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The Future of Video Marketing: Dive Into Automation Programs


让我们面对现实吧. 营利性企业发布视频、举办网络研讨会和举办虚拟活动来推动销售. How effective are these mediums for that purpose? There’s lots of positive anecdotal evidence, but where are the hard numbers?

A marketing automation (MA) program such as Eloqua, mareto的, or 采取行动 能跟踪你的视频效果吗, 网络广播, 以及精确到一分钱的虚拟活动——但前提是你能整合来自在线视频平台(OVP)的数据。, 网络直播, or virtual event provider into your MA program. While this integration was rare 2 or 3 years ago, it’s becoming increasingly common to very good effect. 在本文中, 我将定义营销自动化,并展示最近的集成如何帮助提高所有这些工具的效率.


It’s probably happened to you dozens of times. You check the price of a particular product—say a new set of golf clubs. The next 15 times you visit a site such as ESPN, 美国有线电视新闻网, 或亚马逊, you see an ad for that same set of golf clubs. Or maybe you registered for a webinar or to download a white paper, 突然之间,你开始收到公司的电子邮件甚至电话. 这两个例子都是MA在起作用.

营销自动化就像众所周知的大象,根据你接触它的地方,它的定义会有所不同. 在高水平上, it’s software that tracks all interactions with a company’s website, as well as communications between the company and a prospect. It typically starts with your first visit to a website. You click on a particular page and the website issues you an anonymous cookie. 当你在网站上点击时, 数据与您的cookie相关联, which converts to a live profile if you register with the site.

乍一看,这听起来很阴险, 但MA的目标是帮助企业识别真正的潜在买家,更快、更有效地完成销售. 一个基本的MA概念,称为领先评分或兴趣评分,显示在 图1. 当顾客浏览网站时, they gain or lose points based upon the content that they visit. 达到一定分数的潜在客户将被转到销售部门进行电子邮件或电话跟进. 那些没有达到这个门槛的潜在客户将通过培养项目循环进行,这些项目旨在提高他们的参与度,并有可能将他们转移到漏斗中.


图1. mareto的’s vision of interest scoring through the sales funnel, from a presentation on the mareto的 website 

Of course, the prospect’s journey isn’t passive. 硕士课程的一个关键特点是能够创建活动来推动潜在客户——也许是通过电子邮件来推销网络研讨会, or an advertisement that appears when they visit the site.

显然,你对潜在客户了解得越多,这些活动就越有效. 例如, 了解潜在客户的雇主或职位可以帮助你根据他们的具体需求定制细分甚至个性化的营销活动. Video, 尤其是网络广播和虚拟活动, are rich with potential customer behaviors that are relevant to lead scoring, 但前提是这些数据可以被捕获并有效地输入到MA系统中.

“Deploying video in the sales cycle without MA integration is a disjointed experience; there’s lots of useful 信息, 但没办法追踪,约翰·斯蒂克说, Eloqua的产品管理副总裁. “通过集成, video consumption is added to the prospect’s video profile, 我们称之为他的数字肢体语言. 这可以让营销人员看到哪些内容和主题对潜在客户是重要的, so they can demonstrate how the brand can solve their problem.”

行动是另一个硕士课程, 和琳达·韦斯特, 采取行动的数字营销总监, 同意Stetic的观点. “从我们的角度来看,韦斯特说。, “video is 10 times more powerful when hooked into an MA program, as the views and other analytics become useful across the buying process. 就其本身而言, video isn’t necessarily that compelling to a demand generation marketer, which might be why many demand generation markets don’t use video.”

Both Eloqua and 采取行动 practice what they preach; Eloqua uses OVP Brightcove to distribute video on their website and pass prospect 信息 back to their MA program, while 采取行动 does the same with OVP Vidyard.


