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SME '19: Stratigro的Denise Alison谈社交媒体营销

了解更多关于社交媒体营销策略 流媒体的下一个事件.


蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体东部2019. 我是蒂姆·西格林, Contributing Editor with 流媒体杂志 and founding Executive Director of the not for profit Help Me stream. 今天,我请来了丹尼斯·艾莉森. 丹尼斯,给我介绍一下你的公司.

丹尼斯艾莉森: 是的,我的公司做社交媒体营销. 我们与服务型企业家合作, 通常是B2B领域, 一般来说,他们会做一些商业指导之类的事情, 咨询. 和, 他们是小企业, 希望改善社交媒体营销的微型企业.

蒂姆Siglin: 所以, are you actually helping them learn how to use social media or helping their clients that they're doing business with?

丹尼斯艾莉森: I'm helping them create their own social media content so that they can market themselves and find customers.

蒂姆Siglin: 好吧, 它们通常有哪些限制呢, 传统上, 做商业教练之类的人会去当地商会说, “嘿, 我得到了这项服务,“然后他们会得到一份商会成员名单,并以这种方式工作. Are the ones you're working with first of all are they doing it on a national basis as opposed to a local basis? 他们在传统的营销模式中遇到了哪些限制?

丹尼斯艾莉森: The problem with the traditional models is that they're not finding 完全 the people that they want to be working with, and so when you just go to the Chamber of Commerce it depends on where you are and what other businesses are part of it. 他们遇到的挑战是,当涉及到社交媒体时, 他们不知道该说什么,所以他们就默认了传统的市场信息. 而且,这些并没有真正体现你的品牌,你的个性,以及与你合作的感觉.

蒂姆Siglin: 和, it also confuses people looking at it because they may think it's sponsored content as opposed to you speaking from your experience.

丹尼斯艾莉森: 正确的, 完全, 所以这真的在帮助他们分享他们是谁, share what their business is so that when they go and they approach a company that they may have gotten through a list, they might have met at a networking event or an event such as this one it's really helping them understand more about them and making sure that there's a right match so that they can learn, 这就是他们所做的, 这就是它们的意义所在, 我们很乐意和这个人合作.

蒂姆Siglin: 在过去, 太, 传统上你会遇到一个人, 准备好名片, 给他们发一封你精心制作的电子邮件. With the social media shift do the entrepreneurs still send the individualized email to a potential client or do they sort of take the problem that the potential client described and turn it into a social media blog post so that more people can see it?

丹尼斯艾莉森: 有不同的方法可以做到这一点. 我一直相信,如果你遇到了某人,那么后续跟进会有很大的力量, 但现在不一定了, “好吧, 给我你的名片,我会给你打电话或发邮件.而是“嘿。, 你真的很棒, 我们现在就在领英上联系吧,“但你也要拿到名片,并进行个人跟进. 通常是内容灵感的最佳来源, 正如你提到的, 有人会问你问题吗. So, if you are speaking at an event and you get a lot of questions after the fact those are great inspiration for what to talk about on your live show, 在博客里, 在播客中. 但, the more you put yourself out there the more people starting asking you questions and that's always a great way to go when you kind of feel like you've run out of things to say.

蒂姆Siglin: So, besides the knowing what messaging to put out there do you also work with your clients on things like click funnels so that they're trying to figure out how to parse down a whole bunch of options of potential clients?

丹尼斯艾莉森: 不是真正的. 他们中的一些人想要更多的信息,我们肯定会讨论这个问题. 这并不是我工作的核心. 我所做的核心是帮助他们理解内容, 帮助他们理解某些平台的细微差别, and really help them focus on creating their social media marketing strategy and sticking to it consistently.

蒂姆Siglin: 直播视频在其中扮演了什么角色?

丹尼斯艾莉森: 视频直播是一个伟大的地方,你的主播内容平台. 所以,这就是我建议他们定期做的. So, instead of writing a weekly blog or a podcast or infographic or all these other options you I find live video is a great way to deliver that content because people can learn more about you through your body language, 你的声音, 你的语气. 和, 这会让他们更了解你是谁, 但通过在直播视频上分享,这也是一个很好的方式来定位你的专业知识.

蒂姆Siglin: 当他们这样做的时候,他们主要是使用Facebook Live,还是使用其他平台?

丹尼斯艾莉森: 这真的取决于他们的理想客户是谁, 但Facebook Live是一个很好的平台,因为每个人都在Facebook上. 我认为现在刚刚推出的LinkedIn Live有很多潜力. 每周我都看到更多的人可以使用它,但不是每个人都可以使用它. So, 那将是一个有趣的地方, 但就目前而言,Facebook Live通常是你直播视频的最佳选择.

蒂姆Siglin: 那么其他的社交平台呢,比如Snap或者Twitter等等?

丹尼斯艾莉森: 根据我的经验, Snapchat不是一个营销的好地方,除非你的营销对象是青少年, 我的客户都不是吗.

蒂姆Siglin: 公平点, and just like people used to say Facebook wasn't a place to market unless you're marketing to your grandmother.

丹尼斯艾莉森: 正确的, 就像Snapchat的用户数量确实在下降,除了一些年轻用户. Twitter是一个有趣的地方. 我个人不是推特的粉丝,因为你永远无法发布超过一句话的内容. 但, if you're already a Twitter user and you have a great following on Twitter it can be a great place to have Twitter Live slash Periscope, 无论你想怎么称呼它,它都是一个很好的地方.

蒂姆Siglin: 同时,也许可以使用Twitter来吸引人们回到Facebook的现场活动,诸如此类的事情.

丹尼斯艾莉森: 你可以安排一个Facebook Live,你能做的就是安排这个Live, 抓住它给你的链接,因为你实际上会直接进入那篇文章.

蒂姆Siglin: 然后,你把它发推特.

丹尼斯艾莉森: 正确的, 你可以把那个URL发布到推特或其他地方,然后说, “嘿, 我要活了, 去Facebook上看看吧.而且,你还可以做一些事情,比如重新播放. So, 例如, 你可以找到很多重新播放的工具, 但有类似Restream的东西.IO可以让你同时流到多个地方. So, 你可以在Facebook上直播, 推特, YouTube, 还有更多像推奇之类的, 但是你的流的内容并不一定匹配所有的. 但, you could choose those big three and livestream at the same time and really knock off those three at the same time. 然后,将内容重新用于其他平台.

蒂姆Siglin: 丹尼斯,非常感谢你的时间. 非常感谢.

丹尼斯艾莉森: 谢谢你!.

蒂姆Siglin: 我们马上回来请到下一位嘉宾.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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