夫的太平洋大学. 

这些视频用于本科生, 专业, 以及太平洋大学的研究生项目, including blended learning programs that are specifically designed to deliver some portion of instruction using technology, 以传统课堂教学为辅.

在伊利诺伊大学,莫兰说:“翻转课堂的规模很大. 我们的主要业务是微讲座视频 ... 只是把本周材料中一个容易理解的话题牢牢抓住.“其中许多视频是专门为在线课程制作的, 教师们投入了大量的时间和精力来创造它们. 然后, 来参加面对面的课程, 一些教师已经尝试翻转教室,并取得了良好的效果.”

Mopi16围绕该公司所谓的eNuggets设计了一个学习平台, 哪些与大学教师制作的短视频相似. “It’s a small piece of content that has one essential point in it,” 安德森说. “从认知的角度来看, 一个人的工作记忆一次只能容纳七条信息, 正或负2. 所以你不想让某人的认知超载.” These content pieces may be video or other multimedia, but should be no longer than 10 minutes.

Anderson also worked on a case-based design for a blended course where students viewed videos presenting a particular case scenario before class. The students might watch the video again in person, then complete projects based upon that media. “他们有机会进行现场对话,她说。, 我们得到了非常积极的反馈.”


Gamification has become an even hotter topic in education, both in the classroom 和 online. Turning lessons into games helps students of all ages engage more actively with the learning process.

A Pew 研究 Internet Project describes gamification as “interactive online design that plays on people’s competitive instincts 和 often incorporates the use of rewards to drive action.” The report notes that neuroscientists are discovering that “such elements can cause feel-good chemical reactions, 改变人类对刺激增加的反应时间的反应, 例如,在某些情况下可以促进学习, 参与, 和动力.”

在历史教学中, Farber incorporates videos to help set the scene or provide 信息 for use in game play. “当我的学生在合作棋盘游戏中一起治愈全球流行病时, 流感大流行, 或者当他们在《百家乐app下载》中创造一座建筑时,他们必须首先知道他们为什么要玩.

另一个例子是面对面的辩论游戏,苏格拉底式对决 ... a points-based discussion that hinges on student citation of evidence to support claims. 通常情况下,证据来自作为家庭作业的视频.”

法伯最近出版了这本书, 课堂游戏化, 《基于游戏的学习指南. Much of the book draws upon his practical experience using games with his students.

马修·法伯(马修·法伯)在新泽西州丹维尔的谷景中学(Valleyview Middle School)教历史.J., 和 uses video to help set the scenes for learning games including 流感大流行 和 Socratic Smackdown. 

在地平线上, 安德森说, “you’ll see a lot of discussion around gamification being incorporated into corporate training,” because it helps to further customize training for specific learning outcomes.


MOOCs have been a forceful driver of video production in higher education for the past few years. 这些免费课程, 由世界各地的主要学院和大学提供, include courses on subjects as diverse as artificial science 和 business processes. 不像传统的远程学位课程, 任何能上网的人都可以报名, 虽然没有课程学分的好处(至少是免费的).

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


进入2023年,视频在学校中的作用被视为理所当然, 尽管我们应该期待看到变化, 潜在的破坏性的, in the educational video market as schools continue to adapt to the aftermath of the COVID-19 state of emergency phase. 尽管人们普遍认为视频对学校运作至关重要, 预计学校将缩减对视频服务的投资, 而教育工作者则在寻找超越视频教学基础的方法, finding better ways to engage students both with synchronous 和 asynchronous video.


Smaller companies are moving out, 和 big companies are muscling into their old space. Look for monolithic learning management systems to give way to more agile solutions.


Both inside 和 outside the classroom, video is as essential to students as email 和 Wi-Fi. Look for live streaming to increase in higher-ed, especially for popular events.


Call it the price of progress: Low-priced dSLRs have made cinematic video mainstream, 但它们不能代替摄像机.


而对于视频团队来说,学年是一个忙碌的学年, it's important to carve out a few hours to meet together 和 think creatively about upcoming projects.


有成千上万的在线视频课程可供选择,但仍有许多空白需要填补. 公司和大学应该关注他们可以提供的小众主题.


你们学校的视频很有价值, 不仅仅是为了学习和评估, 但是对于培训, 促销活动, 宣传, 招聘, 和更多的. Make sure you choose an education video platform that helps you maximize that value while keeping your video secure 和 well-managed.


Online video is flipping the classroom: students view instructor videos at home, 然后在课堂上做作业,最大限度地实现师生互动.


Campuses need to think about their streaming video needs before choosing a solution. 以下是需要考虑的因素和需要提出的问题.