正如Eloqua使用Brightcove进行视频分发一样,Brightcove也使用Eloqua作为其硕士课程. 图2 演示了如何将Brightcove的数据反馈到Eloqua系统中,以帮助细分观众并推动培育活动,从而进一步通过漏斗移动潜在客户.


图2. 通过Brightcove视频和Eloqua营销自动化程序在销售漏斗中移动潜在客户 

一切都从左上角开始,Brightcove网站上有一个视频. 创建连接到Eliqua系统的链接, 您将从Brightcove系统登录到您的Eloqua帐户,以创建播放器和必要的嵌入代码. Once the video is embedded into a web page, all playback data is fed automatically to the Eloqua system. This 信息 is shown in the upper middle. Not only is the video name and date preserved, but the system tracks the percentage viewed, as well as that viewer’s contact 信息 and URL. 该信息被发送到Eloqua系统中的自定义对象,该对象将信息映射到联系人记录, 如果存在的话.

一次是在Eloqua系统中, Brightcove可以根据用户观看视频的时长对潜在用户进行分类. 例如, prospects who watched 100% of the video might be sent down one path, 而那些在10秒后停止观看的人可能会被送入另一个. 没有积分, Brightcove的营销人员根本不知道潜在客户是否看过视频, 从需求生成营销人员的角度来看,哪些会削弱视频的效用.


这些能力对你来说意味着什么? 好吧, 如果你有一个营销自动化程序,你在你的销售渠道中使用视频, 显然,您需要检查是否将回放数据集成到硕士课程中. If your current provider doesn’t offer MA integrations, 短期内也不会, you seriously need to consider using another vendor.

你可能还需要重新考虑在YouTube或其他报告浏览量的UGC网站上发布营销视频的效用, but don’t send prospect-specific 信息 back to the MA program. Michael Ballard, senior manager for digital marketing at 联想, Vidyard/Eloqua商店, defines the issue this way: “YouTube provides lots of exposure, 但从分析的角度来看, 它是通用的. 最重要的指标是页面浏览量, 网页浏览量不能支付账单,也不能让我把合格的线索交给我的销售人员.”

罗布·博伊斯(Rob Bois)对此表示赞同. Bois是该公司的产品营销总监 , a developer of cloud-based manufacturing ERP (enterprise resource planning), 谁也用Eloqua和Vidyard. 他最讨厌的是,公司的销售代表经常与潜在客户分享YouTube上的视频, 这不仅剥夺了他的数据, 但也阻止了他根据观看数据引导潜在客户获取额外信息.

“Our Vidyard integration is particularly useful,Bois说, “because we can assign calls to action within the videos, so if the prospect wants additional 信息, 或者被销售代表联系, 他们可以在系统内请求. 当潜在客户看完我们的视频后,YouTube不仅有可能推荐竞争对手的视频, 我们失去了通过销售渠道进一步引导潜在客户的能力.”

埃里克汉森, director of demand generation at Cetera Financial Group, 零售投资咨询平台, also uses Vidyard’s pop-outs to good effect.

“While visitors are watching a video about a product or service, we can pop out a link to a flyer with more details, 跟踪他们是否下载了传单,汉森说. “我们还可以在视频结束时弹出一个联系表单,它直接反馈给Eloqua. 如果一个潜在客户想进一步与某人交谈,我们可以在短时间内实现.”

These pop-outs and calls to action raise an interesting point. It’s not just whether a video platform offers integration with your MA program; it’s also whether it offers marketing-oriented features, such as calls to action or contact info collection, 这使得视频平台作为营销方案的一个组成部分能够更有效地发挥作用. Vidyard直接做到了这一点, but it can also be accomplished via integrations with other partners, which can add a variety of interactive elements to the video platform.

您还应该确保OVP支持您当前正在使用的MA系统. Most OVPs integrate with mareto的 and Eloqua, 但Vidyard提供13种集成功能, 包括这两个, as well as multiple components of the Salesforce ecosystem, 包括喋喋不休, 电子邮件提供商.

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