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罗切斯特理工学院 Embraces the Flipped Classroom


在世界各地的学校, faculty are creating short video lessons for their students to watch outside of class. These aren’t traditional lecture capture recordings that are then repurposed: They’re produced specifically to minimize or remove the lecture component from class altogether, freeing up that time for activities and discussions that take better advantage of face-to-face time in the classroom.

这个想法, 被称为“翻转课堂”,” was named and popularized by Aaron Sams and Jon Bergmann, 当时谁是科学和数学老师, 分别, 在科罗拉多州的伍德兰公园高中. The “flip” comes from reversing the traditional teaching paradigm where students attend lectures in person then do most of their assignment activities as homework, 他们自己. 翻转课堂, the 信息al component from the lecture is the homework, 课堂时间专门用于练习和作业.

Professors Michael Palanski and 厘金Simon-Romero both teach at the 罗切斯特理工学院 (RIT), where faculty across a number of disciplines have begun adopting the flipped classroom into their courses with the support of the university’s Teaching & 学习工作室. 两位老师在去年秋天翻转了他们的班级. 事情是这样的.


两年前, 迈克尔Palanski (left) was at a teaching conference for his home field of organizational behavior. He had heard about the model in high school science classes, 但在商业等大学学科中则不然. 然而, 一位主持人谈到翻转他的市场营销课程, 也就是“更像我做的事?,帕兰斯基说. “这让我觉得这是我想尝试的事情.”

The following spring Palanski joined a community of practice with other RIT faculty across a variety of disciplines, 从工程学和生物学到文科. “We got together every week to talk about flipped classrooms,” he explains. “We shared resources, and it was enough to give me a kick in the pants to give it a shot.”

For his leadership class in the Saunders College of Business at RIT, Palanski recorded a short video lesson each week using his office computer with a webcam and a screen capture application.

In the videos, “I don’t go through the content that’s in the reading,” he explains. 相反,“我将快速回顾一下。. It’s more of me saying what’s important, what’s not so important, and what you need to know. It’s more of my commentary on what they’re reading than a lecture-captured class.”

Then students are given a short online quiz to be completed before class. The quizzes are intended to check students’ recall and give them incentive to complete their assignments. “They’re not hard if you’ve done the readings and watched the video,帕兰斯基说.

他在第一次班会上就得到了好处. 通常, that day tends to be consumed by covering course requirements and administrative errata such as attendance policies. 而不是这个, Palanski说, “我制作了一个视频来复习教学大纲,所以学生们在上课前都做好了准备.

在课堂上,“我把他们分成小组, 给他们大张的纸, and asked them to come up with their own definitions of leadership.”

On the last day of class, he had the students do the same exercise. 后来,他拿出了第一天的床单. “I put them up side by side and everyone could see that those definitions [from the last day] are much more nuanced and complex than day one.”

In other classes, “We spent a lot of time mind-mapping in groups, with paper and marker.” In the field of leadership, he explains, “There’s a number of basic approaches and philosophies. The trait approach says that some people are naturally good at communicating or speaking.” Another approach says that leadership “is about your behavior, 专注于完成任务或如何与人合作.”

In a mind-mapping exercise, Palanski asks his students, “How do these things relate to one another?” Students can then spend a half-hour in class brainstorming about these ideas, 将它们连接在一起, ,而不是单独处理每个概念.”

He says, “Sure, you could do [exercises] in a traditional classroom, but not as wide of a variety.”


作为一个数学家, 厘金Simon-Romero (left) says that he had given a lot of consideration to teaching methods since college. He says instruction has been an important topic in the field since the Moore method, 以数学家罗伯特·李·摩尔命名, 流行于20世纪20年代. That method replaces lectures with having students leading each other in completing proofs in class. 这和翻转课堂没什么不同.

“I was attracted to these ideas of making learning mathematics more constructive, 而不是学生被动,罗梅罗说.

他在RIT教授多元微积分. 罗梅罗说:“我喜欢教它. 但我发现自己一遍又一遍地教同样的东西, 机械地重复我的解释. I realized that students could be watching it 他们自己 time and not waste class time on that.” Then, in class, “We could talk about how to apply things to a particular question. I realized that what I was thinking about is a flipped classroom.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

When the 生产商 Becomes the Student: Creating Classroom Video

Recording video lectures is a challenge for even the best professors, 因为他们没有得到实时反馈. 制作人需要介入并填补这一角色.

The Problem With Flipped Classrooms: Teachers Shoot Lousy Video

Educators are recording video lectures for students to watch outside of class, 但它们通常质量很差. 以下是一些值得一看的讲座的简单修复方法.

Flipped Classroom Model Taking Off, Thanks to Online Video

A new report from Sonic Foundry and the Center for Digital Education shows instructor and student benefits from a video-driven flipped classroom approach to learning