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的 Challenge for Next-Generation Enterprise Video Platforms


长期以来,企业视频解决方案落后于娱乐平台一直被视为真理. But while enterprise streaming media delivery used to consist of Windows Media, 真正的, or even older legacy streaming technologies, the past year has seen a number of changes in the enterprise video delivery ecosystem. 真正的网络 has ceased sale of its Helix servers, 微软完全跟上了基于http的交付潮流(包括DASH和Smooth Streaming)。, and a surge in mobile video usage in the enterprise shows no sign of abating.

最后一个问题——企业视频消费的移动使用——可能是当今企业面临的最大挑战. 移动或远程工作者, 不仅要有笔记本电脑,还要有平板电脑和智能手机(有时是两台或两台以上)。, 是否迫使公司寻找新的解决方案,以超越内部创建的遗留交付解决方案. Some of these may even include cloud-based or hybrid solutions.

本文探讨了企业在选择企业视频平台(EVP)时可能面临的挑战和机遇。. 的 article doesn’t provide a checklist of key features, 因为我们仍在准备企业视频平台买家指南,作为即将出版的2015年流媒体百家乐软件手册的一部分, 但它确实为视频平台在大多数企业和大型组织的多用途网络中共存所必需的一些构建块提供了见解.

To address these building blocks, we will try to shine the light on a series of acronyms, 从SQL和NoSQL到AD、ON和SDN.



其中之一, 活动目录, has been around for quite some time, and we’ve highlighted one scenario of 活动目录’s use in the article Video in the War Zone: 的 Current State of Military Streaming.”


以最好地实现SDN, 虽然, the switch and router manufacturers, sometimes called the “big iron” companies, 需要通过软件开发工具包(SDK)和应用程序编程工具包(API)提供对交换结构的更深入访问。. 在某些情况下, the “big iron” companies have responded, even open-sourcing the managed switch and router operating systems.

开放网络用户组 (ONUG), is leading the way not just toward SDN but also common platforms as well. ONUG calls this the Common Networking Ecosystem.

ONUG委员会需要六个级别的共性来提供适当的生态系统:供应, 编制工具, 控制机制, 基线的政策, current-state management databases, 综合监控.

最近在纽约举行的ONUG董事会会议概述了这六个共性(opennetworkingusergroup).com). 和, lest our readers wonder why the streaming industry should care about the ONUG Board, 这么说吧,它是由企业it领域的重量级人物组成的:美国银行, 花旗集团(Citigroup), 富达投资集团, 信诺, 瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse), 联邦快递, Gap Inc .)., JPMorgan Chase, Pfizer, Symantec, and UBS.

While many are familiar with the first commonality—the use of automated discovery, 供应, 以及用于将设备或子网连接到主网络的资产注册- onug认为其好处不仅仅是局域网的软件定义连接.

事实上, 目标是提供软件定义广域网(SD-WAN)与虚拟网络覆盖相结合,以消除更传统的虚拟专用网络(VPN)的硬连线依赖。.

At numerous 流媒体 shows, 企业发言人和小组成员讨论了他们的移动或远程工作人员流媒体视频需求所面临的问题,并强调了多个工作人员试图通过VPN查看防火墙后面的内容所产生的问题.

的 reasons for these limitations are twofold. 第一个, 公司购买这些VPN服务——以及通常用于VPN的硬连线线路——追溯到“拨号”用于基本的电子邮件访问或简单的远程桌面连接的时候. 的y really weren’t intended for video delivery, nor were VPN services priced with high-bandwidth delivery in mind.

第二个, these psuedo-private networks, 虽然本质上是虚拟的, are still beholden to legacy technologies—and even legacy hardware, at the service provider’s level—that limit the overall growth of VPN capacity.

All of which is to say that with open networking, SDN, 甚至是SD-WAN, the intent is to be able to reconfigure any pipe into a more modern version of a VPN, one capable of meeting dynamic bandwidth and use-case requirements.

这样做, 需要用于网络配置和变更管理的自动化编排工具,ONUG董事会已将其作为整个生态系统的一部分予以强调.


除了, 考虑到在可预见的未来,物理路由器可能会与物理和虚拟交换机共存, 需要通用的控制机制来控制来自各种竞争交换机和交换织物制造商的网络设备. 要到达那里, 虽然, 还必须确保所有供应商设备的共同基线策略不仅到位,而且可以通过连接到本地和广域网的所有设备共同的控制器环境强制执行.

A final portion of common control, called out by both the ONUG and vendors, is the need for a standardized “state management” database. This is less about the control of the network than it is about the network’s current state. For streaming media delivery, 这将是路由的状态——从原始服务器到基于wi - fi的移动设备,在公司网络的接入点之间移动, 例如,还包括网络协议是否已定义并处于活动状态. Those protocols could be HTTP (assumed to be on), 以及RTP/ RTSP, RTMP, and even legacy protocols that use specialized ports and transport.

有趣的是, ONUG表示,这些网络状态应该“为所有物理和虚拟网络设备自动捕获”,大多数软件定义的视频解决方案(例如基本技术正在推广的SDV计划的一部分)将主要属于虚拟设备类别.

I asked Sam Blackman, co-founder of 基本技术, to help our readers understand the difference between SDN and SDV, as the terminology can be confusing.

“Software-defined data centers will entirely consist of virtualized infrastructure—compute, 存储, 网络和SDV应用程序将无缝地运行在这些虚拟机百家乐软件之上,布莱克曼说. “管理这些sddc的媒体公司将能够增加和减少SDV百家乐软件(按需转码), linear or live encoding/ transcoding, 包装, and content origination) as business needs dictate.”


Most legacy enterprise video systems are built around a relational database system or RDBS. Regardless of whether the backend is based on a proprietary (Oracle, IBM, Microsoft) or an open-source (MySQL, 玛丽亚(女名), Postgres, SQLite)数据库引擎, 用于运行查询和从RDBS请求内容的语言基于结构化查询语言(SQL)的一种形式。.

SQL variants are different as the RDBS solutions that run them, but they share a common foundation: Structured content is stored in tables and columns; the queries use those tables and columns to search for content stored in a given row or field, otherwise known as a database record.

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